How to choose a pump to enhance water pressure

January 12. Plumbing Views 3409. Comments to record How to choose a pump for water to enhance No

Regardless of where the person lives in the house or apartment of high-rise buildings, problems can arise with pressure in the water supply. Discomfort appears from poor water supply, in addition, elements of housing arrangement fail, that is, the instruments.

Boilers and washing machines cannot fully function, switch to wear mode, breaks begin with time. Therefore, poor water pressure is a fairly serious problem that requires a competent solution. A high-quality pump for water pressure will contribute to the normal operation of the water supply, and provide a good feed regardless of the location of the housing.

The first point is to define existing problems.

But before purchasing such a device, it is important to determine the true cause of problems, usually the pressure may change due to two situations:

  • clogging system;
  • directly poor water supply.

Therefore, it is better to first consult a specialist, so as not to spend the funds of the drug. But after determining the need to purchase a device, it is not necessary to focus on the price of the pump for the pressure of water, but on the principle of operation and destination.

Two typical situations - two solutions

There are two main selection criteria, while the neighbors there must be no such problems:

  1. full absence of water in the crane;
  2. thin jet flows from the crane. 8F565A1EC3A729CB234398A479CB7C20ThUMB640X480.

Station or ordinary pump?

These problems are solved in different ways, for the first case, capital changes are needed as a pumping station with a cumulative tank. And for the second, the device is completely suitable, which is mounted directly in the pipes.
1. The station is a pump for strengthening the surface of the surface type to which the hydroaccumulator and pressure switch are connected. Due to the relay, the relay controls the entire system, which is gaining water from the system into the tank. The pump itself can turn off, and the consumer for a certain period will be sufficiently stored water. As the reserve is used, the pressure will fall until the relay works, and the system will earn again. hydrojet + -J.

2. Pumps that are mounted in the pipes are cut into the system before entering the apartment. Such devices have a distinctive power, respectively consume different electricity. Before choosing an aggregate, it is worth considering that they can be intended for certain water supply systems. NASOS-POVISHENIYA-DAVLENIYA-AQUATICA-774711-141766B

Selection of the required mode of operation

The pump device for water pressure may be two types:

  • automatic;
  • manual.

Naturally, the first option is preferable for use. It reacts independently to all processes, when the crane is opened, the automatic mode provides the desired pressure during the entire period of water use. The device's operation adjusts the flow sensor, due to this component of the pump to improve water pressure last longer, because it is protected from additional work.
Manual mode implies constant control over the unit, the person himself must turn off the device to limit the load. Although many users have permanent pumps are permanently included for the timing of good water flow at the right time.

Cooling device- additional criterion

When choosing, it is worth paying attention to the system for cooling the pump housing, which is carried out using:

The first design was the name of the dry rotor, cooling occurs with blades rotating on the shaft. The operation of such devices is characterized by the presence of a small noise and high efficiency.
The second design is called a wet rotor, its advantage is the absence of any noise. Such pumps do not deliver discomfort to the consumer, due to which more popularity is achieved.

Required pressure in plumbing

The main parameters of the selection of the unit are determined by calculating the necessary pressure and power. For users of the centralized network, there is no need to take into account the depth of the water source, and the owners of private houses will have to determine the level of installation of the submersible pump in the well. According to regulations, the pressure in the urban water supply system should be 4thm, but in practice it can be 2.5-7.5at. At the same time, for an ordinary consumer, there is enough pressure from the crane 2ATM, this indicator is acceptable to function standard home equipment and the adoption of the shower. But in private possessions with the landscaled area, pressure will require pressure in 4thm, such indicators make it possible to understand the need to install a device.

The correct calculation of the competent specialist is the key to a successful solution to the problem

Conventional pumps for increasing water pressure allow you to increase the pressure on average by 1,5thm, you will have to install a powerful system to obtain large values. Some experts prefer to purchase multiple devices of less power than the installation of an expensive unit. img_303. Therefore, in each case it is better to pre-consult in the design organization, there will provide an optimal solution.

Famous companies offering quality devices

Buy the pump for water pressure of the appropriate cost is not a problem, in the market and in many stores the equipment offers a wide range of options. Their price depends on the operational characteristics of the device and the manufacturer, companies from many countries supply consumers with decent quality. The most famous firms that have proven their products as having quality guarantee are:

  • Grundfos (Denmark);
  • Aquario (Italy);
  • Wilo (Germany).

In addition to the reliability obtained, all devices offered by these brands have the efficiency of energy consumed. In addition to expensive options, there are analogues of Russian, Chinese and Ukrainian companies. Consumers offer pumps: Aquarius, dolphin, aquatic and spruit. These are the most sought-after manufacturers at the moment, which supply high-quality devices to enhance water pressure.
For example, you can view the video of a wide selection of pumps for water pressure.

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