Spilization of trees: Step-by-step instruction

January 31. Useful advice, Plot. Views 1928. 2 comments To write Spilization of trees: Step by step instructions

Spilization of trees on the site is an urgent topic for any dacket. The need to eliminate wood may occur for various reasons: too large size and proximity to home, danger of falling drying trunk, excessive shading, etc. Regardless of the cause, it is necessary to know the rules of spilling trees and comply with safety techniques.

Technique and tools

For the spill of the tree you can use various tools, ranging from the classic hand saw, ending with modern chainsaw models. Since the last option is more relevant and helps to save a mass of temporary and labor costs, we will focus on it in more detail.

In addition to the equipment, you need a wedge to expand me. Wedges must be made of plastic or wood (metal wedges are not allowed, because they can damage chainsaw). Also prepare a sledgehammer, cable and high-quality protection: plastic glasses, hardware, building headphones and gloves. For particularly large and old trees, they may need a chain - the trunk is thrown into it to protect it from a premature split.


The spillation technique of trees may differ depending on the size of the tree, its remoteness from buildings or other landings, shapes and degrees of the trunk.

Chainsaw work

Previously, trees were piled with a conventional ax or a hand saw, but these tools have long passed into the past and are suitable only for rods of firewood and to fit the latitive branches. Chainsaw should be in the household even if you have no trees on the site. With it, it is possible to quickly cut the branches and prepare a damker material.


How to handle chainsaw:

  1. When working with the tool, be sure to use protective equipment: glasses, hard hat, headphones, gloves. Instead of headphones, earnings will fit.
  2. Before turning on the saw, check the degree of sharpness and tension of the chain. If the tension is good, the guides of the teeth will remain in the groove while pulling the chain from the top of the tire.
  3. When pouring fuel, always check the degree of tension of the chain.
  4. Do not work chainsaw in windy weather.

In order to emergency spice the trees, the falling object caused harm to neighboring landings or buildings, it is necessary to determine the place of its fall in advance and calculate the trajectory. To do this, it is necessary to study the shape of the tree, the degree of dryness and the number of large branches. If there are many large branches and dryness, they need to be pre-cut. Otherwise, they may affect the trajectory of the fall of the trunk.


The fall zone of the tree should be more than its crown 2 times and have ways of unhindered waste. If other trees are located nearby, the cutting trunk so that the krona is not stuck in the branches of these trees. It becomes clear that the injecting person will not always be able to cope with such work independently. Cutting services for trees are relatively inexpensive, but will help to avoid accidents in particularly difficult situations (too large, split or dry wood).

Spilization technology

You can work in spilling trees at a certain time of the year. Time depends on what kind of purpose you will use wood. For example, if it goes to firewood, the tree is better to pour around in the middle of the autumn when the juices inside it "calm down". If you cut such a tree in the spring, when nature wakes up, wood will be oversaturated with moisture and not suitable for the protest. But if we are talking about an emergency, the time of year does not matter.


How to cut wood with chainsaw:

  1. You have to gradually make several sublicas. The first one should go from above and go deep into the diameter of the barrel at an angle of 45 °. This cutter must be made from the fall side of the tree.
  2. Take the second sub-cut and saw horizontally until the saw reaches the upper cut. As a result, you will get a bought angle of 45 °.
  3. You should not pinpoint a tree completely, because in this case you cannot predict, in which direction it will fall. And so the trunk will fall in the other side with which undercrowes were made.
  4. The next step is made by the filling control. First, make sure that the fall zone of the tree is freed from people, cars, animals and foreign objects. Control propyl must go from the opposite corner of 45 °. Make it 5 cm from the bottom subsided, leading the saw in the horizontal direction parallel to it.
  5. Leave the hired 1/10 diameter of the trunk. This is an extremely important moment, since this propyl will ensure the correct path of fall. If it is less than 1/10 barrel diameter, it will be very difficult to predict the trajectory. The saw should dive into the trunk slowly, but confidently.
  6. When the trunk starts to fall, get the saw from the cut and turn it off. It is very important to quickly leave the place of work so that the broken branch or chip does not harm you.

Useful advice: To prevent the busbar in the trunk, insert a wooden or plastic wedge into the control cut until the tree falls. Keep the saw on the maximum number of revolutions and in the process of work, follow where the barrel is cubed. In this case, you have time to take action if you see that the tree does not fall according to a given trajectory.

Experts recommend to cut the tree to the side, where the most branches and branches, and if the trunk is superfluous and even - to the side, where he has less diameter. We have prepared two videos about spilling trees, where all the specifics of the work is shown in detail.

Overlooking of a tree

The spill of the tree does not always help solve the problem, because after it stump remains. If your task is to exempt space for subsequent build, gardening or other needs, the tree will have torture. To work as quickly as possible and without unpleasant surprises, it should pass in stages and in accordance with the plan.

Developing a plan for removing large old plants should be held in accordance with the legislation and under the supervision of experienced specialists. The cutting resolution of trees needs to be issued only if the tree is outside of your property. For example, if a huge poplar is growing right behind the fence, which destroys the fence with its roots and your home behind it, then permission is necessary for its elimination. If the tree is on a privatized site, you can do what you want. The planned spill of trees in the city in this case is directed precisely to prevent emergency situations due to excessive sizes of trees. Then the plants remove almost all the large branches, leaving only the trunk, and thin young twigs appear in the spring of it.


So, a plan for removing a tree should take into account the mass of factors: the breed of wood, age, sizes, soil characteristics, etc. All this helps to assess the degree of development of the root system of the plant and, as a result, the complexity of work on the overrocheviation.


Dimensions of a tree

Any work with trees should be started with the assessment of their appearance. There are special rules that allow you to choose a suitable tool to irrigate wood depending on its size. So, if the diameter of the barrel does not exceed 10 cm, you can do the usual garden shovel or forks. If the plant has a barrel diameter of 10-20 cm, one shovel here is clearly not enough, and it will be necessary to dig a deep hole.


In the case of particularly large trees, the diameter of the trunk of which exceeds 20 cm, should be acting on the situation. If the tree is still healthy and strong, do not hurry to cut and irrigate - the plant needed a lot of years to achieve such sizes. Consider an option with a transplantation in a more suitable place. Such a service is called the transplant of large-scaler and is very popular. If the tree is old, patient, dry, then for its elimination it will take a special technique: chainsaw, lifting crane, crushing machine, etc. In this case, it is recommended to call specialists.

Overlooking technology

The method of wheelchairing also depends on its size. If the plant is small, and you can do the shovel, the essence of the work comes down to stick the shovel in a circle of the root, then by pressing the leg pressing into the ground and click on the handle. If at the same time you heard the sound of the roots of the roots, it is a good sign. If no reaction followed, and the tree does not succumb to it is better not to put pressure on the shovel, otherwise there is a risk of breaking it. Try to stick it on the other side of the tree and at a different angle.


If you still broke the shovel or all attempts to break the roots of the tree at different angles were in vain, you will have to dig a hole. So you can see the roots and refurb them with a shovel or ax. Also for cutting the main and most powerful root, you can use a secateur. It is he who does not allow the tree to fall, but to get to the central root, the plant must be flipped from all sides. The trench should be about 2-3 times wider than the trunk of a tree. If you need to remove all the roots, the width of the pit must be increased. If you stumbled upon a solid root during the digging process (and this will definitely), reflect it with the edge or cut the sektor from two sides.

As the deepening, it will be uncomfortable to wake a big shovel. Replace it with a sapper blade or remove the ground with your hands. Be sure to put the garden gloves. If this method did not bring the desired results, or around too little space to dig a trench, you need to apply more significant measures.

Overlooking complex trees

To emerge a particularly large tree or plant with very deep and chain roots, you will need to use special equipment: a hammer, a sledgehammer, chainsaw or any other tool that can split the stump (it is easier to remove it in the split form).


It is necessary to cut the stump to 2 or 4 parts, then try to pry and remove each of the parts separately. Very effective in this regard is a wedge used as a lever. The longer the wedge, the more powerful impact he will be able to (the height of human growth is quite enough). Do not drive it too deep into the ground so that the ground has not been added to the gravity and the root resistance.

If you still vanished the wedge too deeply and can not get it back if the fragments of the split stumps are not amenable and positive shifts in the work is not observed, do not fall in spirit. There is another way that is based on the fact that the root system of the combustible stump is already at some extent weakened and the rope can be shunken under it. For example, you have chopped the central root, but the plant keeps in the ground with powerful side branches.


To implement the plan, you will need at least one assistant - it will delay the stump in the opposite direction, while you will sober up its roots, while weakening the grip.

Chemical removal

To such a way, you can resort if, after all the enforced efforts, the stump never succumbed to, or remove the stump you not to the specimen and do not want to apply extra effort. Despite the technical progress, such a "grandfat" is relevant to this day.

How to remove stump in a chemical way:

  1. Drill to do a lot of vertical holes in a depth of about 15-20 cm in stump. Alternatively, you can use chainsaw, having done it deep into the depth. However, in this case, marginal caution should be observed, since when the tire sock is heated, it is very often rebound, and the saw for the spill of trees literally throws up. If an inexperienced person is operating tool, such a rebound can lead to serious injury to the hands, head and neck. Season all work drill with a long drill.
  2. In the resulting vertical emptiness it is necessary to pour salter. To eliminate stumps, a potassium or ammonium nitrate is used, but many daches have expressed in experimental means that the urea (carbide) works are more efficiently, since it is more than the percentage of nitrogen. She, like Selitra, can be purchased in the horticultural store. If the diameter of the stump is 60-70 cm, 1 kg carbide will be required.
  3. Pull the nitrogen fertilizer into the holes and gently fill with the water, not allowing splashing.
  4. Next, it is necessary to clog holes so that the precipitates do not waste carbide. A classic method involves the use of chops (plugs), but much easier and faster to wrap the pencils with dense construction polyethylene, tied up on the edges of the twine, and press the edges of the film with stones or sprinkled with soil.
  5. Now it remains only to wait when carbide or anoryer will do their job and literally dissolve the stump. For large copies, you will need about 1-1.5 years.
  6. The final stage is the complete elimination of the stump. To do this, remove the polyethylene and threw fires on the stump. Spot the bonfire and go out to a safe distance - antennae-impregnated wood burns quite actively. In the process of combustion, nitrogen fertilizer sends additional oxygen, so the fire penetrates up to 2 m, burning thick roots.

When the fire will go out on the site of the old stump, only a pit with numerous tunnels, in which they were roots. This method is good not only with its simplicity and low cost, but also the fact that on the site of "fire" you can break a flowerbed or a garden, and the land there will be very fertile.

As you can see, the spill of dry trees on the plot may not be such a simple occupation, how many newcomers sees him. The most important thing is to be able to give a sober assessment to the state and sizes of a tree, after which or be accepted for work yourself, or cause a team of specialists.


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2 Answer Answer Trees: Step-by-step instructions

  1. Anatoly_rozhkov:

    There will not even argue. Many problems arise if you do not remove old trees on time. If it is a territory near a residential building, where a bunch of old dried trees, which are about to fall, then you need to get permission. Try to collect this pile of papers. So with this the question is still not resolved. But on the territory of a private country house, in most cases, everything is much easier. The main thing is to turn to the experienced guys who will be able to provide a service for the safe removal of trees http://udalenie-dereviev.ru.

  2. Roman.:

    Normal review for a common understanding that yes to what. But if I personally encountered, then you definitely need to look for specialists

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