Landing and growing gladioles

May 27. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 4646. Comments To record landing and growing gladioles No

Gladiolus in the photo and in reality are majestic colors that will decorate the flowerub or the garden of any owner of the country territory. Nowadays, there are many varieties of plants that are distinguished by a variety of coloring and flowering timing. All stages of growing gladiolus and will be discussed in this article.

Methods of breeding plants

There are two main methods of breeding gladiolus:

  • vegetative;
  • seminal.


Vegetative reproduction

In turn, vegetative reproduction of colors can be carried out by:

  • using clubworks;
  • dividing clubneelukovits;
  • shooting.

Temperature, air and soil humidity, the growing season - all these indicators have a direct impact on the normal growth and number of stools of gladiolus. Fully ripe stormy seeds should be easily separated from the bulbs.

"Children" of large sizes ripen in early colors, smaller - late gladiolus. The most optimal are the kidneys, the size of which is 0.7-1 cm. Only from largeball can be obtained gladiolus with 7-8 leaves and a half blooming plant buds.

Sowing "kids" is made early in spring. For this, the drawers are used, which are removable bottom. So it will be convenient to pin them into open ground. Thanks to this method, the landing of gladiolus is renewed the growth time of plants and obtaining major bulbs.

If weather conditions in the area do not allow to disseminate "kids" into the ground, they are pre-grown in peat briquettes or pots. Subsequently, the plants together with the pots are planted into the open ground. This is done in order to prevent damage to the root plant of the plant.

Color reproduction with the help of tuberukovol is made using side kidneys. Their appearance is associated with unexpected damage to the central kidney. Biological processes are activated on side kidneys that begin to grow rapidly. As a result of this process, several new small bulbs are formed. The central kidney is rooted, and young bulbs are cleared on a barrel.

The bulbs of gladiolus can be cut into two parts. This procedure is carried out 2-3 days before their landing. The bulbs are cut with a sharp knife. The cut slicer should dry. Immediately before landing, the bulbs are sprinkled with charcoal. You can add sulfur or pour "manganese".


In the reproduction of gladiolus, the sprouts are taken with a length of 14-16 cm long and plunge into water. After the formation of the root system, they are planted in a greenhouse. It is desirable that the soil is diluted with large river sand. The rooting cutlets will become the basis for the formation of bulbs and inflorescences.

Growing gladioles seeds

The second type of reproduction (seeds) is used by professionals. Gladiolus, which are grown out of seeds, are distinguished by the inability to maintain quality varieties. For this reason, this method of reproduction is practically not applied in flower growing. Although it is a rather cost-effective method of obtaining conditioned bulbs in the southern part of our state.

Seed collection is carried out with colors that are painted in homogeneous shades and grow close apart. Only such seeds will be able to give a full-fledged harvest next year.

Planting seeds to the greenhouse is produced in February. As the basis, the substrate is used, which consists of:

  • 1 h river sand;
  • 2 h. Horing from leaves.

Immediately before planting, the seeds are soaked for 2-3 hours in the solution of sodium humate (0.01%). After 1-1.5 months, the seed boxes are taken out into the greenhouse and fixed to the ground. In normal care, in the first year young bulbs appear with a size of 0.8-1.4 cm.

The process of growing gladiolus itself consists of the following consecutive stages:

  • germination of bulbs before landing;
  • selection of the plot and the preparation of the soil;
  • compliance with the timing and depth of landing;
  • planting and leaving plants;
  • digging bulbs;
  • ensuring the safety of bulbs in winter.

Preparation of bulbs to landing

The bulbs of gladiolus are stored in a ventilated dry room. The temperature in it should be within 5-8ºС. Before boarding, the preparation of gladioluses is required, which is to germinate the planting material.

This procedure is carried out in early April and consists of:

  • placement of bulbs in the warm room;
  • cleaning them from scales;
  • chipping patients with seeds;
  • outdating healthy bulbs in cardboard boxes.

The process of germination of the seed material occurs on the scattered light.

Selection of site

Gladiolus are thermal-loving and light-loving plants. They need to be planted in that part of the household site, where there will be:

  • sun rays;
  • humidity in sufficient quantity for flowering;
  • efficient drainage and soil breathability;
  • lightweight soil with a huge amount of humus.


Very unsuitable for planting gladiols are plots:

  • located in lowlands;
  • with high groundwater levels;
  • without a normal air exchange;
  • in wetlands;
  • with soils, where water is stared.

A special role in the proper cultivation of colors is the normal light of the site. For the landing of gladiolus, a place is selected, which: on the one hand, not shadowed by trees or economic buildings, and on the other, is protected from the prevailing winds.

Normal lighting is the key to the early and full bloom of plants. Thanks to him, gladioluses are not so sick, and their coloring becomes more intense. If the site is shady (especially in the morning), the flowering of plants will be late for 2-3 weeks and with fewer buds. And sometimes inflorescences will not appear at all.

An important condition for the normal growth of gladiolus is observance of crop rotation. In one place, the flowers should grow no more than two years, and after the transplantation they return to the same place after 3-4 years. Only so you can avoid the appearance of pests and diseases of colors.

The area with predecessors for gladiolus is selected, as well as for growing other bulbous crops. The best of them are:

  • painted vegetables (tomato, potatoes, eggplant, pepper);
  • bean and melting cultures;
  • garlic;
  • dahlia.

It is not recommended to place flowers next to the cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, radishes, repa), as they are the cause of pests characteristic of gladiolus.

Preparation of soil

Land, which is planned to plant gladiolus, should be prepared. If these are light subpestile soils, then add silt from the pond and clay. Heavy clay soils are covered with river coarse sand.


Lukovier landing should be carried out in the soil, which has a good structure. She must:

  • disintegrate into small lumps (0.8-1.5 cm);
  • help moisture;
  • be not loose and not dense;
  • without problems fill with air and moisture.

Soil preparation starts at the autumn time. The site is deeply drunk: about two bayonets. The following fertilizers will immediately contribute (at the rate of 1 m²):

  • humid - 7-10 kg;
  • superphosphate - 60-70 g;
  • potash salt - 25-30 g;
  • bone flour - 75-100 g;
  • oven ash - 50-100 g

In the fall also carved a bed. In the spring again loosened the soil (15-20 cm) and at the rate of 1 m² they bring:

  • 40 g of ammonia nitrate;
  • 50 g of ammonium sulphate;
  • 20 g of urea.

It is forbidden to use fertilizers containing chlorine, which negatively affects the growth of gladiolus.

Looking Lukovitz

Sleeping gladiolus is produced when the soil warms up to + 10ºС. In the middle strip of Russia, it is usually mid-May. In the northern part of the country, the landing time is slightly shifted. In these regions, it is necessary to choose only early plants.

The bulbs before planting are treated with "mangartee" or special preparations (for example, Fundazole). The depth of laying the planting material depends on the size of the bulbs and the soil type. It is:

  • 10-14 cm - on light soils;
  • 7-11 cm - in a drunken ground.


The bulbs are cleared at a distance of 15 cm from each other (in a row and between rows). After that, it is necessary to make the soil mulch. It will not allow the upper layer of soil to dry out and reduce the amount of weed vegetation. For mulching, you can use humid, peat, bark or cutting straw.

Care of plantings

After planting, the bulbs occurs no less important stage when growing varieties of gladiolus in the photo and in reality. Proper care will provide beautiful colors on the flower bed. The main technological techniques for the care of gladiolus bulbs is timely holding:

  • loosening and weeping;
  • polishes and feeding;
  • chipping patients;
  • combating diseases and pests.

Land with gladiolus should be without weed vegetation. This is explained by the fact that weeds:

  • absorb the nutrients necessary for normal growth of gladiols;
  • prevent efficient air access to the bulbs;
  • lead to the appearance of diseases and pests.

The insufficient amount of moisture is the cause of the weak development of the roots and deformation of the inflorescences of plants. Especially sensitive to the lack of moisture, flowers become in the period when the second tier of the root system is formed and inflorescences appear.

Watering gladioluses with warm water to a depth of 25-30 cm. The irrigation rate is in the range of 22-25 l / m². The process of watering itself is carried out between rows in advance made by furrows. Water should not fall on the leaves.

After some time, the soil loose. This will prevent the appearance of the peel, which is a barrier for air inflow. Immediately need gladioluses to emphasize and re-create furrows for the next irrigation. It is recommended to loosen the earth not only after rain or watering. This procedure is carried out 1 time in 10-12 days.


After the appearance of the second sheet in plants and at about the end of the summer, mineral fertilizers are made. And this is done:

  • minor doses;
  • together with watering liquid mortar.

Depending on the phases of vegetation, the feeding of gladiolus is carried out as follows. When:

  • 2 sheets are used ammonium nitrate or urea (up to 30 g / m²);
  • 3-4 leaves - sulfate potassium (30 g / m²) and urea (25 g / m²);
  • 5-6 leaves - potassium sulfate (30 g / m²) and urea (15 g / m²);
  • flowers - Superphosphate (40 g / m²), Potassium sulfate (30 g / m²), urea (10 g / m²) and nitroposka (30 g / m²).

The last feeding is carried out after the flowering of gladiolus. Superphosphate (40 g / m²) and potassium sulfate (30 g / m²) are used. The main purpose of the latter feeding is the full aging of bulbs with increasing size. What in turn, leads to improved properties when they are stored.

In addition to mineral fertilizers, the normal development of plants is achieved due to the introduction of other trace elements:

  • bora;
  • copper;
  • molybdenum;
  • zinc;
  • cobalt;
  • magnesium;
  • gland.

Throughout the growing season, a periodic examination of the gladiolus is carried out with the removal of patient plants. The liquidations are subject to:

  • yellowed leaves;
  • leaves with stains;
  • growingly lagging in the growth of plants;
  • gladiolus with firing stem.

All such plants are digging together with the ground, which is rooted, and burned.

"Manganese" is used to combat gladiolus diseases (2-3 times per season). From the pests of the bulbs, you can save with the help of drugs "Karate" (1.5-2 ml per 10 liter of water) or "phytodeterm" (3-4 ml of 0.5 liters of water).

Harvesting and storage

Immediately disclaim that certain conditions are required for storing bulbs. If there is no, then it is better to buy the planting material in the spring.

Digging of the bulbs of gladiolus is made 45-50 days after the end of the flowering of plants. As a rule, this work is carried out at the end of September. It is advisable to stand dry weather.


The sequence of actions for laying bulbs of gladioles for winter storage is as follows:

  • the earth is believed from the bulbs;
  • they are separated by "kids" and bulbs, infected with diseases;
  • sick bulbs are destroyed, normal - trimmed;
  • the selected planting material was washed in water and disinfected in "manganese";
  • within 2-3 days, the bulbs dry out outdoors, 1.5 months - indoors at a temperature of 20-25ºС;
  • after complete drying, the bulbs are placed in a ventilated room with a temperature regime in 5-8 ºС.

The most effective preservation of the bulbs of gladiolus is achieved if there is a few purified garlic poles nearby. In winter, planting material is checked. Sick bulbs are chosen.

Gladiolus cultivation video:


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