Laying mosaic with your own hands

October 17. Interior decoration Views 2572. Comments to record laying mosaic with your own hands No

As a royal tile, a miniature tile is sophisticated - the so-called mosaic. Finishing material seems to be moving from a fabulous world, the illusory plane on the walls of bathrooms and shower rooms.

However, the cost of laying a mosaic causes genuine shock. Did the complexity of the technology of laying a mosaic do it yourself from the category of fiction?


Characteristic Mosaic


Mosaic tile is one of the most popular finishing materials that have been used in the design of the bathrooms. If it comes to the bathroom, a pre-banker or kitchen, the best option is not found.

Mosaic is an intricate pattern collected from a small number of elements. Of course, artistic expression of panels is not due to the complexity of the pattern, but the variety of materials. Mosaic is found:

  • glass;
  • ceramic;
  • smalt.

Glass is considered the most widespread. Venetian glass, from which a stunning tile is created, meets high operational requirements, namely:

  • impact resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • heat resistance;
  • water resistance;
  • durability.


Laying mosaic is possible in the pool, jacuzzi. In addition to reliable operational data, the product due to the rich color palette creates incredibly colorful effects.

Ceramic is identical with standard large tiles. Material is released in a wide range of colors. The tile can be glazed or contain splashes of the type of cracker, divorces. Laying a ceramic mosaic in the bathroom will make a relief non-slip surface. Ceramics Strong Venetian glass, which is combined with resistance to mechanical damage to abrasive means. The scope of application of ceramic mosaic wide - from facades of buildings to bathrooms and pools. If necessary, the surface of the material can easily be part. In this case, the edges will be smooth, and the color is muted.

Smalthy mosaic resembles a glass. In contrast to the Venetian glass, the salts of potassium, sodium should be isolated. Natural substances give the material indescribable color game.


Laying smaltian ceramics in contrast to the glass mosaic allows us to use one color for large surfaces. The fact is that each smalt cell in its original, which is expressed by overflowing shades. The smooth surface perfectly transfers mechanical loads, including using abrasive agents.


Preparation for laying mosaic


The main difficulty that promises a beginner before installing the tile, lies in the working surface. It should be in perfectly smooth condition. In order to go directly to laying, the surface should be aligned. Otherwise, mosaic sheets will repeat all the irregularities of the wall or gender.

As a result, it turns out an aesthetically unacceptable surface that neither plumbing devices, nor lighting. Align the base is recommended by all possible tools, whether it is a putty or drywall design.

The aligned wall also requires purification and coating of soil paint. Otherwise, the glue will lose most of the adhesive properties on the dusty wall.

So how to prepare the surface to lay the mosaic so that the result is like on video?

  1. If horizontal or vertical skews are significant, it is necessary to carry out the primary alignment of the surface by cement-sandy solution.
  2. Then apply two or three layers of putty.
  3. Conduct the grout of putty after drying.
  4. Save dust.
  5. Apply soil paint.


What glue to choose for laying mosaic?


In the installation process, several adhesive compositions can be used. The substance can be on a polymer basis using cement. In general, the installation of the material allows ordinary tile glue by which the ceramic tile is fixed.

For example, we note that the selection of glue depends on the surface. So, there is no fundamental difference if the laying of the mosaic is carried out on the floor or plasterboard design. It is quite another thing if the tile must be securely fixed on the basis of plastic or wood. In this case, you will need a special adhesive composition for working with these materials.

Another important point is not many know that the tiled glue of different colors differ also on the operational properties. The gray and white compositions add different types of cement. For example, for a glass mosaic, it is advisable to use a light shade glue - the usual gray glue will give the transparent tiles a kind of "dirty" effect.


How to keep plain mosaics with your own hands?


Installation technology of mosaic tiles fast and simple. For example, we will analyze the process of laying a mosaic on the wall. To optimize your work, we recommend that the following operations are styled:

1. On the prepared level surface, apply another layer of soil paint. It must be the composition of deep penetration. The substance should be applied by the scrolling before the formation of a foam of light color. Progressing has several reasonable explanations:

  • high adhesion is achieved;
  • the structure of the surface layer is securely fastened.

2. Apply the glue composition with a comb (the size of the tooth is up to 8 mm). The glue is applied to a smooth layer so that the mosaic perfectly lay on the surface. Do not hurry to spend all the glue because it is quickly dreamed and loses the adhesive data. Apply a small amount of the composition on the wall, lay and press the mosaic sheet.

3. Stick mosaic tiles. There are two types of material - based on paper and grid. Laying the mosaic on the grid is produced by the basis for the wall, on paper - on the contrary. Subsequently, paper under the action of water turns and is easily moving. The main disadvantage of the second option can be considered the absence of the possibility of controlling the seams.

When laying a mosaic on the corners it is necessary to wrap the sheet. If the internal or external angle does not allow this to do, it is recommended to trim the section. Glue and grout disguise the remnants of the grid.

4. Align the mosaic, gently pressed the subject with a large area of \u200b\u200bcontact with tiles. To do this, a manual grater is suitable for grouting. It is not recommended to put pressure on the tile with hands. Otherwise you can get an uneven surface. Through an even base, you can easily achieve the perfect sheet plane. It is necessary to put pressure on the mosaic in such a way that each cell is evenly straightened by occupying its position. In other words, it should be followed by the uniformity of all seams.

5. Clean the mosaic. This stage is preferably carried out on fresh adhesive. If the cleaning is inserted, it will have to scrape the remnants of the glue. To purify the seams, you can use a screwdriver or a small greasy spatula. Anyway, while glue allows you to remove its remnants on the surface, adjust some parts of the tile. Tip from experienced: if you correctly pick up a comb, excess glue will not stand out on the surface.

6. Start the seams using a special tool. This is the most scrupulous stage of work, which provides for a thorough grout of numerous seams. By the way, the consumption of a grout mixture will be at times exceeding the indicators when grouting a large ceramic tile. For efficient grout, use a wide flexible rubber spatula. Of course, you can jewelry to rub each square of the mosaic sheet, but it will take one hour. The grouting by smearing movements can be effectively and quickly filling the seams with water-repellent material.

After waiting for the final drying of the core mixture, it is recommended to wipe the entire surface dry. Another advice: if you lay the mosaic to the kitchen apron, place the stove slightly pronounce, otherwise the material can crack from the temperature drops.



Perhaps it's all. In any case, the process of mounting the tile is not an archent finishing process. With a high-quality level basis and with the obligatory implementation of the recommendations, even the newcomer can effectively hold the mosaic laying. The price of updating the pool or shower in this case will be much more attractive than when accessing builders.

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