What to choose a bath

April 7. Repair and construction work, Plumbing Views 2898. 5 comments To write what to choose a bath

When repairs in the bathroom begins, then all the events are thought out in advance. After all, this place is not only for daily hygienic procedures, but also relaxation. In addition to designing the room, consideration of the replacement of equipment and furniture is required, while all purchases must comply with high demands due to operation in specific conditions. So, the main subject remains a bath, so it is worth considering all the offered options on the market and their features.

The main criterion - the material used

Each buyer presents its demands on the product, in the event of a choice of baths orient to the following indicators:

  • material;
  • dimensions;
  • shape;
  • functionality;
  • manufacturer;
  • price.

But the main criterion remains the composition, the baths are produced from various materials:

  • cast iron;
  • become;
  • acrylic;
  • kvaril;
  • stone;
  • marble;
  • tree;
  • glass.

Justified prevalence of cast iron


It does not lose popularity throughout the length of the product from the cast iron, they have their own characteristics. Advantages include:

  • stability;
  • strength;
  • durability;
  • long preservation of heat.

These characteristics are ensured by the physical properties of the material. Despite modern technologies to add various impurities into cast iron, such a bath weighs about 120 kg. Therefore, it is worth considering the conditions for transportation and installation of the subject in advance.

The disadvantages of this species include:

  • use of standard forms;
  • coating vulnerability.

The manufacture of products with non-standard sizes and forms requires high effort and costs in the process, as a result, pig-iron baths are not distinguished by originality. But at the same time, their practicality leaves products competitive for long years.

Come to the store, the consumer usually draws attention to the brilliant enameled product - it looks spectacular. However, in operation, to preserve initial beauty will have to carefully care with special means. The enamel of cast-iron baths is distinguished by vulnerability, it quickly flaps in the fall of a heavy item. Therefore, initially in the store it is important to carefully explore the future acquisition.

Steel Bath - Economic Choice


Many consumers stop on products from steel due to practicality and durability.

The main advantages of steel baths:

  • sufficiently light weight;
  • availability financially;
  • the ability to purchase a product of non-standard form and sizes.

Due to the small weight of the purchase, transportation and installation will not cause problems, so you can do all work yourself. The original design can be ensured by applying round shapes and the necessary sizes. With a small price, steel baths are distinguished by a pleasant appearance and elegance.

But high thermal conductivity is distinguished from the disadvantages - this means that the steel bath does not hold heat. Therefore, taking a bath will have to quickly, or constantly add hot water. However, there are ways of outdoor insulation, which are often used by domestic masters. A successful choice is based on the determination of the wall thickness of the product - it should be at least 3 mm, otherwise it is possible to appear bent areas already in the first days of operation. With proper care, the steel bath will last for long to its owners.

Acrylic - a modern solution


This material appeared relatively recently, but immediately entered the consumer confidence. This is due to the reliability and attractiveness of the products obtained. Advantages:

  • practicality;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • low weight;
  • easily fits into the modern interior.

Water in a high-quality acrylic bath for a long time retains its temperature, even cast iron products are incomparable. At the same time, they are easy to care - even cleaning agents can be applied. When minor scratches appear, the surface can be corrected, although they are usually invisible.

The main drawback is the price of acrylic products, for high-quality products will have to lay a round sum. At the same time, it is not worth saving due to the possibility of using poor material with insufficient reinforcement, which leads to the deformations of the finished acrylic bath from hot fluid and mechanical loads.

Kvaril - Universal Material


When adding kvarlic baths in production to acrylo quartz. This gives additional resistance to high temperatures, which is subsequently not required to reinforce the product in several layers. A feature of this species is the ability to keep the heat filled fluid for a long time. Such baths are durable, retain the appearance of the long years of operation.

The remaining materials are not used for mass release of baths, they are intended to provide an individual approach to order and are directed to the originality of the result.

To determine what bath it is better to choose, it is worth feeling her comfort. After all, manufacturers began to focus on the human set. Therefore, there are baths of various sizes, there are 150-180 cm long products, 70-85 cm long wide. In order to feel comfortably while taking procedures, you need to select the parameters to ensure the semi-cutting position without breaking the legs in the knees. In the width, there should be some space, as for depth - 50 cm is considered normal indicators.

Functionality - weighty argument


Now in the market, the functionality of proposals varies in additions - this can be a built-in hydromassage system, poured armrests or screwdrived knobs. Of course, they affect the convenience, however, for everyday procedures, it is quite simple, but a suitable bath in size.

In order to choose the right bath, you need to consider the parameters of the available area, because the product should fit into a small room. It should immediately determine priorities - it will be an elegant, but impractical option, or inexpensive, but durable purchase. From this and repel when choosing a type of bath.

Price and manufacturers

In the market, a wide range of plumbing products, so sometimes it is sometimes difficult to stay on a specific product. What a firm bath to choose to think in advance, because a different manufacturer uses its materials to produce products. Experts do not have a single opinion, but the company remains the leaders:

  1. Ravak is a Czech manufacturer, offering a wide range of products, including showers. The cost of acrylic baths of this brand begins from 400 cu
  2. Cooler Pool is an Austrian representative whose products are also characterized by good quality. Acrylic baths have a guarantee of 10 years, while the price of them goes about 300 cu.
  3. Roca is a manufacturer of Spain, produces both acrylic, cast-iron and steel products. The price of the latter is more than affordable, starts from 200 cu. In this case, you can choose a bath of various shapes and sizes.
  4. The German Caldevai Enterprise offers luxury luxury products at competitive prices. The assortment has baths both for 3000 cu and 400 cu.
  5. The domestic representative of Aquanet offers quite high-quality products, for example, a bath from acrylic not standard form has a price of about 300 cu.

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5 answers to what to choose a bath

  1. Timyr.:

    Cast iron bath - perfect option

  2. Lеня:

    The cast iron was very popular for a long period, but in Plumbing from acrylic, he stubbornly comes to her heels and wonder if it would soon be a leading position. Acrylic bath - queen design, the choice of forms is huge. On the sight she is fragile, but in fact very durable (judging by his witter). In general, a lot of advantages, I'm at acrylic.

  3. Arseny:

    Completely agree, acrylic baths are high strength and even a bit elastic. Resistance and durability of acrylic bath models are confirmed by a warranty issued to products, which is usually from 10 years. But choosing a bath from acrylics must first of all pay attention to the thickness of the acrylic layer than it is thicker, the better. As far as I know, Vitra has 5-8 mm, these are excellent indicators, not many baths can boast of it.

  4. Ivan.:

    The perfect option is a stone bath.

  5. Georgy.:

    Stone, cast marble ..., of course, cool, but the price of them is also cool. If we consider the bath in the ratio of price-quality, then acrylic in any case is best, and if we talk about the manufacturer, then Vitra is very good, I have been worth such an angular beauty and just one dozen years old, except for me to change to change on Something more modern by the time.

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