How to connect PVC pipes

October 16. Repair and construction work Views 3333. 1 comment to record how to connect PVC pipes

Plastic pipes are excellent building materials used for installation of the sewer and plumbing system. It is distinguished by a long service life, low weight, ease of installation, low cost and not exposure to corrosion.


How to connect plastic pipes


Connect plastic pipes with each other and with other equipment can be in different ways. It does not require special efforts and a large amount of time.

Basic methods for connecting plastic pipes

1. With the help of fittings.

Apply if it is necessary to create a branching of the system or connect pipes made from different material.

2. Using soldering.

This process is carried out using a special soldering device or an iron. So the ends of the pipes are heated, which are then pressed to each other. As a result, a high-quality monolithic connection is formed.

3. Combined method.

It is used if you need to create a super reliable connection.

How to connect plastic pipes


Polyfusted welding: work course


Preparatory stage

1. Before connecting PVC pipes, you need to prepare a tool:

  • roulette;
  • marker;
  • contact thermometer;
  • cutter or mill for metal;
  • machine for polyfusal welding with nozzles;
  • alcohol;
  • a piece of x / b fabric;
  • crew pipeline device.

2. Further, you should check the building material for the presence of defects, as well as to control the threads and the functionality of the closing parts.

3. Clean and degrease the welding fittings and parts. We put on the mandrel fittings and check their dense fixation.

4. Then with the help of screws tightly securely to the welding machine heating nozzles. We set the temperature 250-270 ° and turn on the equipment to the network.

Main works:

1. We make measurements and cut off the pipe of the desired parameters.

2. The edges of the material we clean the sharp knife from burrs. In the event that the pipes with an aluminum layer are used, we eliminate the average aluminum and upper plastic layer for the length of the entrance to the fitting clutch. Next, we act with it just like with a solid plastic.

3. Remove the facial with a knife, namely we put the outer edge of the pipe at an angle of 30-45 ° on the side that is designed for heating.

4. If the thick pipes are welded (from 4 cm in diameter), it is important to control their ovality. Clean the oxidized layer to 0.1 mm at the length of the connection.

5. We note on the pipe to the length of the connection with the fitting, focusing on the depth of its coupling. Also consider that the end of the building materials should not be inserted until it stops, so leave the slot of 1 mm wide.

6. We indicate the connection area on the pipe and fitting - this will avoid the turns of the product relative to the latter.

7. Clean and degrease the surface for welding. Go to the heating process.

8. On the heated nozzle of the welding device, we put the fitting, which has thicker walls relative to the pipe. We check that it lies evenly to it.

9. On the heated nozzle of the equipment we wear a pipe and control the density of their contact.

10. Thermal heating process follows.

11. Then remove the pipe and fitting from the nozzle, fix them with uniform movement, planting the first on the second to the entire depth to the mark.

12. Fresh seams connect within 20-30 seconds to its full cooling.

Recommendations on how to connect two pipes of different diameter:

  • pipe diameters up to 4 cm are connected using manual welding;
  • pipes with a diameter of 5 cm are fixed with special welding with strict compliance with alignment and defined pressure.

Method of the bell compound of plastic pipes


Works on the connection of PVC pipes in this method occur as follows:

1. Initially, it is necessary to clean the outer surface from the edge of the pipe, which is subject to the connection.

2. Then it is necessary to remove pollution from the inside of the socket.

3. Next compact the connection using the rubber ring inserted into the grab groove.

4. With the help of glycerin, we lubricate the end of the pipe having a chamfer.

5. Insert the pipe with a fool.

6. Check the connection. So free rotation of the elements relative to the longitudinal axis says that the rubber ring is in its place.

How to connect hard tubes from plastic



1. Clean the end of the pipe.

2. Remove the storage files and create a chamfer on the outer edge.

3. Check how the pipe is inserted into the valve. If it is too easy and free, then the high-quality connection will not work. If tight, then all glue can be removed.

4. Insert the pipe into the fitting and mark the correct position with the marker.

5. Disconnect the items.

6. We apply to the surface of the material for gluing. We are waiting for 15 seconds.

7. Insert the pipe into the fitting, aligning the label. In the bonding area there should be a rim of excess glue.

8. We are waiting for the hardening of the composition of 4-5 minutes.


  • in the finished system, water should not be supplied at least 1 hour;
  • do not glue at air temperature less than 4.5 ° C;
  • if the street is less than + 10 ° С, then you need to wait more than 4 minutes;
  • optimal temperature for gluing + 21 ° C.

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One answer to how to connect PVC pipes

  1. Yuri.:

    You write about PP pipes, and the headline about PVC

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