We make a font for a bath with your own hands. Wood Funkry Mounting Technology

February 11. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 713. 1 comment To record, make a font for a bath with your own hands. Wood Funkry Mounting Technology

Russian bathhouse with friends, this is an excellent opportunity to relax, relax with friends and improve it. It is more interesting to bathe when you have the opportunity to get all the "33" pleasures at once: and in the steam room to visit, and in the font of the Ice Wilder to plunge. If you have your own bathhouse, but there is not enough font, then there remains the font for a bath with your own hands.

The work is this complex, time consuming and perhaps costly, but if there is a huge desire, then all "but" retreat on the background.

Species Fike Bath

Before you begin to solve the most important issue, you need to understand what kind of font it is best to choose. For example, in distant times in Russia, peasants and noble people loved to go to the bathhouse. And in the usual Russian bath, the font was sure - it was the usual wooden barrel of round or oval shape. Currently bought from wood is also sufficiently common, only the form can be chosen any: in the form of a circle, oval, square, polygon or rectangle. It all depends on how much there is a free space in the bathhouse and on the number of visitors.

What types of fasteners are:

  • wooden - barrels are made of such wood species: oak, larch, cedar. The tree is necessarily treated with substances that prevent moisture ingress (for example, wax). Such a font looks worthily, the tree is an environmentally friendly material, plus also has a positive effect on the body. Wooden font will last for many years, if it is careful to care for it: I will definitely, at least once a week, fill the container with water (cold), even if the bathhouse is rarely used. It is also necessary to ensure good ventilation of the bottom, and after receiving water procedures, close the barrel of the floor (a precipitated door of the tree) or film;


  • the cast-iron font is a gorgeous option for the adoption of water procedures, only the cost of the finished bowl is too high, and also problematic to install the font in the bath independently due to the impressive weight. There is a cheaper and simple option - make a fastener from a stainless steel. The inner part of the container was focused, both from the cast iron and from steel, lay the shields of wood or stone;


  • concrete font is a durable and practical option. Such a font recalls a small pool. You can make a concrete structure on your own, but it is necessary to think about it even at the initial stage - when building a bath, because you need to deepen under the concrete font;


  • the polypropylene font is the most acceptable option - the cost of such a container is available, with installation, no problems usually occur. You can see 2 options for foxes with different wall thickness: 8 and 5 mm.


Advantages of plastic font for a bath

If you compare the font made of plastic, with other types of mini pools for baths, it is worth highlighting such advantages:

  1. The font can be installed in any bath, because it is not necessary to plunge the container.
  2. Plastic - Durable material, so such a font will last for a very long time, if you care for it. The plastic is not afraid of moisture, the mold is not formed on it, the material is not subjected to rotting (if compared with wooden tanks).
  3. The shape of the font made of plastic can be different: it is not only the baths familiar to many lovers round fonts and oval, but also rectangular, angular, square, and also focused non-standard form.
  4. Plastic - the material is hardy, so small damage and scratches are not terrible to him. Such a container can be washed with any detergent.
  5. The material from which the font is made is not toxic, does not harm human health, so such a font can be used not only for the adaptation of water procedures with adults, but also kids. By the way, there are plastic fonts equipped with water heating system.
  6. Ease of installation - compared with the installation of cast-iron design and bought from wood, the plastic mini pool can be installed independently without the involvement of specialists.
  7. A variety of forms, colors and additional accessories: these are steps, seats, underwater lighting, built-in music, handrails, hydromassage function - all this is permitted for plastic font.

Corner font for a bath. Photo:


Selection of material font for a bath

To independently build an eco-font for a bath, you need to decorate with the material:

  • oak font will help get rid of many skin diseases. Oak has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. To get rid of insomnia, improve emotional state, relax after a hard working day, oak font - the best antidepressant;
  • bucket from beech - will help increase body resistance, plus improve blood circulation;
  • future from larch - Universal material, which will help not only improve the mood, but also improve the condition of the skin;
  • cedar - a healer tree, soothes, relaxes, rejuvenates;
  • universal wood species without healing properties: ash, pine, birch. Also suitable for the manufacture of the font.

Now you know what material to choose for a wooden bathroom for a bath.


What form should be a font for a bath?

What form font is best? There is no definite answer to this question, so we recommend you to familiarize yourself with the features of the choice of font for baths of different forms:

  1. Oval or Round Fike is the most common option, suitable for small rooms, the font is easily assembled and installed. The round font can be additionally equipped with steps, you will get a version of the bathhouse "in Japanese".
  2. Square font of the tree - such a model will rarely meet, because the design is not tough. As practice has shown, such a model is not very convenient. In addition, it is impossible to make a fully font of the square shape due to the fact that the corners of the design will dry up for a long time, and it is destructive for a tree. Therefore, models dual - the external frame of the wooden font will be square, and the internal round or rounded shape.
  3. The font is triangular or angular - the appropriate option for small rooms. Internal angles of such a font will be rounded (if a bowl of wood).


Before purchasing materials, you need to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich size (height, width and depth), there will be a font, so the first step is the development of the drawing.

Drawing of wooden font for a bath:


It is clear from the drawing that the font will be a classic oval shape with a shelf and an appropriate staircase with two steps. The most optimal option for the bath.

What will be needed materials and tools for font for a bath

To work, you need to prepare:

  • boards (cross section 20x120 mm). Board height \u003d height of the font;
  • flat step: It is made of a wooden bar of 150x150 or 100x100 mm. Length depends on the width and height of the font;
  • bolts, metal strip flexible for board screed;
  • fastening: Self-tapping screws only for legs, the inner part of the font should be perfectly smooth and not to include parts made of metal.


Framework Framework for Bath

How to make a font yourself:

  • the difficult task is to ensure the full tightness of the bowl of the font. It is necessary to adjust the wooden rails so accurate to ensure a dense dust with each other without a single gap;
  • the boards must be cut according to the drawing, to handle the edge edge so that on one side of the board there is a groove, and on the other - spike. Only in this way you can perform fitting and docking boards without intervals;
  • preparation of laying boards for the bottom - similar so that there is no single gap;
  • after preparing the parts, you can start assembling: you need to start the assembly of the font you need from the bottom - rails are collected in the shield, each is sampled with special glue. From the shield subsequently need to cut the bottom of the right form;
  • it is necessarily immediately drilled a hole for draining water, a siphon is installed. If you pump off the water with a pump (if there is no sewage), then this item must be skipped;
  • next, it is necessary to withstand the pause: so that the glue fell well, and then additionally strengthen the bottom of the racks;
  • assembling walls: Rakes join each other so that the rectangular groove can be in the bottom of the shield (the bottom of the future font). Each board must be adjusted close to each other with a rubber hammer;
  • rakes are docked tight to each other, tightened with metal stripes (3 pcs. At an equal distance). The attraction can be performed on bolts or nuts;
  • installation of the font - on a flat surface in the bath, and it is possible to immediately assemble the assembly right on the spot;
  • the font is installed on a perfectly smooth surface;
  • now grinding the shallow sandpaper so that the internal and outer surfaces are perfectly even smooth and smooth;
  • on the outer side fastened the pre-assembled staircase with two steps, the design should be checked for strength;
  • optionally, you can install additionally a shelf as outside (for wine glasses, washcloths or other necessary objects) and inside;
  • the finished font is checked like this: you need to fill the container with cold water, leave to check for a couple of hours. If all is well - the water you need to merge, the fonts dry. If the leakage is detected, then you will have to pull metal rims tightly.


Fishing for the bath with your own hands. Video:

What else do you need to know

Tips for those who want to extend the life of the font:

  1. Near heat sources (oven, radiators, heaters, as well as air conditioners), it is impossible to install the font. Also undesirable to subjust the font direct exposure to sunlight.
  2. Metal hoops on a wooden font need to be checked from time to time so that they are tightly tight. After some time, use the font, the metal screed can weaken.
  3. Water in the tank is desirable not to leave for a long time, and after draining, wash the bowl of suitable detergents. If the font is made of wood - the material should breathe. Make sure that the tree is not subjected to rotting.
  4. And in order to prevent the development of fungal mold, the font need to dry carefully, and the room is periodically ventilated.


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One answer on making a font for a bath with your own hands. Wood Funkry Mounting Technology

  1. Zina:

    It is very difficult to find the address and telephone.

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