Ampel plants. Survey overview and garden design

May 7. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 4217. 1 comment To record ampel plants. Survey overview and garden design

Ampel plants for the garden are decorative plants that are grown in various baskets, suspended pots, porridge and vases. They have drop-down long shoots and when they grow up, they acquire a charming cascade of leaves and colors.


Ampelnants can grow almost any plants, ranging from room, greenhouse and ending with open soil plants. However, this, as a rule, will be plants with falling, fluttering either curly up. The last option is usually directed by specially intended substitutions, and the first two are suspended at a certain height.


Views of ampel plants

Among this type of plants, you can always choose specimens for every taste - some have decorative leaves, others have bright flowers, third - shades, fourth - light-sounded.

Classification and photo:

1. Ampel succulents:

  • wood Creek;

capegy Wood

  • ripzalis Cassite;

ripzalis Cassita

  • sick-shaped syllable and rowley;

sick-shaped sign and rowley

  • sedum;


  • pletoid aporakactus.


2. Ampel plants blooming:

  • eschinantus;


  • fuchsia;


  • plus-pelargonium;

Promotions Jo Ashworth.

  • columbus;


  • an equalissious bell;

an equalistic bell

  • achimens.


3. Decoratively deciduous:

  • chlorophyteum crested;

chlorophyteum Crested

  • rooting and creeping ficus;

rooting and creeping ficus

  • hanging zebrina;

hanging zebrin

  • siza Selaginell;

Soleiroliya 1.

  • southern PlexTrans;

southern Plextranus

  • drinking coaching;

drinking Camery

  • tradessches;


  • kotovnik;


  • begonias;


  • asparagus.


Benefits of garden ampel plants


  • they are universal because they can be decorated with your balcony greenhouse or winter garden;
  • plow plants do not require special care and quickly acquire a luxurious look;
  • with the help of ampels, you can nicely decorate the country area, add bright accents and allocate vertical garden lines;
  • ampel plants are quite mobile, so you can always create a new interior;
  • thanks to them, the landscape design becomes easier and does not require high costs;
  • suitable for designing door and window openings, loggias, arbors, veranda and zoning of premises.

Selection of plants for the cottage garden


Verbena, Fuchsia, Nasturtium, Petunia and Plush Sadargonium are considered the most popular and user-enjoyable ampellable plants. They can be planted in vases or baskets together with other colors. However, this should be done, focusing on the rules of the flower composition. Beautifully look a bouquet, having a different color palette, shape and height, because, thus, a live still life is formed.

In the process of creating such compositions in the suspended pots, it should be remembered that the colors should have the same wiring requirements. It is desirable to pick up such apt that there is no need to water often, because the container soil will quickly dry. For such baskets, Pelargonium, Petunia, Ivy, Tunfection, Asparagus, Balzamine, Tunbergia, and Other are perfectly suitable for such a baskets, but the main rule - plants must be carefully hung, forming a multicolor cascade.

If you wish, you can land in a pot one type of plants, but having a different gamut of shades. Also originally and saturated composition from dichondra, red balsamine and bright orange nasturtium.

Landing of ampel plants


So that the plants that are planted in the hanging baskets felt well, they should create special conditions - the right container and the soil. For lightness, the coconut shell is spilled in them, a dense layer of grass and green felt, or a piece of geotextiles and green knitwear is taken.

Containers located on loggias and window sills must necessarily have drainage and drain hole. The first can be done using broken shards or fine gravel, as well as with a floral sponge and clay.

The soil is placed in the pot - a mixture of peat, sheet humus and sand, or a garden compost is used. It is also recommended to add vermiculite or hydrogel granules - with the help of moisture will be held.

Start planting plants follows from the center of the tank, and then along the edges. In the middle it is recommended to have renovative copies with short stems, and then a little longer. At the same time you need to gently compact the soil and lay the roots. After irrigation, the soil is murdered, due to which the weed seeds will not be penetrated and the humidity is preserved.

At first, ampel plants need to be protected from the bright sun to give them adapt. However, the main thing is regular watering. The smaller the basket, the more often it is necessary. In the summer, especially on hot days, it should be done in the evening or in the morning.

If there was a situation and the pot with a plant did not quit for several days, then the earth will become solid and will not absorb moisture. Then the soil must be covered with pieces of ice, or place a container in a water basin.

In order for ampels to always be beautiful and well-groomed, they must sometimes feed them, and to preserve an external aesthetic species - regularly remove dry shoots and flowers.

Also, should not forget about the observance of the balance between the normal space for the growth and lifesty of the ampel composition. So, for example, in a normal average suspended pot (in diameter up to 30 cm), you can land up to 5 species of plants or 3 identical. If you plan to use one bushes of surfing, petunia or verbena, then take a smaller container.

How to decorate the garden with ampels

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Ampel plants are not enough to buy enough, they should be properly disposed. That is why there are certain rules that need to be considered:

  • pendant ampel compositions need and can be changed. Thanks to this, your garden will always look like new;
  • all plants must have a pleasant appearance and correspond to the summer landscape;
  • the compositions should be placed in such a way as not to create barriers for your movement;
  • with the help of such plants, you can create a stunning effect using the decor of the old bike or cars;
  • ampel plants are ideal for vertical landscaping. If you wish, they can be sent up and allow growing on special grids.

Ampel plants. Garden overview, garden design:

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One answer to ampel plants. Survey overview and garden design

  1. Alexandra:

    Tell me, what ampel plants can winter in Sochi in the open soil?

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