When arranging a flat roof, use predominantly soft materials for a piece or rolled type. It is this method that provides good sealing of roofing pie and the stability of the coating to the effects of various natural phenomena, due to which the period of operation is characterized by sufficient duration.
- Types of damage
- Methods of repair
- What consequences will cause late or incorrect repair?
- When to repair a flat roof?
- Materials and tools
- Sequence of work
- How to perform preparatory work?
- Repair of minor coating damage
- How to make the overhaul of a flat roof?
- Video
- How much is the repair of a flat roof?
- Flat roof destruction prevention measures
- Conclusion
However, regular prophylactic inspection and repair will certainly be required, as well as when using any other material. The frequency and type of restoration work is completely dependent on the quality of the selected coating originally. There are several common problems during the operation of a flat roof. The most frequently arising from them and ways to eliminate defects are set out in this article.
Types of damage
There are several types of damage damage, in which requires repair of a flat roof:
- swelling;
- the appearance of bubbles;
- full or partial burst of roofing pie;
- the occurrence of cracks on the surface;
- the appearance of funnels or recesses, in which the stagnation of water is formed after precipitation;
- germination of plants in the thickness of roofing cake;
- disposal of coating around chimney pipes.
Important! With timely discovery, the repair of a flat roof with their own hands will easily implement, and this cost does not require significant financial costs. When ignoring a regular prophylactic inspection, defects will gradually increase in size, causing internal manifestations. In this case, it will have to perform not only the restoration of the integrity of the roof covering, but also restore the interior.
Methods of repair
Depending on the area and the nature of the damage, two types of repairs are distinguished:
Technology correction defects
There are two main ways to repair a flat rolled roof and soft piece:
- pointing after heat treatment of the lining layer;
- blinding to cold mastic.
Important! Determine in advance for yourself a more appropriate option, given the scale of the area of \u200b\u200bdamage, their professional skills, financial capabilities, weather conditions, as well as the amount of time allotted to complete all works. Note that the film technology requires certain skills to work with the tool, but it will provide more sealed coating. The second option will require more physical effort, especially when restoring a large part of the canvas.
What consequences will cause late or incorrect repair?
In the absence of a prophylactic regular inspection and elimination of defects, as well as non-compliance with the technology of repairing a flat roof, adverse manifestations will arise in all parts of the design in the form of the following flaws:
- deformation of walls and overlaps, if the main building material used, for example, wood is not very resistant to moisture;
- the appearance of lines on decorative trim inside and outside the walls;
- reproduction of mold;
- the growth of moss;
- rotting and accelerated destruction of building materials in all parts of the building structure;
- changing the shade of plaster;
- detachment of decorative finishing materials;
- the emergence of intensive leaks;
- icing of walls and overlaps;
- the appearance of cracks in different parts of the building.
Important! All such negative manifestations in the end lead to a decrease in all the technical characteristics and the rapid destruction of the house.
When to repair a flat roof?
To avoid the need for large-scale recovery work, regularly perform the prophylactic inspection of the roof.
Important! It is recommended to hold such a procedure every season. With this approach, it is easy to detect and eliminate the resulting destruction of the roofing coating at the initial stage, which will significantly reduce the necessary costs. In addition, the repairs price of a flat roofing of a minor scale is significantly lower than the complete capital restoration of the roof.
Materials and tools
The number of materials and a set of tools varies depending on the upcoming volume of work, the specific nature of damage, as well as the selected recovery technology.
Below is a list of tools suitable for completion of capital restoration work:
- rolled bitumen roofing material;
- gas-burner;
- cement-sand screed;
- gas cylinder;
- capacities for the preparation of solutions;
- a roll for rolling material;
- knife for cutting roofing pie;
- roulette or any suitable measuring device for cutting material;
- mounting cutter;
- vacuum cleaner;
- spatulas;
- rollers;
- axe;
- broom;
- mastic asphalt;
- building a hairdryer;
- shovel;
- capacity for heating the mastic;
- protective clothing (thick pants, boots, gloves);
- mounting sealant;
- primer or bitumen emulsion.
Important! Select the tools that will be needed immediately to solve your problem, based on the expected volume.
What material to use for repair?
The choice of material is very easy to carry out, adhering to the following sequence:
- See a list of suitable options suggested below:
- Technoelast;
- Izoplast;
- Uniflex;
- roofing felt;
- Bireplast;
- Izoelasta;
- Stekloelast.
- Find the one that suits you, taking into account the cost of production and material compatibility with the previous version of the roof used in the regeneration.
Important! The second measure learn in a special table, which provides the consultant of any building shop. - When choosing the material, if necessary, replacement of the outer layer, give preference to the thickness of the protective flouring reaches 4.5-5 cm.
- To resolve problems in the inner layer of roofing pie, select the material density of up to 3.5 cm.
How to make an estimate?
To carry out minor repair small damages, the need for a preliminary calculation of costs is not relevant. But for the overhaul of the approach will be a rational decision. In this case, observe the following sequence:
- Perform the measurement area, which is scheduled for repairs.
- Make a list of all necessary supplies, given the depth of destruction roofing pie.
- Make a miscalculation quantity, focusing on the standard sizes of materials.
Important! If you want to upgrade the cement-sand screed, add in the estimated cost of the materials for the preparation of the solution. - Think about how to arrange them the most rational way to reduce consumption.
Important! If possible, try to use the old roofing coating as a lining carpet - you will reduce your costs and will ensure greater reliability of the design. - Add to the resulting result of 10-20% of the standard overrun.
- Browse the proposals of several building stores, focusing not only on the value of the materials themselves and tools, but also on the terms of delivery, as well as the availability of shares.
Important! To more clearly imagine the volume of upcoming work and correctly compile the estimate yourself, eliminating unaccounted moments, consider carefully a diagram of a flat roofing device. -
Sequence of work
The entire repair work process consists of their two main stages:
How to perform preparatory work?
Depending on the nature of the damage to the roof, the scale of the required restoration work, as well as the seasons of their conduct, the volume of the preparatory process will be varied. Work in the following sequence, given the features of the roof status in the case when you plan to perform partial repair of some places or leave the previous coating as a lining:
- Plan all repairs for the warm season, in dry weather, at a temperature not lower than + 5c.
- If you need urgent coating restoration, remove the snow masses from the surface using a wooden shovel to prevent even more damage to the roofing canvase.
- Remove dirt and dust broom.
- Wash the surface with water from the hose thoroughly.
- Wait for complete drying.
- Determine the places in which the water is formed.
- Circle them with chalk.
- Align the surface with bitumen mastic.
With significant damage to the roof, stick to the following sequence in the preparation of the surface:
Repair of minor coating damage
When a minor destruction of the material is found in separate areas, it is enough to install patches. Spend a set of work in the following sequence in order to accomplish this procedure competently:
- Remove the formed plants, the plots of rot and detachment.
- Perform cross-shaped cuts in those places where the bloating or keystrap is revealed.
- Clean the inside of each hole from the garbage.
- Thoroughly dry the inner space and the outer surface in the places of damage to the roof, using the construction hairdryer or gas burner for this purpose.
- Remove the material exactly in terms of the dimens.
- Spray the bitumen mastic on the surface of the marking and roofs.
Important! In the event of a selection of the method of the catch, pre-trigger the back side of the patch canvas. - Stick the latch.
- Press the surface tightly to ensure a good clutch of materials, otherwise water will continue to be gathering under the latch and gradually re-destroy the roofing pie.
- Thoroughly wake the originated place with bitumen mastic.
- Smooth out using a roller.
- If necessary, create one additional coating layer on similar technology.
How to make a repair flat roof?
Overhaul will require not only high expenses, but also time spending, although the whole procedure is very simple. Therefore, first calculate your capabilities and assign the time to restore the integrity of the roof for the period when you are not abandoned by solving other problems. With this approach, you will be able to properly organize yourself and complete all procedures in a short time.
- Check the integrity of the coatings of hydraulic, heat and vaporizolation after disassembling roofing pie.
- In case of damage to damage, make the laying of a new coating throughout the area.
- Mix the screed solution, adhering to the instructions for the recipe specified by the manufacturer.
- Pour the solution on the surface of the roof, layer with a thickness of 2-4 cm.
- Make the technical pause until the cement-sand mixture is complete.
- Strong with a bitumen emulsion or any suitable primer.
- Mastery replaced carefully, thoroughly, carefully.
- Remove the protective film from the inside of the selected styling material.
- Gradually unfold rolls, heated small areas with gas burner.
- Click to the surface of the placed parts of the canvas manually or use a special key to facilitate the task.
Important! Please note that it is most convenient to perform work on laying material on the following technology: - Sequentially lay all the lanes of the roofing material, withsting the nailestone at 15-20 cm.
Important! In areas of hard-to-reach places in the field of protrusions of walls, chimneys, pipes, use solid sheets of the canvas. Do not cut patches to prevent destruction after a slight service life.
- All joints, seams, sophisticated places are certainly additionally treated with a sealant.
- If necessary, create another coating layer, rolling rolls in a perpendicular direction.
Review the video in which the most important processes of a flat roof repair procedure are clearly shown.
How much is the repair of a flat roof?
To evaluate the profitability of the decision to fulfill all repair work with your own hands, read the current market value of such services provided by professional builders:
- 300-500 rub. / M2 - elimination of minor defects and laying of the roofing single-layer canvas;
- 400-700 rubles / - carrying out similar works, but with the formation of 2 layer coating;
- 450-800 rub. / M2 - overhaul, including the removal of the previous coating.
Important! The size of the total amount may vary depending on the roof area and the work season.
Flat roof destruction prevention measures
In order for the need to perform the repair of the roof occurred as much as possible, be sure to follow the following recommendations for the surface treatment:
- Rinse the entire roof of the jet of water from the hose 1 time per year.
- After drying, treat the surface with antiseptic solution to prevent rotting.
- In a timely manner, perform the cropping branches in a timely located near the trees to prevent the drainage of the drain and reduce the risk of germination of seeds in the roof covering.
- Each season necessarily examine the condition of the roof for the appearance of the surface destruction.
In order for all fulfillment of repair work to be beneficial and eliminated from further coating to update in the next few years, be sure to follow all the rules when installing. Also consider the fact that the duration of the integrity of the coating directly depends on the material chosen for the restoration. Therefore, give preference only to quality products of proven manufacturers in order to secure comfortable accommodation in your own home and eliminate damage to the entire inner decoration because of the emergency emergency situation.