Ceiling Tile: Characteristics, Types, Installation

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There are a lot of finishing materials on the market today. However, despite this, the tile does not lose its popularity for quite a long time. The fact is that it is considered relatively cheap. It boasts a huge assortment and a variety of invoices. The ceiling tile is not only an element of the decor, but also serves to hide surface irregularities. With its help, with proper use, you can visually increase the size of the room, and if desired, it is also to insulate it. What is the tile for the ceiling, as well as about the intricacies of its installation, let's next.

Advantages and disadvantages of tiled decoration

All the following features allow you to consider this material with an excellent option for self-facing.


  1. Possibility to paint in any color.
  2. Excellent fire resistance.
  3. Beautiful appearance.
  4. Resistance to high humidity.
  5. Easy and easy to care. You can clean from various contaminants, including fatty spots, with the help of detergents in which there are no aggressive components.
  6. Large selection of patterns and textures.
  7. Easy facing.
  8. When using ceiling tiles without difficulty, you can hide the irregularities and disadvantages of the ceiling.
  9. There is no negative impact on human health.
  10. Wide application. Tile is used to finish the surface of the ceilings in private houses, apartments and public places.
  11. Tile can be easily repaired or dismantled.
  12. Low price. This material is available for most.
  13. The ceiling, lined with tiles, has good thermal insulation and sound insulation.
  14. Almost any material can be used as the basis for sticking. Including concrete, plaster and wood.


  1. The material has a tendency to damage.
  2. Poor tolerates the temperature differences, because of which the tile is spacing.
  3. Bad breathability.

Tiles for the ceiling by the method of manufacture

Material for the manufacture of ceiling tiles can be different. The following are most often used:

  1. Wood.
  2. Plastic.
  3. Light metals.

Any type of tile for the ceiling to buy today will not be difficult.

Pressed ceiling tile


The most popular view of the ceiling tile is considered extruded ceiling ceramics. It is made by influencing the press on the blocks of polystyrene foam. As a result, the plate is obtained with a thickness of about 8 millimeters. This material is relatively cheap.

Of the shortcomings it is worth noting the following:

  1. Satisfactory pressing quality.
  2. It is often dirty (due to high looseness and porosity).
  3. It is difficult to remove pollution.
  4. Tile can not be washed.
  5. Reliability and fragility.
  6. It is impossible to get smooth edges when cutting.

Due to the existing flaws, this material for installation is recommended to be purchased with a margin.

Injection tiles for ceiling


Unlike pressed ceiling ceramics, it is much better material. With its production, the sintering technology is used, due to which beautiful products are obtained with smooth edges and clear patterns. The thickness of the material is from 9 to 14 millimeters. Thanks to such dimensions, with a competent approach to installation, the effect of seamless ceiling can be achieved.

From advantages It should be noted the following properties:

  1. Good keeps warm.
  2. Water resistance.
  3. Soundproofing.
  4. Wear resistance.
  5. Fire resistance.
  6. High characteristics of strength.

The disadvantages include the following:

  1. High cost, but this minus pays good quality.
  2. This material is made only white. True, if you need to change the color, you can paint it.

Extruded ceiling tile


This material is obtained by pressing the extruded polystyrene strip. Then it is placed by the film or paint. This technology allows you to get a perfectly smooth surface without grain and looseness. This is one of the types of tiles for the ceiling of foam.

The advantages of the material:

  1. You can easily clean from any contamination.
  2. Pretty flexible.
  3. Good pushes dust.
  4. It is able to withstand the deformation and recover after it.
  5. Does not miss moisture.
  6. Easily cutting.
  7. Rich gamma shades.


  1. This is the most expensive material.
  2. It is not recommended to paint.

These are the pros and cons of polystyrene tiles for the ceiling.

Tiles for ceiling tiles


By type of surface distinguish the following types of tiles:

  1. Laminated.
  2. Seamless.
  3. Mirror.

Laminated tile type has a smooth and shiny surface. Such ceramics features high resistance to moisture and color preservation. The variety of this material allows you to choose products to almost any interior.

A seamless ceramic tile for the ceiling is good because, due to perfectly smooth edges, elements are well joking with each other. From the disadvantages of this material, it should be noted that it does not pass the air and disabrectly transfers the temperature differences. The latter can lead to its dug from the surface.

Mirrored surface type like a beautiful appearance. This tile is made of plastic, the front side of which is sampled with a special reflective material. The mirror tile for the ceiling in shape can be both rectangular and square. This material is used to visually increase the size of the room.

How to choose a ceiling tile


Before performing work on the ceiling cladding, you need to choose the tile correctly.


  1. For example, it should be carefully examined by its texture and shape that should be without any deviations. Otherwise, it is considered unsuitable for installation. When laying between the crooked parts of the tile can form quite large gaps. Because of what, in turn, the appearance of the surface will suffer.
  2. The edges of the sheets of tiles must be without chipping and other flaws. Without it, it will not work smoothly to dock them. The surface should be smooth, i.e. Without depression and influx. If such defects are available, this suggests that in the manufacturing process, errors in production technology were made.
  3. If you keep high-quality tiles horizontally in one corner, it does not break and never bend. This suggests that it has good strength. If the material "behaves differently", it should not be purchased.
  4. On the inside of the high-quality product should not be visible enclosures and voids.
  5. When choosing polystyrene foam ceramics, the material must be checked for strength. He should not paint and crumble. At the same time, its grainy should be shallow and uniform.
  6. On the quality of the tile can be judged by the appearance of the drawing. It should not be any chances and dents. You also need to know that each type of tile has its own way of laying.

Before buying a material, you should correctly calculate how much it will be required to perform work. It depends on the type of product. For example, when buying a tile seamless for the ceiling, it is recommended to check, considering the following:

  1. One package of ceramics in size 50 by 50 millimeters can be covered with two square meters of the working surface.
  2. If the area is not a multiple width of one tile, it is recommended to buy material with a margin.
  3. On the packaging of the tile of non-standard dimensions there is information on its area and sizes. Focus on purchasing these data.

In addition to the tile, you will also need a plinth, which will help hide the ugly places of the ceiling adjuncing places to the wall.

How to choose the glue for tile

Girl Glues Ceiling Tile

Choose glue is very important. After all, the quality of the laying of the tile depends on it.

Types of material:

  1. One of the appropriate options is a water-based glue. It includes both natural and artificial components. This mixture is quite environmentally friendly. However, consider if you use such glue and do not process the ceiling by antibacterial substances when weeping the tiles, bacteria that are harmful to man can appear under it.
  2. Melted glue is also quite popular. It is well suited for sticking ceilings in kitchen rooms. When using this type of glue, mount the tile is needed at high temperatures.
  3. A comfortable material for attaching tiles on the ceiling is considered a compound glue, but it has one significant drawback - a high price.

Gunning ceiling tiles, as it should be clear, it is a simple operation, but that the result is good, you need to consider all the nuances.

Installation tiles for ceiling


Required materials and tools

For the installation of tiles, the following materials and tools will be needed:

  1. Twine.
  2. Special glue.
  3. 2 cloths for surface treatment.
  4. Brushes for applying glue.
  5. Stationery knife for cutting material.
  6. Pencil.
  7. Rule or roulette.
  8. Ladder.
  9. Special gun for applying glue.

Preliminary work

  1. Before assembly, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory activities, namely, from the ceiling you need to remove all the lighting devices, carefully insulate the available wires. The working surface should be released from any types of finishing materials and project to several layers.
  2. In addition, it is necessary to properly prepare ceramics. A few hours before the start of the work, the material must be obtained from the package and folded in the room where the installation will be carried out.
  3. Usually used one of several laying schemes. So, pre-on the ceiling is recommended to apply the lines that will serve as a benchmark for mounting tiles. The material is usually fixed from the center, leaving gradually to the side.
  4. Glue for seamless ceramics should be applied in such a way that the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe product is not lubricated. You need to place one drop in tile corners and one drop in the center. The most convenient to apply the composition by extrusion from the tube. Some types of glue before gluing to the ceiling take some time to withstand on the surface of the material. This prepared work can be considered complete.

How to install tiles for ceiling

Plastic ceiling tile: photo


  1. In the process of installation, the glue is applied in turn for each tile. Then the material is attached to the ceiling. At the same time, it is important that the plate is aligned according to the previous markup lines.
  2. Then the tile slightly presses to the surface of the ceiling. It needs to be done very carefully. The fact is that with a strong press, it can break or deform.
  3. Subsequent products are fine. For this, after applying the adhesive, they are maximally pressed to each other. If glue gets out between tiles, then it needs to be eliminated using a rag. It should be known that if the glue is dried, then it can be removed from the ceiling only with the tile.
  4. Processing of protruding joints must be carried out by using a special white sealant on the acrylic base. If you apply the basis on silicone, it may appear ugly yellowness, and this is extremely undesirable on a white ceiling.

Mirror tile installation subtlety for ceiling

The mirror tile can be made of various materials. Therefore, its installation is somewhat different. So, for mounting polystyrene mirror ceramics requires a stock of glue. It can be any of the universal series. The use of PVA is allowed. The fact is that the process of laying such a tile is reduced to a simple gluing material to the surface of the ceiling.

Sticker of glass mirror plates requires certain preparatory work. So, the working surface must be cleaned from the thick layers of plaster, primer and bliss. If the mirror material is installed in the bathroom or in the kitchen, the ceiling is desirable to handle the antiseptic composition to protect it from the appearance of mold and fungus. If there are potholes, chips and other defects on the surface, then they need to be aligned with a plaster putty, after which it is again projected.

After preparatory work, you can start laying. Here it is necessary to take into account whether the room has the right geometric dimensions without construction messengers. If so, then the tile begins to glue directly from the angle. If there are deviations in the form of a room, the first mirror ceramics should be fixed in the center of the room.

Ceiling Tile: Photo


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