How to insulate the garage gate

February 4. Useful advice, Plot. Views 6394. Comments to record how to insulate garage doors No

The garage in which the car is stored should be warm. In a room with comfortable conditions, it is convenient to repair the vehicle. In addition, the garage, many citizens use as workshops, they keep home preservation. The greatest loss of thermal energy occur due to the fact that the warranty gate insulation was not performed. It is not difficult to correct the situation: this work does not require the participation of specialists. Helling the garage doors with their own hands will be able to anyone who can handle the usual hand tool. But with some nuances of this case before proceeding with work, it will be useful to familiarize yourself.

Types of insulation for garage gates

Modern technologies allowed to create various materials for insulation of building structures. The main condition for their effectiveness is the right choice and application. These qualities (except thermal conductivity) are important as the ability to absorb moisture and skip it, fire resistance, ease of installation and cost.
What is better to warm the garage doors? Consider a list of the most used materials.

1. Stone (mineral) wool - does not support combustion, produced in the form of plates and rolls. No waterproofing is not used: it is a very hygroscopic material. Wear moisture, it loses its properties of the heat insulator. Mounting stone wool is necessary with the use of perforated films: at the same time there is no need for an air gap device. Close the insulation can be sheet, chipboard or OSB. Mineral wool is relatively expensive.
2. Glasswater - it is also afraid of moisture and is not a flammable material. Mounting rules are identical to the fact that they are used for stone wool. It should be cheaper than stone.
3. Polyfoam - no moisture is afraid, and thanks to a special additive (antipiren) does not support combustion. This material does not rot, it is not afraid of the effects of microorganisms and insects. Installation of polyfoam does not cause difficulties: the material easily cuts and attached. It is an effective, inexpensive insulation and therefore is often used to improve garages microclimate.
4. Polyurethane foam extruded is more dense material than foam. On this difference in the characteristics ends, except for the cost: it is higher than the foam. Pope polyurethane foam has a similar structure, but applied using special equipment. The uniform layer of PPU will serve as a high-quality insulation of several decades. The complexity of its installation and the high cost (associated with this) is the reason that the insulation of the garage gate does with their own hands is rarely applied.
5. Penosop is a liquid foam. If there are special equipment, they can quickly warm the garage doors. The monolithic layer of foamizol waterproof and not fuel. It is worth 30% cheaper than foam solid.
6. Astratok - a unique material with a consistency of conventional oil paint in its heat insulating characteristics. It can be applied to the metal surface with a roller or brush. Astrathek, applied with a layer of 1 mm, is able to protect the placement of the garage from freezing as well as 50 mm stone or glass gamble.

Most often, sheet material is used for the warming of the gate: foam and extruded polystyrene foam. Their popularity contributes low cost, availability and convenience when installing.


How to insulate garage doors: practical advice


The insulation of the garage gate (photos of some stages are presented below) is performed using simple tools: hacksaws on wood, roulettes, shoe knives, electric drills, screwdriver and gear plastic spatula. The insulation of the garage gate of the foam is performed with the next sequence of actions and under such conditions.
1. After measuring the size of the gate, building materials are purchased. It will take a wooden bar of 40 × 40 mm for a frame, a self-tapping screw with a length of 25 and 40 mm, a foam plate with a thickness of 70 mm, liquid nails and mounting foam.
2. Work needs to be carried out in warm, dry weather. Under the reduced air temperature on the metal surface, condensate is formed, which will not allow quality to attach the insulation. In hot weather it will also be difficult.
3. The gate before insulation is cleaned of contamination and treated with degreasing composition and primer.
4. For the construction of the frame, we prepare the bars: the extreme is cut down in length and pump up the grooves in them for transverse bars.
5. In several places around the perimeter of the gate drills the hole with a diameter of 4 mm in the corners of the rigidity frame, and in the appropriate places, the bars are preparing non-through holes to twist the self-tapping screws.
6. Fresh self-sustainable bars, and transversely fastened to them with liquid nails, after which they fix additional self-drawers.
7. I cut the plates of foam in size of a part of the gate inside the frame.
8. On the plate of foam on the back side, the liquid nails are clearly applied and pressed to the metal. While the glue does not harde it, we pin down temporarily foam with appliant means.

Warming of garage garage polyurethane foam and mounting foam

9. To eliminate the slots between the frame and the foam, the insulation of the garage gate of the mounting foam is carried out. After her hardening, the surplus should be cut off. To seal the joints of the foam of foam is used with isolon. It is a tape with a sticky layer that does not pass moisture and holding heat.

The joints are stuck in isolon
10. On the insulation to the frame of the BRUSEV fasteners of galvanized metal, lining or OSB plates with a thickness of 6 mm.
11. At the bottom of the gate (from the outside), a strip of thick rubber is attached so that its lower edge is pressed to the ground. This will prevent cold air from below.
12. Rubber seals are pasted on the perimeter. The gate after that will close tightly.

The insulation of the garage gate is polystyrene is performed similarly. This material is easy to cut, and it is possible to glue it using a mounting foam: these are related materials and therefore are well connected to each other.

Preparation of polyurethane foam plate for gluing


Additional measures for insulation


Now knowing how to warm the garage gate properly, it will be useful to know about additional measures that will help keep warm. First, it is desirable a device of a small door so that you do not need to open the gate only to enter the garage.

Door in Garage.

Secondly, the curtain of dense tarpaulin immediately at the gate will effectively retain heat. Thirdly, it is very important that locks and loops be well debugged and the gate tightly closed.

The door from the inside over the sheathing of galvanized metal is desirable to be saved by foamed polyethylene with a foil outer layer. Its structure consists of a variety of air bubbles filled with air, which contributes to the preservation of heat. In addition, the shiny foil will reflect thermal energy inside the garage.

Polyethylene gate paste
Such measures are needed to create favorable conditions for the storage of the car and its repair. Insulated gates will be able to maintain the temperature not lower than +5 ° C corresponding to the requirements of SNiP 21-02-99. Such conditions will allow the car better to persist, which means it longer to serve its owners.

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