Street LED lighting on the summer cottage with their own hands

August 31. Plot. Views 743. Comments to record Street LED lighting in the country area with their own hands No

Practical all classic urban residents love to spend time at the cottage. Many prefer not only to work on the plot and care for plants, but also just enjoy calmness and relax from the city fuss. The time spent in nature delivers a lot of positive emotions and allows you to enjoy the beauty that surrounds the dachank. But as soon as the night comes, the landscape of the plot is immersed in the darkness, and I also want beauty. To eliminate this nuance, it is enough to install outdoor LED lighting on the cottage.

LED lighting: benefits


This version of artificial light on the plot of a large area today is considered one of the most promising from the point of view of technology. Based on the nature of the light source - white LED, it is considered the most suitable and economical for use as a practical lighting device. Consider the main advantages.

  1. High-quality LEDs are characterized by low power and do not consume a lot of electricity, so they allow you to significantly save money, usually spent on electricity.
  2. The brightness of lighting is at a fairly high level and covers a large territory.
  3. Flicker will not violate the operation of the lighting system in the event of a voltage change.
  4. Moisture and dust will not harm the source itself due to the presence of a special defense. If there is no external flappa, it can be easily made independently of the girlfriend plastic materials, since it does not have any special requirements.
  5. Diodes are highly resistant to mechanical damage, since there are no parts from glass and tungsten in the device, which cannot be said about conventional incandescent lamps.
  6. LED light sources are characterized by quite high performance and the durability of operational characteristics - about 72 thousand hours. But if low-quality materials were used in production, then the time of operation can significantly reduce, as well as the quality of lighting, respectively.
  7. Light from diodes can even be several colors. This became possible as a result of using semiconductor elements of different types.
  8. Such lighting system is capable of working at very low and sufficiently high temperatures on the street - from -44 ° C to + 55 ° C. Therefore, establishing street LED lighting, you can not worry about its endurance with hot summer and with strong frosts.
  9. It is very easy to care for such light sources. It is enough to remove dust and the dirt accumulated on them from the surface of small improvised paws. Nothing else from the owner of the site and the lighting systems installed on it will not need.

LED lighting: disadvantages


Despite the fact that the LED lamps for street lighting have a lot of quite weighty advantages, as it may, they have several justified flaws. Consider their carefully.

  1. Comparatively notes. Really high-quality lighting sources will not get cheaply. Budget variants of lamps are often not distinguished by the high quality of performance and, which is extremely important, productivity. Chinese cheap production do not manufacture products that would be the same durable and worked without failures, rather than European counterparts.
  2. When installing, additional costs for low-voltage cables will be required. They will be needed because the lamps work exclusively at low voltage. Therefore, if the current source is submitted to the light source with the power of our network, the diodes will not work at all, or they will burn.
  3. Cheap options for lighting devices After a short time of active use, stop shining as bright and begin to feed the dim light. It is because of such a kind of consequences to save and will not work.

Components of outdoor lighting components


Modern LED technology based on the operation of white diodes, on the device is simple and genius. Consider individual components:

  • voltage Converter: It must be mounted after installing a shield that distributes the voltage coming from the network;
  • lED lamps, spotlights or ribbons;
  • flower controller;
  • low-voltage cable.

Lighting of the country area: features of the use of lamps

  1. Houses, landscape and other elements of summer cottages can be highlighted using different ways. It is not only beautiful, but also practical, because often in the site you have to move not only during the daytime. The choice in favor of this or that type of lighting device is based on quite reasonable moments and quality of operational characteristics. Each garden object should be highlighted in different ways.
  2. There are the following types of street light sources:
  • mixed version;
  • decorative lamp;
  • functional view.
  1. Any type of lamp described above may illuminate the details that are located on the street. It is important to use each option in the right place to avoid precipitation damage. It happens that the diode light sources do not have their own protection system, mainly LED ribbons intended for use in production needs. However, they are about cheaper than a full-fledged lamp with a case, and if you know how to use them, you can save considerably and take care of the shell on your own.
  2. For example, if you need to highlight the house outside, there will be LED lamps and ribbons. Directional street LED LED lighting perfectly copes with its task. In this case, additional protection against moisture and other unfavorable conditions is not required. It is needed only if the lamps are installed in the locations of the moisture. To specify the type of protective system on LED lamps, there must be one of the IP labels - the degree of protection against penetration:
  • IP65 - Low degree of protection;
  • IP67 - good performance specifications under various weather conditions;
  • IP68 - a dustproof shell, which can work for a long time under water.
  1. The last two types from the list are quite functional and may well be used to illuminate tracks and inlets that are located in the site. The main task of such light sources is the practical highlighting of the passing zones and the blind plot for the safety of residents.
  2. Thanks to competently established lighting, the risk of injury in the dark is reduced to minimal, and the protection of the site from unwanted penetration increases.
  3. Decorative diode type is designed to decorate the elements of the area like the pool and tracks. At night, the entire landscape can turn into a fabulous place. In this case, LED lamps for street lighting of decorative type and LED tape are used. Many dachensons like to enjoy the beauty of the night landscape design of their plot.
  4. For point lighting of the functional zones of the cottage, for example, a garage or entry, practically use LED spotlights for street lighting. The directional beam of the scattering light depending on the power makes it possible to cover the area with a diameter of 5 to 30 m.

LED and the rules of his work


  1. To illuminate with the help of lamps, you can even the most remote corner of the country area. However, for high-quality light and long-term work, when buying, you need to make sure that the selected lamps have high performance and are suitable for your parameters.
  2. It is important to take into account the fact that, depending on what distance from the transformer is one or another plot, the shelf life of the lamp and its brightness can be different.
  3. The greater the distance from the source itself to the distribution panel, the less the voltage will be fed to the diodes of the lamp, the lower the quality of the lighting. Conversely, if the zone is located too close to the source of electricity, closes and subsequent problems may occur in the system of diodes.

Types of lamps


All LED lighting sources are divided into different categories. They are distinguished by their destination. Consider the most popular of them and useful in our case.

  1. Sources that are attached to the columns. LED street lighting on the poles perfectly illuminates the perimeter of the entire site.
  2. Wall-type lights. They lightly illuminate the house from the inside and an external territory located around the building.
  3. Suspended type lamps. Such lamps greatly illuminate the verandas and arbors.
  4. Spotlights. Such a source can highlight the territory of a large radius. Many on the plot are better not to put, as they shine quite brightly.
  5. LED tapes. In addition to the highlight itself, they can be beautifully decorated to decorate the territory of the cottage and slightly highlight the beautiful areas of the site.
  6. Luminaires on short legs. They will help to highlight the paths and other elements.

The selection of one or another type of lamps depends only on the owner of the cottage and those elements that need lighting on this site.

How to install the lighting system with your own hands


Before being taken for the installation of street LED lamps, pay attention to the sequence of this process.

  1. Preparation of work space.
  2. Choosing the most optimal way of laying cables.
  3. Selection of better type of lamps.
  4. The product of the calculation of all parts of the wiring.
  5. Development of electricity supply scheme.
  6. Installing columns for lanterns, if necessary.
  7. Connect all light bulbs and other light sources.
  8. Installing the automation system.
  9. Final stage - checking the system.


  1. We prepare the place where the lighting system will be installed. First you need to remove all the garbage from those places on which the wire will be conducted. It is very important to get in advance materials and tools that are necessarily needed for business.


  • master OK;
  • sand;
  • shovel.
  • plywood, bars;
  • water;
  • basic for mixing the solution;
  • cement;
  • koklet.
  1. With all these things you need to dig a small trench and set the foundation. It is important to put very high quality to prevent subsequent problems with electrical wiring in the ground.
  2. Next, you need to determine which number of light bulbs, and what power you need to purchase. The definition of the cable length is also necessary at this stage. It is also important to consider the power of all planned switches.
  3. LED street lighting lamps have different characteristics. For a small summer cottage, it will be more practical to give preference to the following types:
  • flashlights that work from solar energy - they beautifully illuminate the elements of the site like tracks;
  • lanterns on the brackets - they need to be installed from the facade side of the house;
  • lED lamps for street lighting, which are located on the posts perfectly suitable for the lighting of fences;
  • small decorative type lanterns perfectly illuminate the entire territory of the garden.
  1. After completing work on the calculations, you can proceed to the development of the scheme. To do this, you will need a plan of the country area. In accordance with it, it is necessary to decide how the entire lighting system will be located. It is best to place this scheme on copies of the plan.
  2. After the scheme is composed, you can start installing supports on which the entire lighting system will hold. The foundations must be strong to in the case of which they are not damaged.
  3. If the planned wall lamps, then in the walls you need to pre-make holes suitable for anchor, and then fix the support.
  4. It is very important that the installation is carried out at the construction level. All due to the fact that every slightest breakdown as a gasket system can cause not too long-durable work system.
  5. As soon as the support is ready, start connecting the lamps. The lanterns are installed on the poles, and then the wiring and switches are connected. Wire connection is most reliable when terminals are used for this. They, in turn, should be covered with waterproofing material. Upon completion of the installation, you must check all connections. Console LED street lighting luminaires require special care.
  6. Set the lighting system in less than a day. If you start in the morning, then you can already relax and admire the fabulous view of the garden.

Development of the lighting scheme: useful tips


  1. The cable must be laid under the ground at a depth of about 0.7 m, and the wire should not pass at a distance of less than half a meter from different buildings. The cable distance from each other should be at least 30 cm.
  2. If the cable is carried out through the air, the height should be at least 6 m from the road and 3 m above the garden tracks.
  3. Control the light to do not get into the neighbor's houses windows, since many may not like it.
  4. It is best to place the lamps so that the light zones do not intersect. It will turn out that the electricity of the same site will need to pay more, and this is not practical from the point of view of savings. Street LED lighting looks beautiful not only in the photo, but in reality, with the right place.
  5. LED lamps practically do not harm the ecology and serve for quite a long time. However, all switches must be protected from weather conditions that are adversely wagging. If the location is not allowed to fully protect the switches, you can independently make protection from plastic.
  6. Wires made of copper are best suited in this case. All because they better endure mechanical damage, which is quite possible when used in the garden.
  7. All devices covering the dacha territory must necessarily be grounded.

Automation: Need or not?


  1. Increasingly, automatic control of lighting systems use in the country's cottage sites. This option is very convenient and significantly exceeds all the others by minimal electricity costs. Energy savings are one of the most important advantages of such an organization.
  2. When using manual control with the onset of darkness, the light turns on, and it turns off only in the morning, which is rather impractical and uneconomical.
  3. Today, the most popular among all options are motion and light sensors. Such devices make it possible to include light only with the onset of darkness and in the case of any movements that are within the radius covered by the sensor. That is, if there is no one in the perimeter of the device, then the light will be turned off. This allows not only to protect the plot, but also save a considerable amount of electricity. Therefore, it is necessary to decide whether the automation needs, the owner of the cottage. It is important to think well and calculate the economic benefits from the additional costs of automatic movement devices.

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