Putty walls under the wallpaper with your own hands

August 25. Repair and construction work, Walls and partitions Views 2296. Comments to write putty walls under the wallpaper with your own hands No

Have you ever seen beautiful, expensive wallpapers pasted on an uneven wall? Most likely, the owner decided that they would hide all defects, and did not work out: all the protrusions were relieved, the depressions were designated. It can be said, the whole repair of the pump, work and money is spent in vain. In order not to observe such a sad picture at home, take more time and before sticking the wallpaper, make the walls perfectly smooth. Washing walls under wallpaper - the topic of our article.

Tool, Materials

Without a good tool, high-quality putty will not come out. Therefore, we go to the building supermarket and buy:

  • spatula. It takes 3 pcs. - one width of centimeters to 80, and the other to work in the corners of the room, i.e. angular. To overlapping a plaster mixture on a wide spatula, also acquire a spatula of narrow - centimeters 15. You can replace the angular spatula with metal corners;
  • nazey for stirring. It can be put on a drill, if you have it. You can use the same nozzle by putting it on the perforator, only then buy a special cartridge for the perforator;
  • roller, which is easier to primine surface;
  • grinding block;
  • some container where you will stir the solution;
  • tray special for primer.

From materials will need:

  • putty dry or finished mixture;
  • sherryanka;
  • primer.


We choose a spike

The quality of the wall coverage depends on the correct choice. Therefore, we listen to the recommendations that specialists give:

  • if the humidity in the room is present, then the putty is needed appropriate. Well suited latex such as Waterproof SW ARTEL from the construction company "STROYTORG +". It is certified, undergoing quality check in the laboratory. With its help, it is possible to align the walls and ceilings even with deep defects. It is applied with a layer of 1-7 mm. Drying out, it does not crack and will not give a shrinkage in the depression;


  • if the humidity is normal, then the most ordinary putty is suitable. Not necessarily ready, dry - also good, and besides, it is a putty of walls under the wallpaper, the price of which allows you to repair less expensive. As an example of high-quality putty, you can offer a mixture of dry, produced by the French manufacturer of semin (semin). It is reliable, durable, elastic, dry out for 2-3 hours, applied layer from 2 to 6 mm, the basis is plaster. Per 1 m square. 1.1 kg of prepared solution is leaving. It is cheaper, but has good properties dry putty Knauf HP. There are no harmful additives in it, dries not long, good adhesion;


  • here it is necessary to remember the main thing: if you react to the process of the shtlock, it is not serious, then even by purchasing the most expensive putty, do not expect a good result. Compliance with the entire technology is the guarantee of obtaining a smooth and durable surface under wallpaper;
  • if it is necessary to go around with wallpaper, which was previously painted, then the oil-glue spacion is needed or latex, but it is better not to apply them to the plaster;
  • more professionals advise not to buy 2 types of putty. Under the wallpaper it is enough to apply one, but qualitatively applied. The main thing is that the selected putty is not coarse-grained.

Getting done

Suppose the old wallpapers are preserved on our walls. We act like this:

  • we recruit warm water into the container and lower the roller in it. We wet some one piece and while the wallpaper is wet, we try to remove them quickly, otherwise they are dried and everyone will have to repeat. So, moving around the perimeter, taking off the walls in the whole room;
  • now in a special tray pour primer. Wetting the roller and soil our surface;
  • while the primer dries, there is time to look around. If we note that there are places where pieces of walls fell along with wallpaper, we close them with a plastering or spacious mixture. We'll have to wait until these places are dried;
  • we take a grinding block with a sandpaper and squeak rough, after sealing, places. We remove the dust on the wall and again soil;
  • do not lose time and prepare the mixture for the main work - shtcloth. If you brought a dry putty from the store, then we pour it out into the prepared ass, which previously poured water in the amount specified in the instructions;
  • we dress the nozzle on a drill or a perforator and stir very diligently. The better we stir, the better the quality of our solution. Determining with the amount of solution, think: can you use it during the time recommended in the instructions? Perhaps and do not need to prepare it immediately from the entire bag, because after this period, it will begin to stand. So soberly appreciate your capabilities;
  • meanwhile, the solution is ready and it is time to apply it. A small spatula burialize the mixture and distribute it to 60 or 80 mm with a sphateler;


  • we apply this large spatula into the upper left corner of the wall under a stupid angle. Move it on the surface in the diagonal direction, changing gradually the angle in the direction of the decrease. Having reached the end point, the spatula must be in relation to the wall at an angle less than 90 degrees. Why move the spatula just like that? Yes, because the seams will then be low. When the entire wall is treated with a layer of 0.4 or 0.5 cm, we leave it for drying time;


  • the dry surface is to be seized through a grinding head, inserting there sandy coarse-grained paper. Just do not overdo it, otherwise it is easily watched by a layer of putty;
  • we take again for the primer and cover the polished surface of the wall;
  • after drying this layer, we apply the second. It will be completely thin - 0.1-0.2 cm maximum;
  • when this layer is driving, let it into the course of the grinding head, having changed the sandpaper to the smallest - P100;
  • in conclusion, a layer of primer. When and it will become dry, the putty of the walls under the wallpaper is completed. We have a perfect surface, without ravines and elevations.

Register corner

Harvest preparation is a separate question. Rarely when he is without flaws. Therefore, you should know that it is possible to get a smooth, beautiful angle by using one of 3 ways:

  • using a corner spatula. It is simple: more putty on the angle and disperse it with this spatula;

shpatlevaniye - uglov.

  • if we use a metal corner to get a smooth angle, then we will do it before we begin to put the walls. Just point to put a putty in the corner, we apply to the adhesive, profile and coating it with a layer of solution;


  • the third method is the most time-consuming, but you do not need to purchase a profile and an angular spatula, so it is the cheapest. First we impose a lot of solution into the angle, they grow it with a spatula, as soon as we can smoothly. When it dries, I first turn a coarse-grained emery, and then small.

If the walls are plasterboard

Preparation of walls covered with plasterboard is performed in the same way, but the process is simplified:

  • the layer will be quite subtle - enough from half a million. Therefore, the cost of putting the walls under the wallpaper is much lower;
  • more than 2 layers of putty are applied on very small sites, i.e. where the mount is on the joints and possible damage;
  • when choosing a putty do not save at its cost, because you need a little. Take high quality.

Features of the putty of the corner

The angle in the case of plasterboard walls can be performed in this way:

  • we apply a metal or plastic corner to the place of the sheet of sheets and celebrate its edges with a small allowance, a pencil;
  • cardboard cut. We take the chisel and make a deepening in a plasterboard sheet so that the corner in it is slightly drowned;
  • fill the resulting place putty. The profile is pressed until it will be lower than the level of plasterboard sheets;
  • we remove the mixture with a rag or a spatula, and we leave until the putty is frozen;
  • then put the angle to be on the same level with the walls. Ready.

Another way to design the angles when putting the walls under the wallpaper, the video transmits in all details:

You think that you did everything right, and meanwhile you can wait for surprises that you are grieved.

Fix defects

If you are an inexperienced wizard, then after the applied putty layer is dry, you can upset the flaws. It is not worth upset, because you can fix everything.


So professionals call small tubercles with a white point in the midst, and they appeared due to the fact that you did not notice how foreign particles got into the solution, and the solution was stirred enough. Correct the position like this:

  • emery paper will not help, so the spatula can clean the place where it is a phenomenon and processing it, re-apply the shtaych mixture;
  • We dry and do all other output procedures.


In the case of the presence in the room of drafts, the layer of putty will dry very quickly, but inevitably someone crashes. Well, we will correct: I delete the spatula that it does not hold well and repeat the process first.

Advice: If the previously applied layer does the layer, and you will apply on it the following, then it may be detached, because The first layer is weaker than the second. Do not allow this.

The process of putting out walls under the wallpaper will become more understandable after watching the video:

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