Application of Iris in Landscape Design

May 27. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 3296. Comments To record Application of irises in landscape design No

Each owner of the sites tries to decorate the territory of blooming plants, the irises are popular for simplicity of care and amazing attractiveness. They relate to perennials, while decorative properties are ideal for a garden or giving.

In recent years, many new varieties have been derived selective methods, now there are more than 3000 in the world.

Unique flower


Irises are considered legendary plants, because they came to us from Ancient Egypt, where they decorated the manors of the pharaohs. At the same time, in addition to the aesthetic direction, they were used in medical purposes - from cough, snake bite and during the disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Now whole plantations are planted from various varieties of irises, they are actively used in landscape design to create original compositions.

Irises in the country are desirable thanks to unpretentiousness and sophistication. Copies have the most diverse color - from white-white to black, there is no absent in the assortment only color. For their cultivation, a rich watering is not required and a large number of fertilizers, and almost all varieties are resistant to wintering. Plants are shown in all its glory somewhere in the middle of May, and the flowering period ends at the beginning of July. Therefore, with the right selection and combination of copies to please the eye they can have two months.

Varieties of plants


There is a different classification of irises, the main separation is depending on the height of the growth of instances:

  1. Dwarf, tall up to 15 cm are distinguished by many varieties and gentle views. Great for combined flower beds, small flower beds.
  2. Shared representatives have a height of up to 40 cm, when they are planted, you need to withstand a distance of 10-15 cm. This species is ideal for decoring the stony landscape and alpine slides. Very often used around the perimeter with the arrangement of flowerbeds or near the border along the tracks.
  3. Corporal instances include irises with a height of 40-70 cm. The root system is considered to be a feature - it grows in the upper layer of the soil. Therefore, when combining with other plants, it is worth choosing representatives with deep location of the roots. Apply average specimens in mixed flower beds. A proven combination is a bushes of spiraea and irises, the first placed in the middle of the flower beds, the second - in the perimeter of the territory.
  4. Tall plants go more than 70 cm, they are used in the arrangement of water bodies. For beautiful design, instances of various types are used. Depending on the features of a particular type, a specific location is recommended. For example, marsh irises are suitable for shallow water, a smooth look is applicable for the coastal zone, Japanese and Siberian representatives are already searched.

Opportunities of Irisov


In landscape design, the use of irises is carried out in 3 main directions, when designing:

  1. Iridariev.
  2. Gorki and soliters.
  3. Artificial reservoirs.

Monotonous Palenitor

Iridarium is a flower garden intended for growing exclusively irises, there are certain rules for its design. First, it is worth taking care of the presence of a reservoir, stones and garden furniture - these are signs of Modern style. Secondly, to obtain an interesting and diverse composition, representatives are selected on shades, height and duration of flowering, which lasts very long. Therefore, when booking the garden, it is advisable to take into account the aesthetic properties of the greens itself.
As for the color solution, the copies having two shades should be planted on a monophonic background. Ideally, a combination with coniferous plants will look.

Separate compositions

To arrange solitizers, one type of irises is used, which is distinguished by coloring or height. In the first case, to obtain an elegant combination, a maximum of two tones are used, while the background is a lawn or green shrub. In the second, the plants of various heights are used simultaneously, the irises on the site looks effectively when grouping at a distance of 1-1.5 m.

When designing a slide or so-called rocaries, dwarf species use, because high plants break the proportions of the finished composition. In combinations, in addition to irises, encounters, crocuses, tulips and phlox are used. It looks great for the poverty juniper as a background, then plant yellow, blue and brown irises. If the coating of the slide consists of light stones, they are trying to plant rocal sinics with dark blue and burgundy flowers.

Water decoration


To embody the original design of the site, with the help of irises you can create a secluded corner with a small artificial reservoir, you will need a little bit of effort and knowledge. It takes an old bath as a container, a pebbles, gravel and sawn sabers are used from materials.

At first, the soil must be cleaned of the weeds and the roots of other plants, for this, the area is drunk and manually choose trash. Next dig a hole under the bath and mount it with the protruding edges by 4-5 cm from the ground. The protruding edges of the pond lay sawn shale. Directly planting plants begins with coniferous representatives, against the background of the Tui already placed irises. Pebbles and gravel is used to powder the soil under flowers. Speeciously looks at plants floating in water - this idea is easy to perform. We need to plant a swamp or smooth view of the garden container and immerse it into the water. Such compositions from irises in the design of the garden will become a real highlight.



When planning the placement of irises on the site it is worth preparing the soil. Firstly, it concerns groundwater - with high occurrence it will take drainage. Secondly, for good flowering you need sunlight. Thirdly, the mineral and organic fertilizers are used before planting, after their introduction, the land is carefully loosen. It is important to leave enough space for growing colors, some species can actively develop without transplanting up to 10 years, others - up to 5 years.

Plants are planted after a period of flowering, for this from the rhizomes are separated by a knife new links 3 cm long and a diameter of 1-2 cm. The optimal landing time is considered summer, then the active growth of the root system begins after 1-2 weeks. The smell of the flower is digging depending on the length of the roots, they are located on the elevation left at the bottom. Ideally, the rhizome of the Iris is at the level of the soil, so pressed the seedling from above is falling asleep with a small amount of soil. Immediately an instance is watered, repeat the procedure after 3-5 days.



There is a lot of photos of the irises in the country, there are many photos of the different forums, it is important to ensure proper care of plants.

At the time of cold winters, experts recommend to cover the copies with the help of leaves or straw, but the insulation layer is removed at the plus temperature.

From high humidity deteriorates the state of the leaves of the irises, they begin to shut up. Then you need to remove damaged parts of the plants and process them with fungicides 1.5 months before flowering. Rhizomes are also susceptible to rotting, it is important to urgently cut off the damaged parts and remove the soil in this place. Next, the sections are treated with formalin and dried.

It is important to provide the right conditions for irises for their rouse flowering over a long period.

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