Boot-concrete foundation with your own hands

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The life of the entire structure depends on the strength of the base, therefore the device of the boot concrete foundation should be carried out in accordance with certain rules. It should be studied before proceeding to work. Initially, we will tell about how the advantages are a bootobatic foundation.


On the benefits of the foundation from the booton

  1. Under technology, the strength of the base of this type will be sufficient for the construction of a multi-storey house on it. When calculating the foundation, the weight of structural materials is taken into account.
  2. It is possible to build a boot concrete foundation with your own hands, which is not always possible when the basis of the bases of another type. There is no need to apply a complex machinery and special technologies requiring special skills.
  3. The brown stone withstands the reduced temperature and is not destroyed under the influence of groundwater. You can use such a building material in any location.
  4. A relatively low cost makes Booth available.

The disadvantage of quarry stone is its ability to freezing. This leads to significant heat losses. To avoid this, the foundation is lined on all sides by insulation boards made of extruded polystyrene.


Tips for choosing a stone quarry

The correct choice of stones also depends on the reliability of the structure. Quality buta affect the waterproofing of the foundation of the house and, as a consequence, the term of its operation. Main the following selection criteria.

  1. The stones have to be as close as possible to the parameters of 250 length and 200 mm width. Such resolution is optimal in terms of flow rate and strength of cement construction.
  2. Visible cracks on the stones should not be: subsequently frozen water will gradually destroy the foundation of the house. Booth with such defects is rejected.
  3. Dirt on the surface of the stones will hinder the adhesion of cement. Before laying a bottle is necessary to wash with a garden hose.
  4. Low strength material is easy to diagnose: you must select samples and test them with a hammer. Crumbling stone for the construction of the base is not suitable. Bottles of good quality must publish when striking sonorous sound and remain intact.

Tools and materials required for the construction of:

  • spades, shovels;
  • planks, beams and sheets of plywood formwork;
  • nails, screws, hammer and screwdriver;
  • roofing felt, plastic film;
  • concrete mortar;
  • cement-sand mortar;
  • concrete mixer;
  • level, tape measure;
  • rubble stones;
  • slabs of extruded polystyrene.


Methods of preparation of concrete mortar for masonry stone

Rubble concrete strip foundation (base of this type is most popular) constructed using concrete prepared with the following techniques.

  1. The mixer (mixer) poured in the ratio of 1: 3 cement and sand, respectively, followed by stirring to obtain a homogeneous dry blend.
  2. Added in small portions to the mixer 5 parts gravel small and middle fractions, mixed thoroughly until until the rubble is completely obscured by the cement and sand.
  3. Gradually filled with water. Density mass periodically monitored. The optimum is a creamy consistency: thick solution will communicate poorly with stone and dry quickly, and the liquid will be weak.

The amount of solution is directly proportional to the amount of stone. The total weight of its specific gravity should be approximately equal to 40%. This ratio is important for the strength of the base.


The basic rules of rubble base unit


Preparatory work

Boo-concrete ribbon foundation for a home is being built according to the same rules that apply to the basis of other species. The main thing is to comply with a certain sequence of work.

  1. It is necessary to determine the type of soil (sandy, rocky, swampy soil, peatman, etc.), as well as the depth of its freezing in this area.
  2. The construction site is cleaned by garbage, trees and shrubs cut down, remove the turf. The surface should be aligned as much as possible. For this purpose, the sublime region removes the soil, and in the reduced - shovels, after which its uniform distribution and tamper is performed.
  3. Marking is performed according to the project. On the site, with a roulette, pegs in the corners of the future structure. Between them tension (Kapron cord): it will be the outer limit of the foundation. At the same time, it is important to check not only the opposite sides several times, but also the diagonal of the rectangular structure: they should be the same.
  4. Manually or with the help of earthmoving technology, a trench for the foundation is driving around the perimeter. Its width is selected depending on the calculated with the addition of some volume to install the formwork and insulation slabs.
  5. In the event that during the digging of trenches below the drainage depth, groundwater will meet, the drainage system is needed.
  6. After the trench is ready, at its bottom it is arranged a pillow of rubble and sand with a thickness of up to 100 mm. The pillow is moisturized and thoroughly tamped. This is necessary for uniform distribution of the weight of the structure around the perimeter of the trench.
  7. The pillow of sand and rubble is covered with rubberoid sheets: thus perform horizontal waterproofing of masonry from booth.


Formwork and Filling Foundation

We propose first to familiarize yourself with how the boot-concrete foundation is poured: video

The phased process of creating a formwork and the fill of the base can be represented so.

  1. The height of the formwork should be at least 250 mm above the ground level. It is going from a chalevka or plywood shields.
  2. In the event that the planned height of the formwork exceeds 250 mm, the installation of additional mounting racks and struts along the entire perimeter of the base is necessary.
  3. Shields from plywood or boards should not be deformed: for this they are tightened between themselves in the upper part with jumpers that are fixed with nails (self-drawing). teplica-Iz-Okonnih-Ram-4
  4. The slots between the boards and the formwork shields should not be (the solution should not be seized out). It is recommended to felt the walls of the formwork with a polyethylene film or rubberoid.
  5. Start the fill of the base from laying a layer of concrete with a thickness of about 150 mm. It is distributed evenly along the perimeter of the trench with the help of Sovic shovel. It is recommended to pierce the solution to remove air bubbles.
  6. The first layer of concrete fill must completely dry, after which the second is poured, with a thickness of about 250 mm.
  7. In the liquid solution, stones are accumulated at a distance of about 60 mm from each other. They should not touch each other. The upper edges should remain on the surface, without a solution. 1351525806
  8. Subsequent fills are performed similarly, but the last layer must completely hide the sharp edges of the butt stones. Otherwise, masonry work will be difficult. The thickness of the leveling screed is no more than 150 mm.
  9. The top layer of concrete must be covered with polyethylene film or periodically moisturize. This is a necessary measure that does not allow concrete to quickly dry and crack. The time of complete drying is 28 days, and the hardened concrete comes in 36 days.

Important: For bright soils, the foundation should expand the book. Formwork is constructed accordingly.



Masonry base from boot concrete stones

Stones are put in such a way that the bandage is formed. It is necessary to select the elements of the appropriate configuration so that they fully occupy free space between adjacent stones. For fastening, they use cement-sandy thick solution (cement - brand 500), which is applied by a trowel. The dischargeable solution is selected, and the seams are sealing the extender.



The gaps between large stones are filled with small, but it is not possible to do this: for construction, it is necessary to use stones about the same size.
So that the laying was smooth - stretch the cord on its external perimeter. The stone is brushed to make the laying look attractive.


Warming grounds


So that the structure is warm, from the inside and outside the boot concrete foundation must be inspired. To do this, it is required using the bitumen mass to stick to the underground parts of the base plate from the extruded polystyrene foam. To make it possible, you should leave while digging the trench and the formwork devices are quite space. After insulation, the reverse swelling of the soil, purified from the construction garbage and stones.

In conclusion, how the boot-concrete belt foundation is built (video about the device base)

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