Fence from professional flooring on screw piles do it yourself

November 23. Repair and construction work Views 617. Comments To write a fence from a professional flooring on screw piles do it yourself No

The fence is an integral part of the countryside with a residential house. In addition to protective functions, it performs and decorative function. Now there are many materials to create a fence. Our article we will talk about installing a fence from a professional flooring on screw piles.

Fence from corrugated flooring on screw piles. Benefits of construction

To any fear, the requirements for reliability and maximum service life are presented. For this reason, when choosing materials for fencing (to a greater extent it refers to piles) should take into account the load on the poles and the characteristics of the soil.

The most stable and durable support includes a screw pile. Its distinctive feature is the presence of a beara (screw) at the bottom of the pillar. Installation of screw piles is carried out by screwing into the ground. That is, the integrity of the soil is not disturbed and the strength characteristics of the structure are not reduced.


The main "plus" fence from the professional flooring (in the photo) with screw piles - the possibility of its installation on the complex type of soil (the exception is only stony soils). The fence is erected on loams and peatlands, swampy terrain and on slopes with a decent difference in heights.

In addition, the fence on screw piles is characterized by:

  • inappropriately preparation of the site;
  • simplicity and speed of construction;
  • the possibility of work in all weather conditions;
  • the last operational period (with proper anti-corrosion processing, the fence will serve over 60 years);
  • the ability to dismantle and recycled piles.

Yes, and the price of the fence from the professional flooring on the screw piles is much lower than the installation of fences using a ribbon or bar foundation.

Fence from corrugated flooring on screw piles. Choosing materials for fence

  • To build a fence for a professional flooring, you can use the pile of different diameters. The most optimal option is the material of the CBS brand with a diameter of 76 mm with a thickness of the walls of 3.5 mm. The length of the pipe is up to 3 m. The pile screw should be located below the level of soil freezing.


  • As for the professional flooring, it is purchased with minimal reliefs to reduce the value of the fence. It is quite suitable for the material with a wave height of up to 2 cm, labeling with and dull extreme waves on both sides.
  • Sheet coverage may be different. Cheap products are suitable for temporary fence. For stationary structures, it is better to buy professional flooring for a fence that has a monochrome color or print. The maximum reliability is characterized by sheets with a thickness of more than 1 mm or with stamped rigid ribs.
  • To reliably fasten the fence from the professional flooring, you will need to build a framework. For its manufacture, metal pipes (vertical racks) and a corner / square profile (horizontal crossbars) are most often used.
  • The number of vertical racks directly depends on the number of fence sections. The need for horizontal crossbars is determined based on the size of the professional flooring. With a sheet height of up to 1.5 m, the frame consists of two horizontal crossbars, which are located at a distance of 0.3-0.4 m from the lower and top edge of the sheet.
  • If a higher fence is constructed, then additional jumpers must be made (the lumen should not exceed 1 m). For the manufacture of additional crossbars, you can use the material with a smaller thickness.

Fence from corrugated flooring on screw piles. Minting piles and frame assembly

For the work on the fear of the professional flooring does not need a special technique. Moving the piles and the framework device is manually. It is better to do it together, since the screwing process is carried out by a special key that should be checked clockwise.


Installation of piles provides such actions:

  • there is a screwdriver of piles in the corners and in places of turns of the fence;
  • along the entire length of the fence and between the pillars installed in the corners, the fishing line is stretched;
  • on the fishing line, the remaining piles in a step of 2.5-3 m (depending on the size of the fence) are mounted;
  • when screwing, each pile is checked by the level of the correct location in the vertical plane;
  • cutting piles to a specified level;
  • the internal space of piles is poured with concrete (or closes with a plastic stopper).

For a fence from a professional flooring, a characteristic feature is high sailboat. For this reason, the material must be placed at a level of 0.2-0.3 m to compensate for wind load. And the resulting "holes" close the grid with small cells, which connects to the corner.

The process of assembling the framework consists of the following steps:

  • welding carrier guides (from the outside) to piles;
  • fixation of additional crossbars to piles with linings (their external face must coincide with the plane of the main elements);
  • obligatory connection of crossbar with inclined or vertical jumpers in the middle part of the span.


When installing the fence from the corrugated floor, you can study and build a crossbar. For this corner, the jack is connected, and the seams coarserate and cleaned over the entire length. You can use bolts or special brackets to connect the frame. This option is acceptable when arranging temporary fence.

Cracking frames professional flooring

Before the final stage of the installation of a fence from a corrugated floor, with their own hands are covered with anti-corrosion primer, all metal framework elements. Only so you can increase the operational period of the fence.

The process of the frame of the frame of the frame of the frame is starting from the corner and includes such consistent operations:

  • a fishing line is stretched over the span, which serves as a guide for the top of the sheets (it is placed slightly above, so that the trim material does not cling to the cord);
  • the installation of the extreme sheets of the span is carried out (they are not recommended to trim) with the presence of a minimum gap;
  • the following sheets are fixed with an overlap in one wave with a preliminary fixation of self-pressing to the upper crossbar;
  • corners are closed with roofing skates of a rectangular shape.


The fastening of the proflists to the crossages is carried out with the help of special roofing screws that have a car and hexagon head. The screwing step is 10-15 cm.

In the process of installing the professional flooring, it is necessary to follow the correctness of its vertical and horizontal location. The final fastening with the second self-tapping screw is carried out after alignment of the material. The mounting of the corrugated flooring to the frame is carried out through one wave with the firmware of both contacting sheets.

Sometimes you can encounter such a problem as the thunder of self-press. It is solved as follows:

  • the stem of the self-pressing "pushed" by Kerner;
  • in the same hole screwed up a new self-tapping screw.

If there is a rotation in the fencing with an angle that does not exceed 25º, it is possible to cut the material. Sheets begged in the direction of the frames of the frame and they gradually screw themselves.

Video about the fence from the professional flooring:


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