Street lighting lights: features and selection

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Street lighting lights play a big role in the life of any settlement. Thanks to them, life with the onset of twilight does not stop in larger megalopolis, nor in small towns. If the same lantern designs were answered before the lighting of the streets, today the external lighting devices can be called high-tech artwork. Unlike lamps that are used to illuminate premises, outdoor lights are distinguished by their design, because the conditions in which they work are much tougher. The temperature change, the constant humidity and the effect of atmospheric precipitation, the impustable wind requires the design and electrical filling of a special durability. What kind of street lighting lamps are currently the most popular, their properties and installation features - Next.

Requirements for street lighting devices


As already noted above, to the lighting instruments, the operation of which passes outside the premises, has special requirements. This is connected with a large area that needs to be illuminated, as well as the constant influence of climatic conditions.

When choosing one or another street lighting on the pillar, the most important indicator to be paid attention to is the light output. It determines how much light gives a lamp or lamp flashlight per unit of electric power consumed. The higher this indicator, the device will work more efficiently. Modern street lamps are made on the basis of gas-discharge or LED lamps, which reaches 150 lm / W for the first or 150 lm / W for the second. This allows you to noticeably reduce the consumption of electricity and the load on the electrical networks. Extremely inefficient incandescent lamps slowly go into oblivion.

Also one of the parameters to pay attention is to be the service life. The fact is that the replacement of the street lamp - the occupation is quite expensive and time consuming. Without a special lifting device, its repair is in most cases impossible. That is why the number of working hours of the lamp in it should be the maximum possible.

The leader in this parameter is definitely diode outdoor lighting lights. The standard amount of time that the lamp works is 40 thousand hours, which is 10 times the standard incandescent lamp. In addition, in contrast to the gas-discharge lighting device, it is not afraid of voltage drops and constant switching on-shuts. However, the cost of such a light source is quite high, which often stops potential buyers.


The choice of outdoor lamp power depends on:

  1. Climatic conditions of operation. For tropical areas with high humidity and frosty steppes, the tundra requirements for the design of the lantern will be different. Climatic conditions in which one or another device can be operated should be indicated by the manufacturer in the instruction.
  2. Necessary degree of illumination of the site. Naturally, on particularly important areas, such as pedestrian crossings, parking, intersections should be installed intensive lighting devices sufficient to prevent the impairment, and there will be low-power devices to illuminate the site.
  3. Negative factors of the influence of the external environment. It may be dusting near industrial enterprises, constant vibration, if the device is installed on railway bridges or auto estabades.

Installation features

An important indicator of the overall lighting device is the degree of protection (IP). What he is higher, the lamp can work in more extreme conditions. This indicator consists of 2 digits, the first of which shows the protection of the housing from the firm bodies, and the second - protection against moisture. The first indicator has a scale from 1 to 6, the second from 1 to 8. Accordingly, the most reliable lamp has an IP \u003d 68 index.

Types of street lighting lights

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Outdoor lighting lights are divided into two types:

  1. General purpose.
  2. Specialized.

The first type of lanterns is designed for constant static work on the coverage of a certain area. Such prions are also called fuel. Their main task is to identify certain objects from a common dark background.

Specialized lamps are used in the army, on a fleet, in aviation, for the organization of light show. It can be searchlights, beacon lights, overall lights, laser spotlights.

General purpose lamps have several classifications:

  • At the corner of the light stream.
  • According to the principle of the separation of light.
  • The power of the light stream.
  • By type of lamps used.

The last classification is the most common. So, distinguish:

  • Halogen spotlights. It has been proven quite well as a powerful source of directional action. They illuminate the facades of buildings, bridges, highlight advertising billboards. On the principle of its work, the halogen lamp is no different from the incandescent lamp. The difference is that halogen substances are added to its flask, such as iodine, bromine, fluorine, etc., which allow you to increase the power of light, as well as the life of the lamp. The strength of such lamps can be considered the possibility of adjusting their power and light flux using an ordinary dimmer.
  • Sodium street lighting lights for home. This type of lamps is distinguished by low color reproduction. They give a soft yellow color and are perfectly suitable for highlighting landscape design objects. It should be noted that when the color is reduced, the light output in such lamps is quite high. The undisputed advantages of sodium lanterns can be attributed to their service life, which exceeds 30 thousand hours. The operating principle of HPS lamps is the luminescence of prisoners in a flask under a high pressure of sodium vapor electric discharge action.
  • Led lights street lighting. The most progressive type of lamps for outdoor lighting. Appearing relatively recently, such lanterns were widely distributed in the organization of street lighting. Big Light output, long service life, unpretentiousness to temperature drops, resistance to vibrations and impacts, a wide range of capacity and range of applications provided by LED lamps well-deserved popularity.
  • LED lights for street lighting. They can be monochrome or full color. The latter are used in the LED as decorative outdoor lighting lamps.

To illuminate the area, one lamp is usually used, but if it is necessary to distribute the light stream along the perimeter of the facade of the illuminated building, then a group of low-power lights can be used.

Depending on the type of lamps, such lamps are divided into: single and matrix. The work of the first is based on the glow of one powerful LED, and the second - on the glow of the matrix, which is assembled from dozens of low-power parts. The last type of lamps is more common, since the use of the matrix adds it reliability.

Selection and installation of the cable to install the lamp


In addition to the right choice of the lamp, it is necessary to choose a cable that will feed it with electricity. To install the outdoor lighting system use a special cable designed to work in extreme conditions. Basically, such wires have double insulation, that is, in addition to the isolation of each vein, there is also a common one. As a rule, general insulation is made in the form of an ebonite braid. It is almost impossible to cut with a knife with the help of a knife, it perfectly withstands the wind pressure, without giving a wire to break, the rack to the sharp change of temperature. If the lighting cable is scheduled to be installed at an altitude, it is better to use an additional suspension for it. Between the columns, the knitting wire made of stainless steel is stretched, to which the cable is tested.

When underground laying, the cable is placed in a trench to a depth of at least 0.7 m and the distance from the nearest construction of at least 0.5 m. When laying the cable, it is necessarily placed in a metalwork. In the absence of the latter, it is possible to use a metal-plastic pipe.

To connect the lamps, it is better to use an aluminum cable. It is cheaper and quite suitable for such purposes.

Installing Light Light


When planning installation of street lighting, it is necessary to clearly understand how the lantern will be located. It depends on its power and illuminated area. The facade of the building may become support for the lantern or spotlight, especially if it is designed to illuminate the courtyard of high-rise buildings, or the installed masts and lighting posts.

If the post is low and will be used to illuminate the household plot, it can be installed independently.

Procedure for work:

  1. First of all, the square pit is digging for the fill of the foundation. Its bottom swelling sand and thoroughly tamper.
  2. A formwork is installed that the foundation height was about 20 cm from the ground level. A special tube for a cable plant is placed inside the formwork.
  3. After that, concrete is poured. When it cools out, a power cable is breeding through the tube, which will feed the lantern.
  4. In concrete, holes are drilled under anchor bolts that attach a pillar to the foundation.
  5. The correct installation of the post is tested using a level. Metal lining is used to adjust. For this, the plates from the old transformer are very well fit.
  6. After that, connect the lamp wiring with the feed cable using terminal clamps.

LED lights for street lighting of a private house: video

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