How to bother the parquet with your own hands. Instructions for phased work

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Every year new finishing materials appear on the building materials market, the fashion for which can go fast enough. However, there are also those that always remain relevant. One of these materials is parquet. Natural wooden flooring not only has a beautiful appearance, but also differs by natural heat and ecological. At the same time, the lifetime of the parquet coating can be calculated by decades, and to update it is quite short time and small material costs. The main reception of updating the appearance of the parquet coating is to cyclove its surface layer. This procedure can significantly improve the coating, as well as extend its service life.

Production of cycular work does not represent special difficulties even for those who did not make them before. Modern technique (cycular machines, grinders) allows you to make the whole process in one day. Of course, you can invite professional contractors for this, but if there is a desire to save, you can do everything yourself. About how to cyclish a parquet with your own hands, let's tell further.

When you can cycle parquet

Contrary to the appropriate statement that parquet can cycle in any case, this is far from that. In some situations, this operation will not give anything and to achieve a normal result, the parquet will have to be changed. The advantages of the cycloying of the parquet will be noticeable only if it is worn evenly and does not have significant problems.

Cyclical parquet will not help in such cases:

  • If the rot is appeared on its possession side.
  • If there are wet spots or traces of evaporation from the base floor.
  • If the thickness of the parquet board from the surface to the tongue is less than 5 mm. This problem is particularly related to boards that are laid in passing places.
  • If there are traces of the fact that the parquet begins to disappear, to be examined or removed in the area of \u200b\u200blocks.
  • If deep potholes, ditch or irregularity are visible on the surface of the parquet.
  • If the parquet board got a bug.

Check for selecting or swelling on the surface of the parquet coating in appearance. The bug is also very simply determined visually. With its availability in the parquet board there are small holes, next to which bugs of small shavings can be seen.

The presence of rotten or evaporation from the floor is rarely noticed "on the eye". In this case, you can spend a small test. The surface of the floor is resurrected by a polyethylene film that you need to press to the floor with wooden slats or cargo, and leave for a day. At normal temperature in the room the next day, there should be no condensate on the reverse side of the film. Otherwise, the floor will need to be lit, organized waterproofing and proceed again.

The test for the parquet board is carried out using conventional ships. In each corner of the room they are punished by several boards. It is necessary to enter a sew in the board at an angle of 45 °. With not too strong pressed, the seer should not fall inside. For the oak board of the maximum depth of the appearance of the island is 2-3 mm, for ash - 5-7 mm. If Shilo enters deeper - the parquet is useless, it must be changed.

Tools, Materials and Equipment for Parquet Cyclish

In order to independently make the cyclical parquet, you will need a specific equipment and tool. It is quite expensive and there is no point in buying it for a single work. Fortunately, there are a large number of stores in which it can be hired.

To work, you will need:

  • Cycular machine drum type. It is designed to remove old varnish from the surface of the parquet, as well as rough grinding. It is worth noting that this unit is rather heavy and to control it it is necessary to have a stock supply. A fragile girl with a cycular machine is hardly able to cope.
  • Plane grinding machine. It serves to finish the surface of the parquet before coating with varnish.
  • Corner grinding. Designed for work in hard-to-reach places. It is not recommended instead of angular grinders to use a grinder with a special nozzle. The absence of the stop, the high speed of rotation can only complicate the work, as well as spoil the parquet.
  • Vacuum cleaner. Need for cleaning dust and chips before the floor coating varnish. An ordinary vacuum cleaner with this task is unlikely to cope, so it is better to rent an industrial machine.

When using equipment, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it consumes a high current. Thus, the average cycular machine in the process of operation consumes 11 A, and when starting 20% \u200b\u200bmore. Therefore, the premises in the room should be calculated for a current of at least 20 A, as well as automata on the distribution panel. Otherwise, there is a risk of fire.

Consumables are guaranteed to be guaranteed:

  • Sandpaper. For work, several types of paper are used: for the ridges of varnish and the upper layer of parquet P36-40, for grinding before varnish - P60-80, for the final removal of the pile after the first painting - P100-120. The need for emery paper is determined depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. With a standard width of the tape, consumption will be 0.1 m per 1 m 2 Square.
  • Wheels for grinding machines. Approximate consumption - 1 disc for 6-7 m 2 Square.
  • Putclone for parquet board 0.25 kg / m 2.
  • Parquet varnish at the rate of 0.25 kg / m 2.

Parquet Cyclishing Instructions

In order for the result of the work carried out by the expected, it is necessary to spend all the operations on the cycle of parquet. The order of the cycular machine depends on the way of laying a parquet board:

  • So, for a small wood flooring that is laid herringbone pattern, the movement should be: for roughing - at an angle of 45 ° to parketinam and for finish grinding - along parketin.
  • The surgery of a parquet board laid directly is carried out in two directions that are perpendicular to each other.
  • Decorative parquet Squined only by a corner machine. Movements should be circular or spiral directed to the center. To cyclove this type of parquet, you will need several goals.

The order of work during the cycloying of the parquet is the following:

  1. First of all, the room must be released from all the furniture and remove the plinth.
  2. Then the parquet must be removed from the garbage with a vacuum cleaner and rub a slightly damp cloth, allowing him to dry well.
  3. After that, according to the cycle scheme, depending on the laying of the parquet board, the upper layer of varnish and wood is removed. This uses a squash machine and sandpaper P36-40. It is necessary to carry out work from the edges of the room, moving towards its center. Black cycles are made throughout the surface, except for hard-to-reach places.
  4. If after the operating of the sea car, the spots of the varnish will remain (they can be easily seen, as they are highlighted in dark color), they must be removed with the help of a corner machine.
  5. The next step is preparing parquet in hard-to-reach places. For this, the angular grinding is already used.
  6. After the blacks stripping is made, proceed to clean. This uses a plane grinding machine, and the hard-to-reach places pass the angular gland. After this stage, it is necessary to remove the floor from dust "full" by passing the vacuum cleaner several times.
  7. Next, proceed to putty. It is preparing in place from the base, and dust that formed in the grinding process. Place the entire surface of the floor. Otherwise, prospait places will stand out with dark spots against the rest of the rest. Saving it will be several hours. After the putty dries, the floor again pass the squabble machine with the side of the P60-80 and carefully remove.
  8. The next step is applied with a varnish coating. You can do it with brush or special roller. After drying the first layer of varnish, the surface must be pulled away with the help of a drum and skins P100-120. It will help to remove the fibers of wood, which fell under varnish.
  9. After that, it is necessary to make a thorough cleaning and apply 2-3 layers of varnish. The number of layers depends on the pavement of the room and the value of wood.

Manual parquet flooring

Hand-held parquet is a very complicated and monotonous work that rubs a lot of time and effort. For the same reasons, it is quite rare. It is made by a special device - cycles, which is made of the blade of the plane, curved at the end. To do this, the steel blades must be released - to glow to orange and let it gradually cool in the air. After vacation, the blade is healing in vice with a pipe that will play the role of mandrel and neatly hammer bend the edge into the hook. After this, steel is tempered (heated to yellow and cooled in water) and sharpened.

Safety measures when working on the cycling of a parquet board

When working on the cycling of a parquet board, you must adhere to the following security measures:

  • The use of grinding machines for working with a tree is associated with the appearance of fine dust in the air, which contains particles of varnish and wood. It is very harmful to the human body and can cause big health problems. That is why the work must be carried out only with the use of personal protective equipment: glasses, respirator, mittens. Clothes should close the whole body tightly. To protect the hearing from noise (and the cycular machines make a very loud sound) it is better to work with earnests or special headphones.
  • It is advisable to remove upholstered furniture, carpets, pillows and other utensils from adjacent rooms, which can absorb dust.

Parquet after cycloying: photo


Parquet Cyclishing: Video

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