Shed for poultry with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions

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Many owners of private houses often think about getting a small homework: geese, turkey, chickens. However, having understood the best half of those who wish to grow a good half of those who wish for the need to build a special room for the content of animals. But it's not so difficult to build a shed for birds with your own hands, as it may seem at first glance, and in this article you will learn all the details of the technology.

Total moments

So that the chicken or turkey is well rolled, it should be healthy. That is why it is so important to pay enough attention and forces to the construction of a high-quality strong and warm barn for poultry. Most novice farmers are not solved to create living crops due to the lack of suitable premises for its content, believing that they are not able to build "from scratch". However, if you carefully examine the question than we will deal with this article, it becomes clear that the construction of a good chicken coop is not only easy, but also not so expensive.


Choosing a seat under the shed for birds

First of all, it is necessary to choose the right place for construction. At the same time, it is necessary to repel not only for reasons of the square of the future shed. Consider that homemade bird's vital products exude a rather strong unpleasant odor, so if the shed will be from a leeward side, the smells will constantly treat a residential building. It is best to place sheds for animals and birds in sufficient removal from residential buildings next to the toilet or a cesspool.

On the dimensions of the eared object directly affects the free area of \u200b\u200bthe plot. Best of all, a small hill is suitable for the construction of a barn, then in the cold it will not be necessary to apply it to additionally, and in the warm season it will warm up faster. In addition to the place under the barn, it is necessary to highlight the platform for walking birds - this is a prerequisite for the comfort and healthy self-election of pets. Its area should exceed the area of \u200b\u200bthe shed itself 2-3 times.


You can build a chicken coop using the already existing schemes developed by professional builders and experienced farmers, and you can take one of them as a basis and create your own unique project of a shed for a bird, ideal specifically for your site. At the end of the article you will find several examples of smokeholders.

Sizes Shed for birds

The poultry is quite unpretentious in the content, but it does not mean at all that it does not need care and attention at all. Remember, the more comfortable the chickens and turbines will live, the better they will be rushed. In this part of the article you will learn how to equip a barn for the bird in all the rules.

Chicken nests

The chicken coop should be durable, warm and safe. This is a kind of reduced copy of a residential building, whose tenants should feel safe and comfortable. It should have ventilation and lighting. It is not necessary to carry out electricity there - you can install several windows for natural light.

Birds are social animals, but they still need a personal space. Otherwise, strong individuals will begin to dominate weak, peck them and fight. In order to avoid this, it is better to think in advance how many chickens will constantly live in the barn and based on this, calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. On 1 m² you can place no more than 4 chickens or 3 turkey.


Inside the barn you need to install sockets, petrolers, feeders and drinkers. The best thing to put as far as possible from the entrance door as far as possible, since the bird will rest there, and therefore it is better not to disturb it. At the same time, barbells must be slightly tilted, but it is evenly so that the chickens can move freely. Usually, wooden bars with a diameter of up to 5 cm are used for the manufacture of petrose, the upper part of which is spinning so that the bird is comfortable to bite the poles. The bars are installed in parallel and in several tiers, withstanding a distance of at least 25 cm (up to 40 cm), between the floor and the bottom of the bar must be 40-50 cm. Experienced farmers advise to do in 4 tiers, attaching bars to the walls with hinges.


As for the equipment of nests, where birds will cross eggs, then for their manufacture, you can use wooden boxes (for vegetables and fruits) or baskets. It takes a hay or straw as a soft warm bedding, which is periodically replaced by fresh. In one nest can fit 3-5 non-bumps.

At the bottom of the shed door, you need to make a closed hole (miniature LAZ) with a height of about 30 cm. It is necessary for the free outlet of the bird on the walking pad.


So, based on the above information, you can calculate the exact dimensions of the future chicken coop and the flowing platform. The barn by 10-20 chickens will take the area 2x3 m, and the walking area should be several times more.

Chicken with her own hands

Pleasant news for economical owners - to build a chicken coop from used materials. You can buy them at a rush price or get at all for free, for example, having taken the remains of construction from the neighbors or just picking out on the street, as the scene hero did:

However, not all materials will be suitable for the construction of the shed. It is necessary to use only unappropriate wood and a non-fruitned metal. Only in this case, you can qualitatively protect the shed from the cold and moisture.

It is also very important to make a shed safe in case nearby predators are found. Even if there are no foxes or ferrets in your area, the roasters can threaten rats and cats, so appropriate measures need to be taken. To do this, it is possible to build a chicken coop on a robust reinforced concrete foundation so that predators cannot make a subtople, but if such an option is too expensive and difficult to perform, you can make a bargain base. If you do not plan to put a barn on the foundation at all, use for protection sheet metal, chain net, or other mesh material, killing it around the perimeter of the lower part of the structure. You can also make a "bumper" from metal products.

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The shed itself is easiest to do on the basis of the framework. For its manufacture, use wooden poles with a diameter of 10 cm for strength and stability. To such thick columns, send several racks with a diameter 2 times less, and then you can make a crate to secure the layers of the insulation and the trim. Here it is extremely important to correctly calculate the height of the reference pillars, since if they are too high (above 1 m), the design may not withstand the load. The greater the height, the greater the diameter of the support pillars. Alternatively, you can use not too thick pillars, but to drive them into the Earth deeper. At the same time, the underground part of the wooden supports must be impregnated with an antiseptic and to deceive with bitumen mastics (it is even better to wrap the rubberoid from above), otherwise they quickly rotate. The depth of the blowjob should be greater than the depth of the ground of the soil by 10-20 cm, otherwise the powered power pushed the poles in the spring.

For insulation, use inexpensive practical materials. It is desirable that they are not afraid of moisture. It is best for this purpose a foam or its derivatives (extruded polystyrene foam). The thickness of the insulation depends on the climatic features of your region. If you insulate the shed mineral wool, pay attention to the waterproofing of the walls and the ceiling, as the material loses its heat-insulating properties during wetting. The most budget version of the heaters for the chicken coop - sawdust. To do this, you need to make an internal and outer solid crate, and the space between them is about 10 cm wide with widths. The internal surfaces of the rebuild is recommended to be coated with a pergamine or vaporizolation membrane.


To freeze the platform for walking the birds, use a fine grid. Cells must be small not only to protect against predators, but also so that the chickens could not climb through them or get stuck there and die. The lower part of the hedge should go into the ground by about 20-30 cm so that the predators cannot do the subtop.

How to build a barn shed:

  1. Any construction should be started with the creation of a detailed project. First of all, count how many heads of the bird will live in the chicken coop. Based on these data, determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe barn and the area area for walking. Prepare materials and tools for construction.
  2. The foundation is best made from concrete to predators and rodents do not get into the premises. Prepare the pad, removing the upper fertile layer of the soil and aligning the surface to be horizontal and without drops. It is allowed to leave a small slope in the south. Fill the slab or ribbon foundation (about how to do it, you can read in the articles " Device of monolithic foundation" and " Small-breeding foundation with your own hands") And wait for it to dry. After that, make waterproofing, unwinding the concrete with a bitumen mastic and make a lining with a bar.
  3. If the construction of the foundation is not planned, the lower part of the walls of the chicken coop must be hampered by a sheet metal at a height of 30-40 cm.
  4. The roof can be made the most elementary - single one. As a heater, use several layers of chips or wood sawdust, for waterproofing the bed and rubberoid. It is very important how to insulate the ceiling, since the air indoors heats up and rushes upwards, and if it is not detaining good thermal insulation, it will always be cold in the smoking, and the bird will get sick.
  5. If you build walls of wood materials, their total thickness, including thermal insulation, should be at least 20 cm. If brick or grinding materials are used for construction, sufficient thickness of 10-15 cm.
  6. As for lighting, the birds are vital about 15 hours per day are in the light. At the same time, it must be scattered, so the ideal option will be located several windows with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 0.1 from the floor area on the solar hallenny side. In winter, when the light day is shorter, it will take additional lighting with electrical devices with a capacity of up to 60 V.
  7. In order to avoid the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, the wall of the chicken coop is recommended to deceive with a lime solution.
  8. For better protection from the cold, it is recommended to equip a small tambour. For heating, use a safe calorifer or powerful lamps, placing electrical wiring outside the bird's reach area.
  9. During the construction of a barn and aviary for birds, it is necessary to take care of the convenience and simplicity of room cleaning. Wash the floor there will have quite often, so as not to breed an antisanitation, so the floor is recommended to do with a small bias so that the water flows on the desired side by carrying away the garbage and the products of birds of birds. Under each piping, it is better to place extended trays to collect the litter (it can be used as a fertilizer for garden and garden crops for personal needs or for sale).
  10. Place the feeders and drinkers at some distance from the floor, but so that the chickens can reach them. Constantly watch their cleanliness and change water, otherwise the bird will get sick.
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  11. Put in the barn the box with sawdusts - they will partially absorb unpleasant odors. For sawdust, choose the darkest corner of the room.

After completion of the construction work, carefully verday in and disinfected the room.

Useful advice

For the construction of the poultry houses, it is not recommended to use concrete, slag blocks or natural stone. Bricks are also undesirable, but if there is no other option, you can make brick walls, but from the inside to cut their wood.

The reason why these durable and durable materials should not be used are very simple - they are cold. Wood does not cool in the winter so much as concrete or stone, and in the warm season it is not rolling. In view of its naturalness, it does not prevent the microcirculation of moisture and air in the barn, and therefore even with elementary ventilation there will never be too stuffy and stood. If you accidentally have a sufficient number of stone or concrete for the construction of a durable chicken coop, take care of the subsequent insulation.


Before building a concrete chicken, note that the cement screed does not "breathe", so a good ventilation system will be required. Otherwise, in the chicken coop will always be raw, which will lead to a bad bird well-being. To understand this will help you "Supply ventilation with your own hands". Solve the problem of dampness will also help the wood sawdust, but it will have to be replaced periodically.

Below on video - Shed for poultry with your own hands:

Shed for poultry with your own hands: photo






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