In private houses and country cottages for the device of the sewage system, it includes a cesspool, it is a convenient and not costly way to ensure the benefits of civilization. But even a cesspool requires care to operate, which is regularly cleansing it.
High-quality cleaning of cesspool can be carried out by specialists either independently. The choice of a person depends directly from the desire and financial state.
There are several effective ways to clean the pits:
- the use of an arbitrary machine;
- independent pumping with sweater;
- the use of active substances.
Calling Assenzers - A simple way to solve problems 
The easiest way is to contact professionals who have all the necessary equipment and tools in the arsenal to ensure a quick and efficient process. Shooting unclean is carried out by an assessing machine, from the customer only it is necessary to ensure the entrance of the equipment to the place of work. Each machine for cleaning cesspool is equipped with a special set of equipment, a vacuum pump and a tank, due to which it turns out not only to quickly pump out the harmlessness, but also to take them behind the territory of the site. The devastation of tanks occurs in specially designated places intended to dispose of liquid toxic waste.
When accessing specialists, you can not worry for a qualitative result, because the assessing firms use only modern methods and devices. All dirty work is performed using devices and complex equipment, manual labor is limited to the control of the machine at a distance.
Ability to remove waste without assistance 
If you know how to clean the cesspool, you can organize the whole process yourself. But you need to be prepared for:
- high labor costs;
- spread unpleasant odor.
Pumping can be carried out manually using a bucket and shovel, this is an old proven method that requires the application of considerable strength. In the presence of elementary inventory and desire it is quite realistic to carry out regular care for a cesspool. It is important to consider personal protective equipment, such as closed clothing, respirator and gloves. The mask will prevent the respiratory tract, and the gloves will get rid of the hands from the extra stimuli.
More often, many consumers for these purposes acquire a special pump. The market offers models designed to pump contaminated liquids. Common devices are fully suitable, but then it is worth using extra filters. They are sold in business stores, they will ensure the protection of the mechanism from pollution and damage.
Simplify the process of equipment
Remove the cesspool will be easier to technician, many manufacturers offer fecal pumps for domestic use. They are designed to pass through liquids with various impurities, so ideal for such a case. If the cesspool is often filled, then it is necessary to acquire an automatic pump that will pump wastewater as needed.
Good household pumps
Companies, using achievements of new technologies, produce high-quality equipment, for example:
- The unit for pumping waste in everyday life AquaTica 773411 is distinguished by reliability and long-term operation at a low price in 100th. It has a dip depression 5m, the pump is capable of lifting liquid to a height of 12m. For convenience, it is equipped with a float switch, the automatic mode is turned on.
- The Chinese company SPRUT offers solutions for domestic purposes with optimal quality indicators in price availability. The SPRUT V180F model costs about 80ow, suitable for a wide list of tasks - pumping and supplying water, organizing gardening, wastewater processing and liquids with impurities of colloidal and oil substances.
Many know how to remove the cesspool, but another question is to dispose of the phased waste, you need to take them outside the living area. For this, there are certain places where professional companies are eliminated. Therefore, you need to acquire additional containers of large volumes and transport.
Using specials to care for a cesspool 
The third method involves servicing service with:
- biopreparations;
- chemically active substances.
Microorganisms - a great way to recycle uncleanness 
Biopreparations are characterized by safety, they do not affect the surrounding building materials. That is, you can not worry about the safety of brick, metal or plastic. The principle of operation of biological preparations for cleaning cesspool is quite simple - after entering the liquid medium, they begin to recycle waste and fecal masses. As a result, there is a liquid with a sediment without a smell, with which a regular pump can quickly cope.
The disadvantages of biological preparations include:
- sensitivity to aggressive media;
- lack of action on some materials;
- work is possible only at a certain temperature mode.
The first item affects the qualitative composition of uncleanness, that is, it is impossible to send water from household chemicals into the drain pit. Also bacteria are not able to recycle materials inorganic origin, construction trash and polyethylene. The work of substances begins two hours after the introduction of them into the wastewater, the temperature should be maintained from + 4 ° C to + 30 ° C. With sharp drops of temperature indicators of microorganisms, biological preparations will be ineffective.
Biopreparations are purchased in profile companies or business stores, their cost is quite accessible. There are products that use permanent demand by guaranteed quality:
- if you purchase a biological preparation of Waist Tit, which consists of six anaerobic crops, then one bottle will be enough for 4 months of their active work. But this substance is designed for the processing of only non-living materials. Perfectly copes with smells and processes feces;
- kalius biological preparation contributes to the processing of sewage to the mass, which perfectly serves as a fertilizer subsequently. It reduces the amount of waste in the cesspool and thereby eliminates the need to call an assessing machine;
- "Golden himself" is drugs manufactured by the latest technologies. The activity of substances is manifested only after entering the nutrient medium. Ideal for use in cesspools, sewage systems and toilets.
Products of the Chemical Industry to Help Wrestling 
Chemicals are designed to work in various conditions, which gives them some advantage. For example, in winter, the biopreparations will die due to low temperatures. Also, chemicals are resistant to aggressive media, respectively, do not need to think over the separation of waste. All chimperics proceed well with any masses and prevent odor to occur, but not all substances are safe for the environment.
Among all the proposed chemicals for cesspools, nitrate oxidants are the most popular vacillating effects. In composition, they are similar to the applied fertilizers, therefore they do not harm the surrounding environment and people. At the same time, many manufacturers recommend using formaldehyde, which are considered to be poisonous substances due to their toxicity. Ammonium compounds are popular, they are effectively fighting with the smell and recycle waste well, but their effect on person is not fully studied. Such means should be treated extremely rarely and with extreme caution, then the cleaning of cesspool will not bring not the desired consequences.