Laying asphalt in front of his own hands

May 30. Repair and construction work, Construction Views 1267. Comments to the record laying asphalt in front of the house do it yourself No

To date, there is a colossal mass of materials that are used as road surfaces. Obviously, every year you choose the most optimal material is more complicated, as we are talking about the resources that are all perfect. Hundreds of companies working on the release of the best road surfaces have recently produce materials that are practically deprived of the shortcomings, but without small peculiarities it is often nothing to do.

Recently, the hosts of private houses make a choice in favor of a paving or ordinary paving slabs, as the characteristics of these resources correspond to a number of requirements.

At the same time, it is worth paying attention to asphalt coatings, which over time are used more often, but certain advantages still have. Moreover, the owners often make a decision to carry out the stacking asphalt near his home, and do not lose. Ultimately, the colossal savings are obtained, and if all the subtleties of the technology are met, a qualitative result. As for the technology, it is necessary to study the existing options for creating a road surface, and it also makes sense to pay attention to the types of asphalt, from which much really depends, taking into account the specifics of the operation of the coating.

In the material we will look at the main details related to the styling of asphalt near the house with your own hands. In addition, in the article we will analyze the very details on which the qualitative result of stamping works depends. Of course, there are quite a few nuances to which it is worth paying attention to the work process.


Main features of asphalt coverage

First of all, it is worth saying that the previously asphalt coatings were the main in the arrangement of various territories. Recently, in many cases, the asphalt changes to the tile, which, according to the characteristics, perhaps a little worse than the asphalt, however, the cost of the tile is the most factors that create other problems in terms of competition.

At the same time, it is worth saying a few words about the reliability of asphalt coverage. Surely, many have heard that when using certain technologies developed many years ago, the asphalt turns into a practically invulnerable coating, which easily serves on lively car trails for long years, and without additional repair. It is true, but at the same time it is worth paying attention to the fact that such technologies imply the creation of a huge coating layer, the value of which is just colossal.

If we talk about laying asphalt within the framework of the private territory, or about it, then a small coating is often created, which is not capable of competing the above coverage. Thus, the reliability and durability of such asphalt is quite comparable to tiled coating. It should be remembered that the asphalt has completely different positive parties, which we will talk about further in this material.

I would also like to say a few words about the appearance of asphalt, which is stacked near the private territory. Asphalt looks like an extremely simple surface that is combined with almost any houses, whole sites or specific design projects. In addition, it is impossible to bypass the fact that the asphalt simply attracts with its smooth surface, which is the best basis for moving on a car or other transport.

Advantages and disadvantages of asphalt coverage

It should be borne in mind that the positive sides of the asphalt coating are very much, and only due to this the demand for it is not significantly reduced.

  • Lack of deformations under different conditions. The reliability of asphalt concerns not only its strength, but also the lack of deformations with significant changes in air temperature. Often the situation is the situation in such a way that individual covers extremely negatively feel in conditions when the temperature changes dramatically with the minus on the positive, and vice versa. Asphalt, but turns at all at all reacts to these changes. That is why this coating is the main for roads in the CIS. At the same time, if the climate was steadily warm, instead of asphalt, it would be possible to use concrete surfaces, which, unfortunately, with sharp drops of temperatures can be significantly damaged. It is also obvious that, while compliance with certain technologies, the asphalt is practically nothing threatens.
  • Ability to repair. As you know, in the case of the appearance of some problem areas on the asphalt, the repair is repaired. Often we are talking about a patch repair, which sometimes brings positive fruits, but specialists note that today, in the event of the yam, the repair helps only for a short period of time, and then the situation deteriorates sharply.
  • Practicality. It should be borne in mind that the asphalt coating is suitable for almost any needs. Practice shows that his condition does not deteriorate even when cars of various weight and dimensions are actively moving on it. Moreover, there are often parades with tanks on the central streets of cities, which are somewhat damage asphalt, but it does not bring special problems. In the same conditions, the tile or some other material would be in a more deplorable situation. The practicality concerns the fact that the coating from asphalt, as mentioned earlier, is suitable for any existing conditions.
  • Moisture resistance. For some materials used as a coverage for roads and sidewalks, moisture is a serious enemy. Often we are talking about the damage that appear after the rain and during the active use of the coating. Again, the pavement tile, which is made on the basis of concrete, in such conditions shows active destruction, especially if the concrete brand is far from the most expensive.
  • Low cost. As we have already told, if you create an asphalt coating on a particular technology used for automotive trails, the surface will be almost invulnerable. In the case of laying asphalt in front of a private house, we have a rather thin coating, the cost of creating the creation of which is not much more than the cost of laying the platform paving slabs. In any case, if a platform, on the basis of which such works will be carried out, rather large, costs cannot be small.
  • Long period of operation. Obviously, if the asphalt coating is created clearly according to the technology, which includes even the smallest details (not very important at first glance), the coverage will serve for a very long time. Of course, during this period, various asphalt flaws will appear, to predict the appearance of which is almost impossible, but in such conditions it is possible to operate the coating without any problems.

Of course, not all positive parties are presented above, as they actually have a lot of them. For example, it can be noted that there is no need for coating, as well as excellent wear resistance. The situation is in such a way that the asphalt has much more positive parties than flaws.


If we talk about the lack of asphalt, then in most cases they do not have much importance. For example, many owners do not like a sharp smell of coverage. However, this very fragrance is felt only some time after laying the coating, nothing more is observed. At the same time, some unpleasant smells make themselves felt with hot weather.

In addition, individual specialists celebrate the fact that the asphalt, despite its reliability, often begins to deteriorate. We are talking about different extreme conditions in which the asphalt can be abide. If we talk about the usual plot, there should be no such problems.

Well, at the end of this section it is important to note the fact that it is possible to obtain a reliable asphalt coating only if all the subtleties of the technology were taken into account when it is created. In addition, it will not hurt to refer to the specialists who may share the Solly Council, allowing you to easily carry out all the necessary events.


Types of asphalt coatings

As in the case of other resources that can be used as a road surface, the asphalt is divided into several types.

  • Hot asphalt. This is a fairly widespread coverage, which is used on a wide variety of road sections, including on sidewalks. The composition of this coating includes sand, liquid bitumen, mineral powder, as well as gravel or crushed stone. Thus, under the influence of sufficiently high temperatures, it is possible to obtain a homogeneous mass of the resource suitable for asphalting. It is worth noting that the process of laying asphalt occurs within 4 hours after the manufacture. In the event that the temperature of the hot asphalt becomes less than 120 degrees Celsius, then the created coating may be extremely substantial. If we talk about the advantages of this type of asphalt, then you can note the high strength of the coating, considerable durability, as well as quite a small value. The disadvantages of this cover also have a place to be, and first of all it is worth noting the need for rinks or vibrating plates. In addition, the asphalt coating can be quite easy to damage in the event that the window has too warm weather. Well, at the end I would like to say that the full operation of hot asphalt is possible only 6 hours after laying.
  • Cold asphalt. In this case, the main feature of the coating is the fact that bitumen is not a viscous substance, but liquid. In addition, a wide variety of additives are used that have a positive effect on the situation associated with creating a reliable surface. If you immediately go to the positive sides of this coverage, you can note the possibility to immediately exploit the surface after laying. In addition, in such a coating there are practically no harmful substances, as well as cold asphalt differs in high durability. If we talk about the lack of cold asphalt, then there is definitely a problem in the form of too high coverage costs. Thus, few people decide to make a choice in favor of this asphalt, since directly operational differences between this and past coating are minimum. Also for many owners is the problem of the need to handmade coverage. Therefore, it may have to be trusted by specialists.
  • Cast asphalt. Many specialists compare hot asphalt with cast, and indeed, these coatings have similar compounds, but at the same time the latter has more bitumen and various mineral components. The road, created on the basis of cast asphalt, will be highly durable and reliable, but at the same time the surface will have a small relief. By the way, he does not affect the operation of asphalt. As for the positive sides of this asphalt, then complete waterproofability can be noted, as well as resistance to deformations. Moreover, cast asphalt demonstrates excellent resistance to temperature modes. It is interesting that the cast asphalt can be laid at any time of the year, and the surface will delight with colossal durability. The disadvantages include the need to use special techniques, as well as high price tags, ranging from those related directly to raw materials.
  • Color asphalt. In this case, the coating can be "hot" and "cold". As for the name of this coverage, we are talking about the use of colored rubble, as well as some dyes, positively affecting the outer component of the asphalt. Obviously, this is an excellent option for those people who want to implement some kind of designer project, or some small ideas. In fact, you can change the color asphalt. As for the positive sides of the color asphalt, it is worth noting here, of course, the appearance of the coating, as well as excellent noise absorption and good durability. In addition, in the dark, a slightly clarified surface looks much more distinct, which is very good for the automotive track. At the same time it is worth it to bear in mind that this asphalt coating is rarely used due to high cost. At the same time, fragments based on color asphalt are often involved, which allows you to create durable marking.
  • Using asphalt crumb. It is worth saying that when creating road surfaces is often used by the recycling. We are talking about materials that are the best suitable for creating full-fledged coatings, and often this is an asphalt crumb. The essence of the idea is that after a certain period of operation, the asphalt gradually comes into disrepair, then it simply removes a certain layer using special equipment, and these very waste are later permafending or conventional crushing. As for the positive parties associated with the use of recycling, it is possible to note the absence of blur surface with water, exceeding the drainage component. In addition, we are talking about sintering the composition under the action of solar radiation. The disadvantages here are more than serious, and first of all it is the need to use special equipment for the surface of the surface, as well as the low durability of the coating. If we are talking about creating asphalt covering right near the house, and this surface will not be exploited quite rigidly and intensively, there should be no problems.

Thus, after considering each possible coating option, it is necessary to pay attention to the details related to the monetary side, the complexity and quality of asphalt. Given that each coating has its advantages, disadvantages and other specific details, it will be difficult to make a choice. It makes sense to appeal to the help of specialists who will give their authoritative assessment of the existing situation.

Asphalt laying technology in front of the house

As we have said earlier, the technology of laying asphalt is a rather serious question, and even if minimal absence was allowed, the whole process can end the extremely negative result. Again, this event should be carried out at least with a pair of assistant so that in the event of problems, they could discuss them and come to the only right solution. It is safe to say that there will be definitely a lot of controversial situations, given the considerable amount of the subtleties of technology.

Preparation for laying asphalt

Preparatory work is no less important than laying asphalt. The basis depends on how high-quality we get the surface already during operation. It is important to focus on the fact that the preparation includes several stages at once. Among them:

  • First of all, the marking of the territory is made. We need to know what the process will be conducted, as well as take into account that the laying of asphalt may interfere with some other objects located nearby. In addition, if the asphalt laying occurs on a plot where there are various communications, it is necessary to seriously analyze the existing situation. For example, if there is some kind of problem with pipes underground, it will be necessary to simply remove the asphalt. With this slack, the tile is a more correct solution. It is best to avoid such sites in general so that, if necessary, the repair of communications could be left unsaturable asphalt. Also should not ignore large plants, including trees that can damage asphalt with their root system. Therefore, it makes sense to comprehensively analyze the terrain, and on the basis of the information received to draw meaningful conclusions.
  • Next, it is necessary to remove a small layer of soil. It is necessary to get rid of about 20 cm layer of land. At the same time, it is worth implementing a small bias of the surface so that water flows through the laid asphalt during precipitation. This is a very important stage due to the fact that the intensive effect of water on the asphalt negatively affects its condition. In order to control this issue, you can use the construction level, with which the tilt is obtained the most correct.
  • Now it's time to create a border around the perimeter of the recess. In this case, you can use a variety of resources, up to conventional stones.
  • Next comes time to equip a deepening. Specialists are recommended to fill with a yum with rubble (fraction and the amount of material is determined depending on the existing situation and the size of the site) by about 5 cm. It is important to note that after laying the rubble, a thorough seal of material occurs, which allows you to get the highest quality base for asphalt. For high-quality traaming it will not prevent the resource wetting.


Laying asphalt

The process of asphalting the territory itself consists of the most important three steps:

  1. Immediately after the mixture for asphalt was delivered to the required place, it is necessary to distribute it throughout the site. To do this, you need as much workers' hands and ordinary shovel. You need to follow this process so that the distribution is actually equal. This will get a high-quality surface at the very end of these events. Also, a special mop is often used for uniform distribution of the material, which many people who observe the professional asphalting of roads and sidewalks have been seen. As for the thickness of the layer, which must be solarmed, then much depends on the purpose of the site, as well as directly from the mixture itself. Previously, we talked about different types of asphalt, which have their own characteristics.
  2. The second stage is as extremely important, as it affects the need for a sealing of the future asphalt coating. It must be remembered that this may need either roller or vibrating plates. Often, the coating seal occurs manually, but the result may not be too high quality. It is necessary to keep in mind that to prevent sticking it is necessary to make asphalt with water. First of all, it concerns asphalting using a rink.
  3. It must be remembered that directly the coating is carried out from the bottom upward, and after that, when the seams begin to form, perpendicular to the rigging should be carried out.

Separately, specialists note that for the movement of pedestrians, the thickness of the asphalt ultimately should be approximately 5 cm. If cars are moving around the territory, then there is a need for thickness from 8 to 10 cm.

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