How to dig a well with your own hands

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Despite the fact that the water pipes are present in almost any location, does not decrease in private construction interest in the well. Especially relevant to the arrangement of country sites.

When better dig a well?


The first thing to determine the seasonal time is most suitable for creating a well. From the correctness of the solution depends the stability of further operation and the fullness of the well.

Important! Note that, digging the well at an inappropriate time, you risk remain without water, since the height level inside the system will be insufficient for use.


Recommended digging period:

  • The end of winter is the beginning of spring (maximum March). Given the nuances of our climate, we call the time preceding the melting of snow.
  • End of summer. Before the start of the rainy season.

Important! During this period, the level of the horizon of the water flow is the most deep, which will make it possible to make the right depth measurements.

Olympus Digital Camera.

How to dig a well in the country?

In addition to the seasonality criterion, consider the availability of your free time. All work on the arrangement of the well must be performed successively at one time, without long intervals. Therefore, before proceeding with the process, make sure that during this period, more important construction events or urgent affairs will follow.

Important! The rational decision will be the formation of the well during the vacation.


How to determine where to dig a well?

When choosing a well location, pay attention to several conditions:

  • Availability of similar constructions for neighbors
  • The proximity of the zone of increased pollution of the soil
  • Surface relief
  • Designing the territory adjacent to the house.


Having wells for neighbors

This observation will help you make sure in acceptable hydrogeological conditions. Simply put, in the fact that at an affordable depth of earth, on the territory of your home, underground water, suitable for use.


The proximity of the zone of increased pollution of the soil

When solving the question where to dig a well, pay attention to the presence of a swampy surface, it is categorically not acceptable. Cesspool and garbage pits, hozblock, wastewater plums should also be located far from the place of the intended placement of the water source, the minimum distance is 50m.

Olympus Digital Camera.

Surface relief

It is recommended to install a well on a small elevation. But, take into account, choosing a very high hill, it can be unsuitable for digging the well manually. Therefore, a more suitable option will be a small embankment.


Designing a territory near the house

In this regard, take into account personal preferences and practicality, the location of garden and garden sites requiring watering. The well should not be in close proximity to them (at least 5m to the building and at least 10m to planted territories). Calculate the most comfortable place to supply water in all required directions.


Important! After we took into account all the above recommendations and chose the exact location, make pre-drilling with a manual or portable drilling rig, to make sure the aquifer layer. This technique will help significantly reduce the time and strength during the search for suitable. In order to avoid excessive costs, take the equipment for rent.


How to dig a well yourself?

The whole process, despite the visible complexity, is quite simple, but will require mandatory compliance with some conditions:

  • The presence of free time, which has already been mentioned above
  • Minimum 3 people for whom exercise are expensive.

Important! Note that it is not unable to dig a well under the water under the water, so be sure to enlist the support for this work.


What to pay attention to the digging process?

Considering the composition of the soil and the peculiarities of the propagation of chemicals in the process of digging a deep pit, be sure to pay attention to its physical condition, being inside the well. If there is an insufficient amount of air, a fainted state, suffocation, immediately go to the surface. These ailments are an indicator that a significant amount of gas has accumulated inside, which needs to be removed before further work.


What depth should be a well?

Solving how to dig a well, consider the standard depth parameters - 10-15 meters. Be sure to stick to this level when calculating the design.


Note that the location of groundwater (more than 20m) will be entrusted hereinafter:

  • communication problems
  • his premature destruction
  • limit the possibilities of repair if necessary.

Insufficient depth (up to 10m) will affect water quality due to:

  • absorption into the upper layers of the soil of various harmful substances from the outside
  • mixing with rainwater
  • impurities of other soil, fertilizers, other chemicals brought by flood waters.


Materials applicable to the arrangement of the well

For the decoration of the well use several types of material:

  • reinforced concrete rings
  • wooden bars
  • brick
  • bound stone
  • steel fittings, concrete mix.

When solving, how to dig a well with your own hands, give your preference to the simplest, strong and accessible method - the use of ready-made concrete rings.


Which technology to use when building a well?

For the digging of an underground water source using concrete rings 2 technologies are applicable:

  • simultaneous digging of the mine and setting the rings
  • installing the rings in the finished mine.

Important! Select the most convenient way to install yourself, based on the more suitable instruction conditions.


What affects the water level in the well?


The main reason for different water levels in wells - soil:

  • In sandy, loose soils - this indicator does not exceed 1.5m.
  • In clay, solid soils - varies from 1 to 3 meters.

Filling speed is higher in the specified soil of the first type.


Equipment and materials needed for roaring well

To fulfill all works, prepare the following equipment, materials and object items:

  • manual or portable drill to determine the place
  • shovels (short and long stalk)
  • scrap
  • buckets
  • rope for raising from mine buckets with land
  • rope for insurance
  • automatic pump for pumping water from mine
  • stepder for comfortable lifting from mine
  • protective helmet
  • tarpaulin raincoat
  • rubber boots
  • large stones for decoration of the bottom of the well
  • crushed
  • sand
  • reinforced concrete rings with diameter 1m
  • cord plumb
  • vacuum cleaner or inexpensive canorior.


How to dig a well with rings?

Carefully read the instructions below:

  1. Prepare all the necessary materials and equipment.
  2. Rings place not far from the place of the future well. kOLODEC-STROITELSTVO-2
  3. Perform the marking of the territory.

    Important! The diameter of the dyed mine should exceed the diameter of the rings by 10-15 cm. This indicator depends on the thickness of the concrete rings.

  4. Drop the pit with a depth of 1m, a slightly larger ring diameter. s92112.
  5. To fulfill all initial work, use shovels with long cuttings.
  6. Install the first ring.

    Important! When choosing a rings, give preference to products with a small height. They will be needed more, but the installation process will be much easier, as the subsequent repair if necessary.

  7. Match the ring, press it in the soil as thick as possible. kolza_betonnie

    Important! In order to quickly, smoothly and easily set the ring on the right depth to jump on it from opposite sides together.

  8. Check the evenness of the vertical plumb with a cord.
  9. Then dig a well by hand.
  10. Dig ground inside the ring.
  11. Remove all the stones into the soil with a crowbar.

    Important! All the stones and the soil in buckets lift neatly along the wall, not on the head.

  12. Continue as long as the shaft height will not match the height of another ring.
  13. Set the following elements of reinforced concrete material.
  14. Put on your hard hat and rubber boots on the person who performs work in the mines.
  15. Secure digging with the help of the safety rope.
  16. Fit on the surface of the elementary winch device for convenient lifting buckets with the ground.
  17. Create a primitive ventilation inside the mine, for example, using cheap heater or a vacuum cleaner that is included in the blowing, to avoid damage to health and to ensure smooth operation.
  18. Perform consistently digging and setting the rings until the appearance of groundwater. 2

    Important! Control the slope of the mine, checking after the installation of each new ring with a plumb.

  19. Note that the appearance on the walls of small spring and cooling inside the mine is indicators of the approximation of the aquifer.
  20. Pump the water with the pump that appeared.
  21. Stop digging the mine when the water arrived is too fast.

    Important! The water level at the bottom of the digging should be within 0.5 m.

  22. Pump the arriving pump by pump.
  23. Carefully clean the bottom.
  24. Failure the surface below.
  25. Lay out the bottom of large stones.
  26. Fall off the crushed stone and sand to create natural water filtration during the well operation. kubovidnyy_na_sayt2.
  27. Wake into the joints of the rings in 4 locking pin with a diameter of 1.5 cm, 35-40 cm long.
  28. Look to the joints with cement from the inside or leave them without processing. DSC_1226_RESIZE_RESIZE.
  29. The protrusion of the upper rings Calculate from 1 meter. k1.
  30. Machine a dense polyethylene film around the upper 2 rings if the well is in the brunched ground. krishka-kolodca-5

    Important! This action will exclude the displacement of the rings during operation when changing weather conditions.

  31. Make water pumping during the day or use water for non-delivery, for example, watering for several days. cARE02.
  32. Cover the top concrete ring with a shield to prevent from entering any garbage.
  33. Create a clay castle with a height of 30-40 cm on the top ring to prevent water from entering and any contamination inside the well. kolod3.
  34. Getting to use after water becomes transparent and clean. voda.

    Important! In order to make sure of its quality acceptable for use, make an examination of the chemical composition.

  35. Install the canopy, gate and cable with a bucket in accordance with the selected design.
  36. A year after the start of operation (when the soil is completed), replace the clay castle with a concrete breakdown, which will become more efficient protection. otmostka-kolodca_1


Browse the applied video below to more clearly present the technology of the well.


As you have already been convinced, the process of creating a well is not particularly difficult, but requires time, physical forces and a clear compliance of the rules of instructions. During operation, regularly check the water quality and cleaning of the internal space as needed. Do not clogging and catching water.



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