Polymer pipes. Description, advantages and types

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The construction market of an ordinary consumer has long been unique goods - pipes from polymeric materials. They pushed out metal analogs, now steel, cast iron and copper products are used mainly in enterprises. Household and utility pipelines are increasingly equipped with polymers.

Classification of polymer pipes


Manufacturers make polymer pipes from various plastics, produced in the process:

  • pVC products are pipes from polyvinyl chloride, thanks to the characteristics of the material, the products are characterized by hardness and ring rigidity. They are used in non-pressure systems, such as sewage and drain. There is a high-profile series of SN16 nomenclature, which is used in the construction of underground communications. Such pipes are withstanding a large load, they are allowed to lower 10-12 m. In addition, PVC pressure pipes designed to work with a maximum pressure of 16 bar are manufactured. At the same time, both types of products are calculated at temperatures up to 45 ° C;
  • polyethylene pipes (re) are designed to work at high temperatures, they are used in the installation of an underground gasket at a depth of 16 m. Directly polyethylene has elasticity, so it can be used as a liner or shell. This explains the popularity of pipes with polymer coating;
  • products from propylene (PP) are actively used in the arrangement of hot water supply and ordinary pipelines. The material is characterized by ring rigidity and withstands high temperatures, therefore it is considered an ideal option for the manufacture of pipes;
  • metalplastic (PEX-AL-PE) is the leader in the construction market in retail. An ordinary consumer often chooses this offer to repair a house or apartment. Pipes consist of a liner (cross-linked polyethylene), reinforcing gasket (aluminum foil) and plastic shell.

All metal polymer pipes are released according to current regulatory documents, marking is present on products. It assumes the designation of the manufacturer and the parameters of the pipe itself (diameter and wall thickness or their ratio). Some plants include labeling regulatory information and scope in accordance with admissible pressure and temperature testimony.

Regulatory requirements for polymer pipes


According to the scant, dimensions are distinguished:

  • in polyvinyl chloride pipes, the diameter varies from 10 to 315 mm. When laying the sewage to the scenes are considered for internal lines 50 and 110 mm, external - 160 mm;
  • polyethylene pipes are made with a diameter of 10-1600 mm. The customer tube can be supplied in bays or segments, the maximum measuring length is 24 m. In the bays there is up to 500 m pipes in size up to 1800 mm;
  • polypropylene pipes have a diameter of 10-1600 mm, while the maximum length of the product is 24 m.

Benefits of polymer pipes


Polymer pipes were widespread due to their advantages, the main:

  • high throughput with a smaller working diameter, respectively compact installation of systems. This is achieved through a smooth surface, while hydraulic losses will be insignificant in comparison with metal pipelines;
  • anticorrosion resistance than the long service life is explained. Therefore, they are often used in the arrangement of hidden communications, reinforced polymer pipes can be laid under the layer of screed or plaster;
  • in contrast to steel products, the analog is not subject to the process of saline. This affects the ease of care and the duration of operation;
  • all products, including hot water pipes, have high ecology. The material complies with sanitary standards and hygiene requirements. Therefore, even after decades, the quality of the water supply is not reduced;
  • the low cost of installation work is achieved due to the characteristics of the material. Polymer pipes have elasticity and low weight, therefore it does not require attraction of specialized equipment and qualified specialists. For cutting use a conventional hacksaw or a small cutter. The process of installing pipelines passes at the object quickly and without problems. It does not require workpieces, use standard fixtures and connecting elements. Installation should be carried out in compliance with the technical conditions, only this is achieved by the reliability of the pipeline;
  • buy polymer pipes are much simpler, their cost in comparison with metal products is below. On average, savings are 15%, but if you consider further painting of metal communications, the percentage increases to 20-25%.

The use of polymer pipes


The scope of this product is quite wide, it is used in the design of water supply and sewage, heating systems and warm floors. When choosing polymer pipes, the average temperature of the fluid and the calculated pressure are taken into account, which is precisely these values \u200b\u200blimit the use of a separate type.

For cold water supply with indicators up to +40 Fahrenheit, a common inexpensive pipe is suitable. If the temperature will reach +180 Fahrenheit, then a multilayer polymer pipe is used (reinforced metal-plastic products have an aluminum insertion). It is it that ensures the integrity of the product with severe heating. In consumer life, polymers are used when repairing the bathroom and kitchen, they guarantee comfort for a long time. Some manufacturers indicate the service life of 50 years.

How to choose a pipe polipropilen_2-1024x682.

There is a mass of proposals from different companies on the market, while the cost of products can differ significantly. The price for the pattern meter varies from 1 to 8 cu, but it does not always affect the quality. The cheapest materials are offered by Turkish companies, the German and Italian trademarks are noted from expensive representatives.

As for the composition, the pipes from polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene are more common options. This is explained by the simplicity of manufacturing technology and excellent material characteristics.

In order to purchase reliable products, you need to watch the pipe in the section. High-quality material has the same wall thickness throughout the diameter and perfectly round shape. In this case, there are no various influx or roughness. High-quality polypropylene tubes are connected to fittings only when heated, in the cold state, they should not enter each other.

Fastening elements


Installation of PVC pipes can be carried out in various ways:

  • without crop, which implies a glue compound or installation with a seal. It uses fuse-free couplings;
  • with a deck under glue compound either with a sealing ring. In the first embodiment, the ends of the pipes are fixed in the squabble with an adhesive composition. The sealing ring is acceptable for pipes with fuse-free thickening on the ends, they have a groove under the seal.

Products made of polypropylene and polyethylene are mounted in three ways:

  • cold welding, then the front ends are covered with glue and insert into the coupling. This compound is suitable for arranging lines from PP and RE with a pressure of up to 16 bar;
  • pressure welding, which involves heating the elements of the connection to 175̊ C. With this melting point, the PR and RR polymers softened, the pipe is inserted into the fitting. In the technological process, a welding soldering iron is used, so that the compound can withstand pressure up to 25 bar;
  • for pipelines with a pressure of 40 bar use crimp nuts or press sleeves. In the process of laying, the pipe end is put on the nipple nipple, fix the compound with a crimp nut or a deformable sleeve.

The price of polymer pipes available, the cost per 1 m can begin from 1 cu But for mounting requires fittings that increase costs from 30 to 100%. The installation of pipes in small volumes can be carried out independently, however, many people prefer specialists. This leads to a significant increase in the cost of the process, in practice the cost of the work is equal to the costs of materials.

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