The most interesting and practical way of registration of the local area is landing suitable plants. The championship in this respect belongs to the fruit rocks of the Lian type, in particular the virgin grape. Its landing on its own area allows you to solve many different tasks and significantly increase its attractiveness.
To competently delimit and decorate the space - read the rules of its landing, breeding and care. In compliance with all conditions, the result will certainly strike you with the charm of the landscape and the minimum time of time to maintain its integrity.
Distinctive features of the virgin grapes
Devichi grapes whose scientific name is Parhenocissus, enjoys constant popularity due to its unpretentiousness and sustainability for winter cold. There are about 10 varieties, among which there are evergreen types, and more in demand for our latitude of deciduous varieties.
Benefits of growing maiden grapes
- The attractiveness of the decorated area is preserved from the beginning of summer to deep autumn.
- Quickly develops, the standard increase in height is 2-3 meters per year.
- Tight thick cover of foliage favorably hides all parts of the support, giving the naturalness of the created form.
- Sustainable to the destructive activities of various parasites.
- The ability to land even in a small area.
- Easy reproduction by any acceptable way.
- With a competently chosen landing site, it provides reliable protection to any designs on the site from overheating and excessive moisture accumulation.
Important! Having decided to buy the maiden grapes and land him on his site, keep in mind that he would not bring you delicious fruits and riots of paints during flowering. But, the bright juicy greenery of the thick foliage of this Liana looks no less attractive, so the girl grapes, the photos of which are suited below, is quite suitable for a combination with other plants in neighboring sites.
Popular views and varieties
Of all the types of maiden grapes, most interesting and suitable for breeding in the conditions of the private garden of our latitude are the following varieties:
1. Triply. Among the peculiarities of the development of such Liana, the principle of growth in height is vividly. Branchy mustaches are promoted to reliable fastening on supports, which, when expanding, turn into peculiar suction cups. The foliage of this variety is characterized by special decorative attractiveness - saturated herbal color with a glossy surface. The density of this shrub is so high that you will not have difficulties in the formation of dense cover on the selected territory.
Reproduction preferably to perform seeds. The most popular varieties of triocent grapes:
- Green Spring;
- Aurea;
- Waich;
- Purple.
Important! If this variety of virgin grapes gave preference, which will not require a lot of time and effort, the landing is found on a well-lit sunny plot.
2. Wayichi ("Veitchii"). The bright distinctive signs of this variety of a triostar grape serves as a simple form of rough-related leaves of large size. The maiden grapes of this type of landscape zone gives a special attractiveness and brightness of this type in the fall, when the foliage acquires a colorful red shade. Immediately after planting, vines of grapes develop quite slowly, require regular feeding and thorough irrigation. But from the second year, the increase in the increase in the increase vary up to 2.5 meters. The reproduction is carried out exclusively with cuttings.
Important! Such varieties are used mainly in the formation of vertical deciduous cover.
- Pyalist. The principle of consolidation in the development of this wood liana is similar to the above-described variety, but each mustache has a greater number of suction branches, up to 12 pieces. The distinguishing sign of the shrub is the type of crown. Characteristic features of it are manifested in the complex form of each sheet, consisting of 5 "fingers" with a pointed top. The dimensions of foliage are also more enlarged - up to 3 cm wide and 12 cm long.
Summer color of the Intercession is dark green, in the fall, it replaces the carmine-purple, which certainly contributes to an increase in the attractiveness of the entire artistic picture of the landscape of the local area. Adults are achieved in a length of 20 meters, which makes it profitable to arrange them at their discretion. When choosing a variety of this type of girlish grapes, pay attention to the following options:
Where to plant maiden grapes?
Given the magnificity and originality of the form of foliage, this grape liana will become an excellent decoration for:
- facade of the house
- arbor
- mansardi
- verandas
- separation of the site as a living hedge.
Important! Choose a more appropriate option, taking into account the design features of your home and landscape design.
View the video, which shows one of the options for arranging the site with the help of a virgin grape to independently evaluate all the magnificities and attractiveness of this shrub, as well as to present the possibilities of its formation for the design of your own local area territory.
What to pay attention to when choosing a landing site?
Further distinguishes the maiden grapes lack of high location requirements. However, when choosing a specific plot, focus on the recommendations for the acquired variety:
- some plants will develop faster under the scaffolding solar rays
- persons of other varieties are more cozy and comfortable for full growth will be the shaded territory from the northern side.
Important! Consider, from where you can plant the seeds of the virgin grape depends on the shade of future foliage. Those varieties that grow on a well-lit territory, rich colors acquire - purple, red, orange by autumn. Shadow plants most often do not change the green kel with cooling.
What is the soil suitable for growing a virgin grape?
All varieties of girlish grapes are unpretentious, but there are still a few specific requirements for the quality of the soil:
- It is obligatory landing only to the Earth Earth.
- High fertility.
- Good moisture permeability.
Important! Feed the area in accordance with the complex of the listed criteria, you do not have to bother with additional fertilizer procedures and financial costs for their acquisition, the plants will be perfectly fit in these conditions.
What time is the maiden grapes?
With regard to landing time, there are no strict rules.
The standard solutions are excellent, as for many other plants:
- autumn
- spring.
Important! Despite such a common opinion, professional gardeners are still recommended to land such a liana at the end of September - early October. Constant studies have proven that the survival rate during this period is much higher.
Rules landing
The planting technology is particularly simplicity, so the whole process does not take much time.
Features of breeding
For landing the virgin grapes, use one of the more convenient options, given the recommendations for a specific selected variety:
- Loose. When choosing this method for landing, pick up the longest kidney leaf. When laying a vine in the ground, it is necessary to place one wave in the ground, leave the second on the surface. The depth of landing of the virgin grape in this case is 5 cm. To strengthen the drains, use the stationery dismantled paper clips or other convenient fixture.
Important! View the video in which the entire process of landing the virgin grapes is clearly shown.
- Seeds. When planting seeds, fulfill preliminary training - soaking. To increase their resistance to adverse natural phenomena, to withstand them 1-5 hours in cold water, then place it in the refrigerator. When landing, do not exceed the depth of more than 1 cm.
- Cuttings of the virgin grapes. Thickness of branches for cutting formation usually corresponds to the diameter of a conventional simple pencil. When cutting, pay attention so that on each branch it was 4-5 kidneys, 2 of which during the landing remains above the ground, the rest are bought into the ground. The main requirements for reproduction with cuttings - the creation of a protective shade for a cutting until he stops the first escape.
- Suckers. This method compares favorably with special amenities. Suckers are easy to remove and digged in the earth. When planting a seedling neatly arranged so that the root collar was off the ground. When making a portion of a girl's grape vines planted in separate distance of at least 1 meter.
Important! Specify preferred method of propagation is a specialist when buying a girl's grapes.
seedling planting technology
Discover more about the work sequence when planting cuttings maiden grapes, which are the most popular way:
- Advance dug up the entire area allocated for planting a girl's grapes.
Important! Rough term of this work - one week before the date of intended landing.
- Dig a hole the size of 50 * 50 * 50 cm.
- At the bottom make drainage of broken bricks and sand or rubble layer of 20 cm.
- Excavated soil mix with compost and sand, maintaining the proportion of components 2: 2: 1 parts respectively.
- Pour part of it in the pit.
- Set in each hole cutting with a slight slope.
- Fill all holes remaining cooked mixture.
- Create irrigation wells around each seedling.
- Liberally drizzle cuttings.
- Form a support to provide easy development of vines.
How to care for the girl's grapes?
Given the simplicity of this type of plants, the majority of time will be spent only at making decorative shaped bush.
Features shaping ornamental shrubs
In this regard, the basic rules are to consolidate shoots and pruning:
- As the girl's grapes install support for its consolidation.
- Carefully guide the runners in the right direction.
- Those processes that can not be send, delete.
- Immediately after planting, tie the new whip, to facilitate their proliferation.
- Weak or damaged shoots are removed, as well as thickening.
- In spring, remove all the dry branches sure.
- Perform regular sanitary pruning, or shrub will look sloppy.
Other rules of care
To ensure the attractiveness of the shrub and his healthy development, follow the following recommendations regarding the regularity of the fulfillment of all the work on the care of maiden grapes:
- As the soil seal, loose it, performing this procedure gently so as not to damage the shoots.
- When weeds appear - remove them.
Important! To rationally use the time, simultaneously perform the flavoring of the soil and remove unwanted plants from it.
- When leashing the Earth during the rains and debris, the shrubs are pushing.
- Watering only in the event that the warm season is arid.
Important! The amount of irrigation should not exceed 3-4 times for the entire summer period, even in the absence of rains, no more than 10 liters of water for each shrub.
- Comprehensive fertilizer put in spring only during the period of active growth.
As you have already been convinced, reading the basic rules for the cultivation of the virgin grapes, special difficulties in this process are not expected. The painting of the green natural carpet will necessarily attribute enthusiastic views of the guests and provide you with a comfortable and cozy holiday in the shade of a natural canopy at a competently chosen landing site.