How to grow chestnut in the country

September 9. Plot. Views 6926. 1 comment to record how to grow chestnut in the country

Chestnut is not only a shadow on a hot sunny day, from a wide leaf crown. It is also the delicious edible fruits of some varieties, a light pleasant flavor of flowers and clean air. Popularity and the number of plantings of this tree grows every year. Therefore, it is not surprising that many owners of their own sites decided to diversify their landscape with the help of chestnut. About how to do it right, find out in this article.



Chestnuts are beautiful trees that have slender trunks and a crown of the correct round shape. Chestnut leaf is quite large, with a simple ornament. It has a very pleasant appearance and spring, and in summer, and in the fall: since the dissolution of the kidneys until the foliage of foliage, which acquired a beautiful yellow color.


Chestnut in landscape design

Such trees look spectacular both in lengthy plantings and a single way. The life of brown wood with proper care can be very long. In gardening, chestnuts are planted in open places, in order to create a shadow in the recreation area.

Important! The land around the tree trunk is not leaving, but is planted with a lawn or a group of perennials that are well tolerated shadow:

  • fern;
  • astilba;
  • tiallla;
  • host. Maroni.

When the crown of a tree becomes wide enough - under it you can equip the zone for relaxing with hammocks, chaise lounges, or just benches with the table.

Important! Despite the fact that this beautiful family tree likes many, it can not be planted everywhere. Small household plots are not suitable for this, since the rain growth of the roots requires a lot of space. If it is not - with a tree, after several years have to say goodbye. Chestnuts are very non-addicts in watering, which is why they are often used to decorate space, planting from along Alley. Chestnuts-520x423.

What to choose a chestnut variety?

In the middle band, three grades of chestnuts are well taken out, which have excellent resistance to low temperatures (up to -27 degrees) and reach 35 m in height:

  1. American (toothed). This tree chestnut has a brown bark, naked yellowish shoots and a large number of long leisheries. Foliage is a large, sharp-gear, slightly lowered in the lounge. Male ears reach a length of 20 cm, and women's flowers are only 10 cm. The fruits of this breed are covered with a fly, very nutritious and sweet. The American rocks of chestnuts grows quickly, but, at the same time, very demanding to the light. castanea Dentata.
  2. European (sowing). European chestnuts also have a brown color of the bark, but its shoots ribbed with an olive or red tint. They are covered with a variety of ferrous hairs over the entire surface of the branch. The leaves are beautiful, oblong and have sickle teeth, resembling a drink. The color of the leaves below is grayish from the fact that the sheet is covered with a light flush. Male shoots are formed in the form of a chap, have thick inflorescences reaching 35 centimeters in length. Women's inflorescences are short and shot down, also sprouted in the form of a spike. It is advisable to grow chestnut this species for obtaining a crop, as the fruits of European chestnut can eat, they are quite large, hidden under the barbed spindlers. Rastenie-Medonos-Kashtan-Posevnoy-Kashtan-Nastoyashhiy
  3. Horse. Konsky Chestnut is the only one among those listed that inedible fruits. The horse chestnut tree is very beautiful, has large ornamental leaves that form a thick, dark crown with bright inflorescences. Rate all the attractiveness of this variety is easy - browse the photo of Chestnut, which will not be difficult to find today. This breed of chestnuts is more arrogant in the choice of soil. Suglial soil is needed, with a small content of lime. Konsky variety trees love moisture, on this in hot time it is advisable to provide additional care to Chestnas and unscrew it. Horse-Chestnut1-520x693.

Important! Among other advantages, you can note the following:

  • non-commissioned care;
  • perfectly tolerate diseases;
  • resistant to pests, gaspace and cold.

The shortcomings include:

  • slow growth in the first ten years;
  • inedible fruits. kashtan1-Max

When to plant chestnut?

Like any breed of chestnuts in early May, in the soil heated with the sun.

Important! Do not take planting trees in the fall, as the seeds can damage directly in the rodent ground. pOST-12150-1357248890.

What to plant chestnut?

Chestnut multiplies in several ways:

  1. Through seeds, in which the tree can be grown from scratch. The only inconvenience in this case is the possible occurrence of difficulties, since not all seeds ride, and wait when they go up for a long time.
  2. Finished chestnut seedlings are the easiest way. For such a landing of chestnuts use individuals for 7-10 years. At such a period, the seedlings are already fully prepared for transplant. When choosing this option, make a transplant, be sure to keep an earthen car at root.
  3. Fruits of wood. In this case, the cultivation of the tree occurs with minimal labor costs, through the use of natural conditions. As in the case of seeds, not all the fruits germinate, and accordingly, it is possible to repeat the attempt more than once. eN_7213.

How to prepare fruit to landing?

In the case when you still decided to grow an adult chestnut of seeds or fruits, follow next instructions:

  1. Spend seeds stratification by holding them in the cold for some time, about 7-10 days. It is conceived by the very nature itself, because in the fall of the fruits of Chestnut falls to the ground, in the winter they are stored under the snow, and when the thaw comes - they begin to grow.
  2. Place the seeds into the ground to a depth equal to the three-four diameters of the fetus.
  3. Understand the Earth, if it is dry.
  4. Wait for spring to find out if your seeds will germinate. pOST-12150-1357248906.

Important! In the autumn, the fruits of Chestnuts pass an additional natural stratification in winter, due to which the sprouts will be stronger and healthy.

If you decide to plant the fruit in the spring:

  1. Keep them in the refrigerator before the arrival of spring.
  2. Before disembarking, place the seeds in warm water for 4-5 days, periodically changing water.
  3. Wait for swelling - it will make it possible to easily overcome the solid shell of chestnut.
  4. Plant seeds or fruits into a wet soil. kastan.

Important! Chestnut can be planted in winter, in the ordinary flower pot. The best time for landing is the end of November-beginning of December. With the arrival of spring, transfer the sprout to the place intended for him. Browse the video in which the sequential growth of chestnut in the pot is shown to evaluate which results you can achieve in this case.

In addition, you can use the natural idea. For this:

  1. Throw the fruits of chestnut leaves in the fall, in the place where you wish to grow a tree.
  2. In the spring, disassemble a bunch of foliage and discover there a slightly sprouted fruit.
  3. Plant these fruits and get wonderful seedlings. Konica Minolta Digital Camera

Where to plant chestnut?

For competent planting of chestnut, consider the following:

  1. The root chestnut system requires a large space. Otherwise, Krone will be scarce and ugly.
  2. Sit chestnut in a sunny place or where the shadow is not throughout the day.
  3. Choose a windless terrain to prevent breaking and deformation of the chestnut trunk during its expanding. 3083

What soil is suitable for landing chestnut?

So that the chestnut is greater and healthy, the primer mixture must contain:

  • sheet soil;
  • turf soil;
  • sand.

Important! An excellent option is a loamy soil with lime, but dense soils categorically for growing chestnuts are not suitable - they will not be able to spread their roots there. 9FB57D91B2.

Rules landing chestnut

When landing a new chestnut from a seedling, follow the following rules:

  1. Square landing area Choose at least 5 square meters size.
  2. Drop the pit for a seedling, in the form of Cuba, with a stri to half a meter.
  3. At the bottom of the pit, arrange drainage from rubble and sand, 20-30 cm thick.
  4. Prepare the substrate: Mix the soil with humus and add 500 grams of dolomite flour to a mixture.
  5. Install a sapon in the pit.
  6. Do not deepen the root seedlings.
  7. Due to the sedimentation of the soil, the trunk will be taken off, so we raise the landing well by 5-10 cm.
  8. Pour a planted plant abundantly.
  9. Install wooden backups to protect the seedlings from the wind.
  10. Do not remove the backups until the root system is strengthened. Sony DSC.

Care Rules

In order for your chestnut grew and developing correctly, remember the needs of this plant:

  • feat the tree with organic means;
  • water regularly, but not too abundant. Do not create around the pudge tree;
  • loose the soil is not very deep enough to damage the roots;
  • periodically add peat into the soil;
  • make a feeder 3-4 times a year using overwhelmed manure or special compost;
  • when fertilizer, keep in mind that the compost is preferably manure, as it contains a large number of useful trace elements that feed the soil and roots of the tree.
  • regularly remove the dried branches from the trunk and form a beautiful crown;
  • in the spring, we certainly treat chestnut insecticides;
  • use fungicidal agents to prevent fungal diseases. 03F24676CE


Having learned everything that you need to grow chestnuts in the household sections, you can equip your holiday in the shade in the best possible way. Of course, the cultivation of trees is long and painstaking work. But bothering once, you will create a new family tree that will delight your beauty not one generation!

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One answer to how to grow chestnut in the country

  1. Vasya:

    The article is completely about another tree. This is not a chestnut, it is a horse chestnut. They are not even relatives with ordinary chestnas, these are different families. Why mislead?

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