Supply ventilation with your own hands

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If you have noticed that the windows in the house began to constantly fogging, a steady heavy smell appeared in the air, and every trip to the bathroom turns into a steam room, it's time to check the performance of the ventilation. If you leave everything as it is, sooner or later, wallpapers will cover stains on the walls, the black mold will appear in the corners and it is possible that mushrooms will grow somewhere under the bathroom. Unity with nature is fine, but not in your own apartment. To avoid similar troubles, you need to install a high-quality ventilation system. In this article, we will tell why natural ventilation does not always happen enough, as well as how to personally make a supply ventilation.

Device and principle of operation

Most residential buildings are built with a natural ventilation system carried out by means of small slots in door and window openings. In all the apartments of multi-storey houses you can see small windows in the kitchen or bathroom - through them the exhaust air leaves the room. Previously, such natural ventilation was enough, and no increasing humidity and speech went. With the advent of metal-plastic glass, the situation has changed. They, unlike old wooden windows, closes completely hermetically and do not let the air. It is not surprising that the kitchen windows became worse to cope with the task. There is another fact that over the years and decades of operation, ventilation mines in the houses were very clouded, and no one is engaged in their cleaning.


Many people think that this problem can be solved by conventional ventilating. In the summer, in fact, such a strategy can work, but in winter you hardly want to produce precious warmth. Oh neither twist, necessity and feasibility of installing the supply ventilation is obvious.

Effective air flow ensures a mechanical ventilation system. It works at the expense of special air intake fans. The air flow supplied by them creates an overpressure in the room and in the literal sense pushes the spent air into the ventilation window. Thus, you can fully use the natural ventilation in the apartment in the appointment, and the supply system serves its catalyst.


Many homegrown wizards allow the same error by installing the axial fan instead of an exhaust grille in the window in the kitchen or in the bathroom. As a result, the following is obtained: there are no fresh air, and the fans from the kitchen and the bathroom take turns violate the vents traction, pulling the air from the underpants. You get surrogate air ventilation, only it gives no clean air, but polluted, and in winter it is also cold. Due to the fact that it comes also indiscriminately, the influx may be stopped at all. But the most unpleasant thing is that the fans will download air from neighboring apartments with all its aromas - pleasant and not very.

So what happens? Supply ventilation must be installed in any buildings where people live or work. Natural ventilation will not work by itself. The most efficient flow of supply ventilation is the installation of a fully mechanized system, that is, with a forced inflow and exhaust. It is very useful if the air incoming from the street is heated by a special recuperator and passes the elementary cleaning. Then winter you will receive fresh warm air and save on heating.


Make your hands with your own hands, it's not so difficult if you figure out what it consists of:

  1. Air intake lattices - do not allow Musor, small rodents and insect to get into the air duct.
  2. Air filters - purify air from various mechanical impurities (dust, small sera). May have different sections and configuration.
  3. Valves - regulate the amount of air absorbed from the street, and also block the flow of cold streams in the event of a system malfunction.
  4. Fans - suck the air from the street and serve it into the air ducts.
  5. Noise absorbs - reduce the noise created during the operation of the equipment and passing the air masses through the channels.
  6. Heaters - heated cold air from the street to a comfortable temperature.
  7. Channels or air ducts are elements that combine all the above parts into a single system.
  8. Automation - devices for monitoring the operation of each component system, as well as to synchronize work as a whole.
  9. Monoblocks are special cortices that combine different groups of instruments. Connecting the air duct or channel to the monoblock, you get air flow with the set temperature, cleanliness and intensity parameters.
    -mat set

Often, when creating forced supply ventilation, equipment use equipment to stabilize the pressure and distribution of air flows throughout the house.

Supply ventilation in the apartment

If you decide to install warm and durable double-glazed windows in the apartment, saying goodbye forever with old wooden frames, you should immediately take care of ventilation. Dense rubber gaskets on the outer and inside of the window provide complete tightness. On the one hand, this is fine - no draft will be passed inside, but if we consider such windows from the point of view of ventilation, some shortcomings are immediately visible.

Important: Must warn that if you do ventilation in the following way, the warranty on metal-plastic windows will be invalid, so work carefully.

Supply ventilation equipment in the apartment:

  1. Open the window sash and find two rubber seals - they pass over the entire contour of the window frame from the inside.
  2. At the bottom of the outdoor seal in the center, it's gently cut down a stretch of 3-5 cm. To make it gently, slightly cut the rubber on both sides of the segment by the stationery knife, and then carefully remove it. Do not throw away this piece of rubber - it can be supplied back if necessary.
  3. Now remove the similar seal seal, but from the top of the window frame.

Here, in fact, all the work. As a result of these simple manipulations, the air will penetrate into the gap between the frame and the window box through the lower slot in the seal. There he will warm up, it will rise up, according to the law of physics, and penetrates the apartment through the gap at the top of the frame. Such a primitive system will allow you to "run" exhaust mines in the apartment.

In this video, the creation of such elementary supply ventilation is clearly demonstrated:

You can make an inflowing ventilation system and differently. To do this, you will need to buy a trim valve and cut it into the window structure. The principle of operation of the supply valve is similar to that described above. It is necessary to cut it from the inside into the top of the window profile. Outside, at the bottom of the frame, you need to make a groove and attach a visor over it so that it rains, snow and garbage will not fall inside. Detailed instructions for installing the supply valve, as a rule, is available in the documentation attached to it.


However, the methods described here are completely imperfect and have certain disadvantages:

  1. Penetration into the house of air is chaotic and can occur from the usual impulse of the wind.
  2. The air flows do not have time to heat up during the passage of the path from the inlet until the exit to the apartment, so it will be cool in winter near the window.
  3. Such systems do not provide for the installation of filters, and therefore, along with air, exhaust gases and dust from the street will fall into the house.

Use of mechanisms

To ensure the competent device of the ventilation system in the apartment, you need to use local intake units. The simplest of them is a setup equipped with an axial fan that cleans the filter and an electric air heater. The choice of productivity of the supply unit is determined by air flow. It follows from this that before going to the store it is necessary to make calculation.

If the exhaust fans are not installed in your apartment, then the calculation is made according to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The living room, halls and bedrooms require a complete replacement of air once an hour. This value is called the multiplicity of the air exchange. Suppose a room with a length of 4 m, 3 m wide and with the ceilings 2.7 m has a volume of 32.4 m³ and you need to pump as much air per hour. For the kitchen, the multiplicity of air exchange will be higher, because here the use of air is carried out faster. Thus, depending on the number of burners, the daridity of the air exchange in the kitchen can vary from 1.5 to 2. In the joint bathroom on the toilet, there are 50 m³ / h, and the air flow is 25 m³ / h.

Support installations of local destination can be swallowed onto the wall or embed into it. In both cases, you will need to make a hole in the outer wall of the room with a drill with an annular drill. The dimensions of this hole determines the type of supply device and its performance. The installation site of the supply ventilation can be chosen arbitrarily, but it is better to put the unit at a level not higher than 1.5 m from the floor surface. If you have chosen the installation that you need to embed it into the wall, place it closer to the window so that it was more convenient to replace the filter element, since this work is carried out outside.

Supply ventilation in the house

To organize the supply ventilation in a private house, you can use all the methods listed above. The exception is only large cottages or houses with boiler heating - the boiler takes the air from the room to maintain combustion. In such buildings, the air flow is much more than in the apartment, so local attitudes will not be enough. In this case, it is necessary to calculate and put the ventilation installation of the appropriate power, which will be able to serve fresh air to all rooms and all floors. For these purposes, stationary systems use.


There are many schemes and options for installing air exchange equipment. The easiest way provides for the installation of air ventilation in the hallway or lobby. These premises communicate with most rooms, so clean air will be freely spread throughout the house. The calculation of the air exchange can be performed by the already described method, however, it is necessary to add oxygen consumption to the resulting digit, which goes to the operation of the boiler. If the exhaust fans are installed in your house, the calculation must take into account the values \u200b\u200bof their performance.

Folding all the data, you can go for the equipment. There are two options: buy all the details (fans, heaters, filters and automation) separately, and then collect the system in a separate room, or order a ready-made installation immediately. In the latter case, you will need only to attach it to the place and bring the air ducts. Such a system looks like a compact and insulated monoblock, which places all the necessary equipment for air conditioning. Convenience lies in his mobility - you can hang it to the ceiling, where it will not interfere, hide into a plasterboard box or a niche or at all, put the outside. The cost of such a supply ventilation, of course, is higher, however it saves free space in the house and does not require any professional installation skills. Usually, for finished ventilation systems, a separate room is removed (storage room) or part of the technical room where the boiler is.

In order to correctly organize an air exchange in a large private house, you must compile a detailed project of the supply ventilation. Make this work itself will be quite problematic, so it is better to hire specialists. But with installing equipment you can easily handle alone, and at this moment you will save. For small houses and apartments, there will be quite natural or elementary forced adhesive ventilation.

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