Building level. Types and characteristics

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No building process, starting with the preparation of a construction site and ending with the finishing decorative finish, does not pass without the use of the level. This device guarantees a clear despusting of all parameters, and accordingly, the strength and reliability of any design. To buy the right level, read the prerequisites with all the types of this tool and the main characteristics of each type. Such an approach will provide the most convenient and competent application, and will exclude the delay in the delivery time.

Types of levels


At the modern construction tools, the following types of levels are presented:

Bubble construction level


When laying any building materials, the level of this species is used most often due to the excellent combination of cost and ease of use. It is noteworthy that such a tool is used both professional builders and those who have no big skills. uroven_stroitelniy_enl

Construction of bubble level


The principle of its device is as follows:

  1. Several flasks are connected in a single case.
  2. The body is most often represented in the form of a rectangle of polystyrene or aluminum.
  3. The length of this level has a different size, depending on the manufacturer and the intended purpose.

    Important! The range of this magnitude is 20 cm - 2.5 and in some models - 4 meters. The larger than the project, the longer the tool will be required. STAYER_MASTER_3463-_100.

  4. The inside of each individual section is filled with liquid, usually alcohol.

    Important! Depending on the number of flasks vary and the possibilities of the construction level, the price of which will also differ depending on its functionality:

    • availability of 1 flasks will make accurate horizontal;
    • 2 sections will ensure the clarity of the parameters and horizontally, and vertically;
    • 3 flasks will provide the ability to define an additional turning level. stroitelnyj-uroven-Vidy-I-Naznachenie-stroitelnyx-urovnej
  5. Separately, we note another type of bubble tool - magnetic. The presence of such inserts allows you to conveniently fix it to vertical surfaces.

    Important! An excellent solution to buy a building level with magnets, when working mainly with metal structures. 14076574

Advantages and disadvantages of bubble level


To the advantages of buying this particular tool, we will take the following indicators:

  • high strength of the product;
  • the ability to choose the most suitable device for a specific building process;
  • ease of use;
  • suitable for builders of any qualification. 00000039123_120

    Important! Among the shortcomings of the application, we note the fact that when performing a large-scale project, it is desirable to use several bubble levels of different lengths. 635


Check out the proposed video, in which it is described in detail about how to distinguish a high-quality bubble level from a bad tool.

Pipe level


This device is one of the varieties of the bubble tool, but stands out in a separate category due to the features of the destination. 1334049530_52

We present some distinctive features of such a device so that you can more clearly imagine how rational will be its acquisition:

  • The design is similar to a conventional bubble building level, but has a V-shaped recess.
  • Such devices have a greater length, but a smaller diameter, which is why it is formed for the convenience of storage on the principle of connecting sections.
  • Their weight is much less than ordinary models of bubble type.
  • Standard equipment has magnets, perforated ribbon and cord for fastening on the desired part. sTROITELNIE-UROVNI-7

    Important! Pipe levels are characterized by a narrow special purpose of use - laying of pipes or profiles.



The level of building water is designed to determine the surface errors of an exceptionally horizontal location. It is based on its functioning in the natural nature of the fluid to take such a position at which the upper line is clearly horizontal. 20305

Equipment of water tool

The level of this type consists of the following details:

  1. 5-25 meters long hose.
  2. Flabs on the edges with division scale.
  3. Holes in each flask with covers through which they are filled.

    Important! The weight of the device without a liquid is about 0.3 kg, after filling the flask, this indicator increases to 1.1 kg. gidro4.

Advantages and disadvantages of hydroevum

We note among the advantages of such a tool the following factors:

  • Cheapness.
  • Ability to use without special skills. thumbnail.php.

The flaws of such a device are determined by the following conditions:

  • Limited opportunities.
  • The need to neatly fill the containers to eliminate the appearance of air bubbles, otherwise the testimony will be incorrect.
  • You can not store a tool near the heating devices.
  • It is impossible to use in rooms of a small area due to the large length of the device. 37042


Browse the video in which the principle of the water level is clearly shown.

Laser levels


Tools of this type appeared on the market relatively recently and are improved measuring instruments. All laser levels are grouping in several categories according to the relevant criteria. The most important of them is the principle of configuration and management, which is distinguished by:

  • manual control devices;
  • automatic systems - pendulum, electronic, mixed. 200710172021_DW087K_1

    Important! Review the video overview of several existing varieties of laser levels, to quickly understand which device suits you.

The fastening of them is carried out in any convenient way:

  • on the belt;
  • to tripod;
  • on a magnet. 00000007463_LZR6.

    Important! Principle of operation - visualization of a given line using laser rays. 867462



Further distinguishes the construction level Laser from all other species a fairly wide range of important advantages:

  1. The most accurate indicators.
  2. The ability to use in open areas and in rooms of different areas.
  3. Compact sizes.
  4. The ability to identify even minor deviations.
  5. Apply for surfaces of any location, even with complex geometry.
  6. Practically unlimited service life with proper use.
  7. The only suitable option in exercising large-scale complex projects.
  8. The ability not only to check the accuracy of the work already performed, but also to create a projection before installation.
  9. Promotes the acceleration of the deadlines for commissioning. SK102Z Makita Laser.


  1. Some models are complex in management due to the variety of functions.
  2. High price. nivelir.biz_raz_01_04.


Browse the video attached below to quickly understand the principle of the laser level device, the features of the action and settings.

Level selection criteria


In order for the acquired measuring device to really contribute to the relief of the completion of the construction tasks, before deciding on a suitable model, to make a list of requirements, focusing on the following criteria:

  1. Construction scale.
  2. Completeness of the project.
  3. Availability of professional skills.
  4. Functionality of the device.
  5. Availability price
  6. Manufacturer. uroven 30m.

What manufacturer to give preference?


In order to easily understand among the variety of proposals, and buy a really high-quality device, do not waste your attention on a long study of the characteristics of each brand. Prefer proven brands whose products are presented on the market for a long time and uses permanent demand:

  1. Stabila (Germany). This manufacturer delivers the levels of predominantly bubble and magnetic type. Many models allow you to mark the layout of the lines of the power grid and its individual elements. It is advantageous to the levels of this brand and low cost in combination with proven German qualities. stabila80a-29y_enl
  2. Kapro (USA, Israel). Products of this company are represented by a very wide line of measuring instruments of various types. Kapro building levels are oriented on a professional user and for domestic use. Both industries are constantly developing new models with innovative solutions, which allows not doubting the effectiveness and quality of these modern devices. uroven-kapro-15323-1000mm-2-kapsuly! Large
  3. Bosch (Germany). One of the most striking representatives of famous German quality. This company produces many devices not only for measuring purposes. The main advantage of this brand is confirmed by perennial, presence in the market, more than 100 years, quality in combination with a wide product line. All products certainly undergo quality check before entering the market, which eliminates the identification of any defects in the process with a tool. Models are developed under various application directions, so finding a suitable product from suggestions of this company will not be difficult. bosch_pll_360.
  4. Condtrol (Russia). This organization is not just the production of measuring instruments of different directions, but a full-fledged research center. According to its technical characteristics, all products of this brand are similar to the above-mentioned Bosch brand, but their value is significantly lower. High quality, modern design of devices and simplicity of use have caused the demand for the levels of Condtrol worldwide. xliner_comdo

How to check when buying?


To buy a really high-quality measuring device with maximum reading accuracy, follow these steps:

  1. Put the tool on a flat surface.
  2. Remember the indicator.
  3. Mark place its location.
  4. Remove the device.
  5. Turn it.
  6. Return the level to the original place.
  7. Check the figures. 1359009732-314

    Important! If the data obtained in both cases coincide - the tool works properly.

How to adjust the construction level?


Before you start working with a tool, be sure to configure it, following the instructions applied by the manufacturer. The general rules for all types of construction levels in this regard does not exist. buildlevel_2.

How to use the construction level?


In order for the selected tool to serve for a long time, read some recommendations for the use of the construction level and be sure to observe them during operation:

  1. When preparing for the operation of the hydrorer, use only room temperature water.
  2. With any device, contact a very neat, not allowing drops or mechanical impact on the tool.
  3. Check the accuracy of the readings regularly to identify the settings fail. Olympus Digital Camera.


To make the necessary building process as quickly and correctly and properly and properly, approach the purchase of a suitable level. By this, you will not only facilitate the task of installation, but also ensure the subsequent safety of operation due to the exact compliance of the design parameters specified by the architectural project.

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