Features and technology of rubber tile laying

May 3. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 4865. Comments to record features and technology laying rubber tile No

For landscaping, various materials are suitable for landscaping. Rubber coatings are enjoyed with great demand, which include paving stones and tiles. In this article we will talk about the use of rubber paving slabs with a landscaped design of a country site.

Scope of application and coating properties

In essence, the rubber tile is a product of the processing of spent automotive tires. Their disposal leads to a tile of rubber crumb, based on the manufacture of high-quality rubber.


The main technical coatings of 50 * 50 cm in size:

  • thickness - 1-4 cm;
  • maximum weight - 7 kg;
  • density - 650-800 kg / m³;
  • the service life is 10-15 years.

Tile of rubber can be used in various seats of giving. This coating is applied when creating:

  • garden tracks;
  • children's and sports grounds;
  • territory adjacent to the pool;
  • gym;
  • ladders, steps and porch;
  • area golf course;
  • stables.

Rubber tiles are quite different shades. You can purchase both bright and dark discreet products. You can also choose a tile that will fit harmoniously into the surrounding interior (house, fence, garden sheds, etc.). The color of the material will not fade with the passage of time.

One of the main qualities of the rubber coating is resistance to sharp temperature differences. The tile is not cracking at winter temperatures up to - 40ºС, summer - up to + 40ºС.

The advantages of using rubber tiles for the street also include:

  • absolute environmental safety;
  • excellent wear resistance;
  • variety of textured solutions;
  • resistance to the effects of sunlight and chemical preparations;
  • irreversibility of electricity;
  • attractive appearance;
  • simplicity of transportation and care;
  • anti-slip qualities;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • good orthopedic characteristics;
  • maintainability;
  • excellent sound insulation properties;
  • ease of dismantling.

Compositions for gluing rubber tiles to base

To reduce the likelihood of repair work, laying the coating should be carried out using only high-quality glue. To perform this work, the glue composition on a polyurethane base is most suitable. This is explained by the fact that polyurethane underlies gluing crumbs from rubber.


Such glue for rubber tile is a transparent viscous liquid. With it, it is possible to produce a reliable clutch of the material with various surfaces: concrete, asphalt, wood, etc.

In addition, polyurethane glue:

  • does not stick to the hands;
  • it is easily washed off by aqueous solution;
  • does not contain harmful substances;
  • quickly collapsing;
  • besmevet;
  • he has increased adhesion.

There are a number of requirements that need to be followed during the use of polyurethane glue. The main ones are:

  • the air temperature and material should be 10-25ºС;
  • air humidity should not exceed 70%;
  • use of glue for a short time.

The most suitable options for gluing rubber tiles are polyurethane formulations:

  • Ecostep Rapid;
  • A-121.

The first product is manufactured by Huntsman, which is the world leader in the production of polyurethane materials. The use of ECOSTEP Rapid glue makes it possible to reliably glue the rubber coating to the base, which will serve a solid operational period.

HUNTSMAN polyurethane glue does not contain organic solvents. It is very convenient and safe. After gluing rubber tiles, pedestrian loads are allowed after 24 hours, the movement of vehicles - after 4-5 days.

Glue on polyurethane based A-121 is made by the Turkish company Duayen Ltd. It also does not contain solvents, characterized by heat resistance and moisture resistance, is well seized and does not dug.

There are conditions for the use of A-121 glue:

  • the processed surface should be dry and clean;
  • heating systems are not included within 4-5 days before it is applied;
  • double layer on a surface that will be subject to contact with water.

Hasalizing the binder composition occurs after 20-25 minutes, complete drying - in 5-6 hours.

Preparation of the base under the tile

Before starting to lay the rubber tile, it is necessary to carefully prepare a draft floor. Its surface must be clean, dry and smooth.

Before laying a rubber coating, the floor is checked for dizzy. To do this, you can use a hygrometer. If the apparatus testifies the presence of relative air humidity up to 80%, then the surface is considered ready for tile work.

When the hygrometer could not be found, then you should not despair. There is a fairly effective method by which normal humidity is determined. In various places, the base is placed salt, which is covered with glasses. If the salt has not been dissolved for 48 hours, then the rubber tile can be installed.

You should also check the horizontal position of the base. When working with rubber coating, the height differed is not allowed. The deviation of the surface should not exceed 1-2 mm.


Rubber Coating Technology

Before starting tile work material:

  • stored in a dry room;
  • it is forbidden to wash any means of household chemicals;
  • it is allowed to wipe only with a moistened cloth.

Laying rubber tiles for tracks is carried out in one of two ways:

  • on the ground coating;
  • on a solid foundation.

Styling on the ground provides for the use of tiles with a thickness of 3 to 8 cm. At the initial stage, the basis is carried out. It consists of the following steps:

  • the top layer of the soil is removed;
  • all weeds and their roots are removed;
  • the surface is thoroughly tram;
  • the 10-centimeter layer of rubble is stacked;
  • sand-cement mixture (6-7 cm) be trambed.

With subsequent laying of rubber tiles on the site it is recommended to install a curb. It solves two tasks:

  • makes a stronger design created;
  • gives the track maximum aesthetic qualities.


When installing rubber coating on the ground, it is not necessary to create a slope. The drainage will be carried out naturally. The main thing is to purchase a tile that is connected by the sleeves. The sleeves are securely joined the tiles, not allowing them to be shifted when laying and subsequent operation.

The second option provides for laying tiles on a solid surface: a concrete base, flooring of wooden boards or asphalt. For example, a children's playground from asphalt or a decorative wooden bridge can be a safe rubber coating on the indentioned area of \u200b\u200ba safe rubber coating. The perfectly level base is processed by a primer mixture. It can be done independently. For this, acetone and polyurethane glue mixed in the same ratio.

Dry and pure rubber tiles are laid with a slight bias (up to 2º), due to which an effective moisture outflow is achieved. After priming the base, you can start gluing tiles. The application of polyurethane adhesive is carried out using a roller or spatula. The tile is tightly pressed against the glue.

Tile work implies:

  • laying material with minimal gap;
  • complete air removal by strong pressing on the tile;
  • dense dusting of adjacent coatings;
  • lack of waviness on the tile surface;
  • rapid removal of glue with the face of the material;
  • preventing applying glue to adjacent tile surfaces.

Coating care

Rubber tile does not need special care. It is not amazed by fungal disputes and mold, it is not damaged by rodents and insects. For washing tiles from rubber crumbs, special detergents are required.


Cleaning the path or site from this material is due to the rain drops. Strongly contaminated areas are wedged with a jet of water from the hose. The softening of the adhesive particles of clay or sand is made with a soft brush or moistened in the water broom. To dry the tiled surface, a vacuum cleaner is used.

In winter, the snow is removed from the rubber tile. For this, plastic or wooden shovels with brooms are used.

Video about the technology of laying rubber tiles:


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