Wooden doors painting technology

August 18. Repair and construction work Views 3855 Comments to record technology painting wooden doors No

In most houses and apartments built in Soviet times, wooden doors are installed from a strong blade and box. In those years, the tree was the cheapest material in construction. Even valuable woods were used for the manufacture of doors.

For many years, housing owners have updated the doors by staining them. For this reason, the doors have an unavailable appearance. But do not change them. In the current conditions, the interior doors will not be much difficult to renovate. Today we will tell about the technology of painting wooden doors using modern paintwork products.
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A variety of paints and varnishes

Tree is a natural material. It "breathes" and absorbs moisture. Under the influence of sunlight and temperature drops, the tree darkens and changes its shape and sizes. To prevent these phenomena as much as possible, close attention is paid to the choice of high-quality materials for painting wooden doors.

The paintwork market is represented by a wide range of products with a variety of color palette and protective characteristics. Paintwork materials are classified depending on:

  1. Product type:
  • paints;
  • varnishes;
  • impregnations (film-forming materials and non-forming films, verses).

2. Chemical components included in their composition:

  • on an organic basis;
  • water based.

3. Use areas:

  • for outdoor work;
  • for internal works;
  • for both types of work: external and internal.

4. Sustainability:

  • mechanical loads;
  • temperature differences;
  • high humidity;
  • chemical components.

Also, materials for staining doors can be:

  • opaque enamels and paints (acrylic, alkyd, oily, polyurethane products);
  • transparent coatings (oil impregnations, glaze and varnishes).

From what material will be used, the price of painting wooden doors directly depends.

It should be noted immediately to note that it is forbidden to use nitrolacics, which are characterized by increased toxicity. Among the variety of paints and varnishes the most optimal options for painting wooden doors are:

  • dye for wood "WOOD DYE" (RUSTINS);
  • paints "Remontti-Assa" (Tikkurila) and Sadolin Master Lux Aqua.

The dye "WOOD DYE" has 11 wood shades. This makes it possible to obtain the required color when mixing shades. This material:

  • easily applied to the surface;
  • does not form a large grain;
  • dries quickly;
  • during operation, it does not become dark;
  • it is characterized by excellent impregnating and moisture-resistant qualities.


Paintwork materials "Remontti-Assa" (Tikkurila) and Sadolin Master Lux Aqua are characterized by:

  • lack of smell;
  • good elasticity;
  • a minimum drying period;
  • increased resistance to temperature differences and sharp changes in air humidity.

Painting with your own hands of wooden doors implies the implementation of such consecutive actions:

  • preparation of the canvas;
  • applying the primer;
  • surface grinding;
  • applying paintwork;
  • drying doors.

Preparatory work

At this stage, the door is removed from the loops and is released from locks and handles. Wooden doors under painting are stacked on a smooth and suitable table. It is not recommended to engage in the door in a vertical position. This is fraught with paint flux. Yes, and a box with platbands will be difficult to paint.

Preparation of the doorway to paint consists of the following steps:

  • removal of old coating;
  • door treatment with skins;
  • closeing of defects with putty;
  • the final grinding of the canvas.

Mixtures are used to remove old paints, which include various organic solvents. The mixture is applied very abundantly. Old coating should swell. The softened coating is scattered using a metal spatula.

After drying the canvas, the removal of the residues of the old paint is made by a grinding eye. If you do not plan to change locks and handles, then the holes in which they are located, it is necessary to close with rags.

To eliminate various defects (scratches, chips, fine holes), the door leaf is processed with putty. Material application is carried out by several subtle layers. So putty will hardly harden. Yes, and the adhesion between the layers will be better to the ground.


After drying the putty, the wooden door is polished using fine-grained skins. Must work perfectly smooth surface. If the defects could not be eliminated, the splock can be reused.

Nuances painting wooden doors

Painting can be carried out in one of two ways:

  • with brushes and rollers;
  • with the use of collapse.

Tassel is used to dye relief patterns, roller - flat surface. After applying the paintwork material, the tassel should be used by a gauze tampon. It is achieved by a uniform distribution of paint throughout the canvase. The lack of the first method is the high time.

Painting of wooden doors with a paintopult will take the minimum amount of time. Yes, and paint will fall smoothly. But the use of the sprayer requires compliance with the maximum accuracy. Door accessories should not be covered with paint. To get a quality result, the paintopult will have to do 2-3 clips.

Before proceeding to staining the canvas, it must be treated with the primer. It is purchased, based on the type of paintwork. For applying primer on the door leaf, a brush or roller is used.


You should use various brushes:

  • with a wide fluster - for staining doors;
  • small - to cover the paint of platbands, door frame and panels.

Tassel is best to apply alkyd compositions and primers that are diluted with water. When finishing doors, it is impossible to allow drills. Movement brush does not wear chaotic character, but directed in a given direction: or from left to right, or from top to bottom.

The use of roller provides uniform coating of the canvas with a primer mixture. When buying a tool, special attention is paid to its "fur coat". The foam rubber is suitable if a water-based primer is used. In other cases, the recommendations of manufacturers should be studied.

The application of primer is carried out on the surface of the canvas, platbands and boxes. After drying it, the web is checked to the touch. If there is a rough surface, the door is grouped fine-grained skin.

Finish coating is applied to the ground surface. In most cases, paint is used. It is carefully stirred and filtered. The latter procedure prevents how to enter the solid components on the surface being processed.

The working consistency of paint is brought by diluting with a solvent. The best way to check the optimal viscosity and readiness to paint is to apply a layer of paint to a piece of plywood sheet.

The entire surface is covered with a thin layer of paint and varnish material. After its drying, the presence of roughness, drowshes and other defects on the surface are checked. If they are available, they should be eliminated with the help of a skirt. After that, the second layer of paint is applied.

The technology of painting with lacquer of wooden doors is almost identical to the cavity of paint. The only difference is the coating of the canvas in some cases in three layers of varnish. Each subsequent layer is applied after drying the previous one.

Pretty in demand is the painting of the doors by the Morilka. The main purpose of this material is to change the color of wood with the preservation of its texture. It is applied a stroke of a layer to 0.5 mm.

To do this, use a wide brush or roller from velor. It is impossible to use a roller, which is designed for waterfront paint. This will be the cause of both uneven staining of the doors and overpowering the material.


The door is covered with two layers of veil. The first layer is created by diluted material. As a solvent, you can use conventional water. Many manufacturers of paint products produce a veil with a varnish content. In this case, the painting of wooden doors will be carried out similarly to their lacquer.

Video about painting wooden doors:

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