How to protect trees from sunburn

June 28. Plot. Views 3639. Comments to record How to protect trees from sunburn No

With the arrangement of the garden or landing single trees on its own site, it is very important to provide them with proper care. One of the stages - protection of the bark from the scoring sunlight. Prevent burns of burns much easier than treat. Therefore, carefully read all the methods proposed below to select the optimal option.

When can trees get sunny burns?


Most often, burns arise not in the period of summer sultry heat, and when thaws at the end of winter - early spring.

Important! During this period, the trunks and branches of the plants are not protected by a thick foliage of the crown, which is why direct rays leads to the most adverse consequences.

shank burn-trees

Causes of burns

The most common factors contributing to the emergence of burns:

  1. Unprotected, without preprocessing the trees and the sun, the rays of which in the dignity, but cold, the days are directed directly to the bark. mG_0003.
  2. The presence of snow cover on Earth, which reflects the bright sunlight on the trees, enhances adverse effects.
  3. Day and night significant temperature differences in the spring thaw. 495_18274
    Important! When heated under warm straight rays, fruit trees are "awakened" and the protective function from frosts is reduced. As a result, the bark is bursting and cracking, which are not delayed throughout the remaining life of the tree.                                                                                                                
  4. Excessive drawing of trunk and shoots with a dense film, wire or other materials when shelting for the winter.
    Important! Such an impact contributes to the appearance of ringing, in which the bark is not so resistant to negative influence, which is why there is a burning of trees. 79936038
  5. The use of fine polyethylene coating as a means of protection against rodents.
    Important! In this case, the instability of the thermal regime of plants, the incorrect organization leads to a violation of the work of the protective mechanism, which causes damage to the crust during the period of sudden changes in weather conditions in the offseason. pic3.

What plants are more affected by damage?

Special attention in the process of caring for trees, pay those individuals that can quickly die with unfavorable environmental impact without additional protection:

  1. Heat-loving plants and those whose bark is no sufficient thick, for example:
    • willow;
    • maple;
    • some types of apple trees;
    • chestnut. 4328097.nblv2vrjfe.w665
  2. Young seedlings transplanted shortly before cooling.

    Important! In this case, the low level of independent protection of the tree is explained by the new conditions for further development and high costs for survival in them. Winter cold with a bright sun becomes an additional test, especially if before that they grown in the nursery, mainly with a favorable microclimate and shady territory.


  3. Trees planted on open sunny sections.
  4. Plants with improper previous departure, for example, excessive artificial fertilizer.

    Important! If you get into natural conditions, their exposure to various damage increases significantly due to the lack of its own immunity.

  5. Trees planted in areas with constant stagnation. Img_0118.

What diseases can manifest after the bark burns?

Damage to the bark not only affects the reduction of the protective functions of the plant. Burns contribute to the overall weakening of the trees, which cause different diseases, and pests are much easier to penetrate the wood and develop their activities.


Most often after receiving burns, the following problems appear in the trees:

Ways to prevent burns


There are many means and methods to prevent damage to the crust and the appearance of diseases:

  1. Whitewash.
  2. Painting tables with special means.
  3. Wrapping trees.
  4. Hilling.
  5. Graft. Morozoboinyi-3.

Important! Select the most appropriate option to protect trees on time. Take into account the presence of skills in the field of gardening, the amount of free time to care for green plantings and financial capabilities.


How and when to make a whitewash tree?

This method is quite effective, but at the same time very simple.


Store the following recommendations in the process of creating a protective layer:

  1. Switch the procedure in late autumn and upon the onset of the first thaws. SDC11941
  2. Create a solution as follows:
    • 2-3 kg of chalk or hawed lime;
    • 50-100 grams of casein glue;
    • 0.5 kg of copper sulfate, diluted in hot water.

    Important! Mix all ingredients with water to obtain the pasta mass in 10 liters.


  3. Turn not only tree trunks, but also lower skeletal branches. 1286892952_DSC04046.
  4. Apply a solution of 2-3 layers, with gaps for drying the mass, before getting bright white.

    Important! View the video to more clearly imagine the upcoming work.

    Check out the information of another video, in which the processing process of trees is clearly shown - aerosol bliss.

What means to use for painting trunks?


A similar procedure for processing trunks and branches of trees to prevent the occurrence of burns, perform using special tools if they are available to you for value.

Important! The advantages of such a decision are not only in high efficiency and the absence of the need for regular seasonal coating update - such solutions are not fused and are not flushed when natural precipitation is dedicated.


The most popular qualitative means suitable for performing this work:

  1. SU-511.
  2. Protection.
  3. VD-K4-577.
  4. Operatoes garden.
  5. Gardener.
  6. Suns. . kraska.

Important! Select one of the means proposed list, considering the peculiarities of growing trees and their breed. Pay attention to the instructions for use, application vendors to each solution to make the right decision.


How and when to wrap the trees?


If you prefer to create a protective wrap of a tree trunk, perform this work in the fall. OBVJAZKA-MESHKOVINOJ-I-POLIJETILENOVOJ-PLENKOJ-STVOLOV

Important! Such an approach will protect plants not only from burns, but also from frosts in winter strules.


Most often, the following types are used to perform such a procedure:

  • sackcloth;
  • garden mats;
  • parchment paper;
  • boards. 1287082759_Derevo.

    Important! The first 3 types of materials are used to wrapping the trunk, but at the same time be sure to follow the lack of pests under the protective layer of rodents and insects, which are often settled in secluded warm places. If you decide to use ordinary boards - come to the stems from the south side. The effectiveness of this method is sufficiently high with a minor time spent - you do not have to update this protection for about 5 years. Browse the video, with visual examples of surface treatment with blades and wrapping to choose a suitable way with all the nuances of the technology of each option.

Features Wood vaccinations from burns

This way give preference if you have enough experience in reproducing trees and care for them. To perform such a procedure, certain skills and knowledge will be required, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the desired effect, but you can harm the plant.


Important! To perform vaccinations, it is usually taken to shoot more enduring, but at the same time less valuable breeds. During splicing, they provide high stability of the plant to any unfavorable effect. We instill trees and in the crown, and in the strain, depending on the area subject to damage.


How to treat injured trees?

If you failed to prevent tree burns, follow these steps to restore the health of plants:

  1. Gently remove with a garden knife a damaged bark. uHOD_ZA_DEREVOM6.
  2. Clean the wound.
  3. Prepare a solution of copper vapor in the proportion of 100g / 10l water.
  4. Treat a mixture of burns.
  5. Prepare garden var.
    Important! Choose the most convenient for self-prescription of all. We give one of the simplest and most popular variants of the mixture:

    • 200 g of the wax;
    • 250 g of grease;
    • 50 g of pine resin.

    All ingredients are pre-molded, then mix in one container. Var ready to use.

  6. Allocate all the place of damage to this solution. maxResDefault4.
  7. Reinforcing trunks and branches with bubbles with dark film or burlap.
  8. Remove the protective layer after reducing the risk of re-burning and wound healing. Img_5448.
  9. If necessary, vaccinate the tree to increase the stability of the tree to adverse effects and prevent new damage.
    Important! Perform these procedures only after the onset of stable warm weather. Check out the proposed video, which shows the procedure for the treatment of trees from burns.


Such a procedure does not take a lot of your time, but at the same time will certainly provide health to all plants. Each of the proposed protection methods is quite effective. Therefore, no matter what exactly you preferred, you can be confident in the correctness of the choice and not worry about the full development of trees. With this approach, your site will definitely be attractive, and fruit trees will delight abundant harvest.

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