Carefully read the instructions for adding an article to the site. You will be checked by her knowledge.
User registration
Registration is carried out at this link:\u003dregister&in\u003dAdvego. If you register with ADVEGO, the login must match the login in Advego immediately after registration it is necessary to contact site administrationSo that you have identified editorial rights. You can contact through the Advego Forum.
Requirements for Content
- Material size: 5000+ characters.
- The article should contain all the key phrases that are available in the task (you can decline, you can embed it in the title name, you can rephrase).
- The text of the article must disclose the topic specified in the title. To the quality of the attitude of strict, seo-articles do not roll (focus on If the article is called "how to install wooden windows with your own hands", then after reading it, our editor must easily put the windows on its own at home.
- Take only those topics in which you understand. Themes appear regularly (you will be signed by email).
- After you wrote an article, postpone it for a while. Then read again, preferably out loud. Is the topic revealed? Will you not "stumble" if you are reading? Do you like your text? Once again, look at the article, eliminate spelling and punctuation errors, tautologies, repeat, offices, stylistic inaccuracies.
- Photos 5-7 pieces (can be more). Photos should not be other people's signs. Photo size 450-500px in width. Make sure that the photo is not "drove around", i.e. The proportions in the mountains were preserved. and vert.
- At least 1 thematic video from YouTube (the Add Video button is in the editor toolbar).
Select title and take work
- Select the title of the article ( link) and press the button " Take work ". The article goes into the status " The author works. "
- No need to create a new article, you need to edit the one in which there was a headline and keywords.
- After writing the article, you need to independently change the status on " Moderation"(At the same time, pass in ADVEGO).
- If you have already written earlier articles, it is allowed to take up to 3x at the same time. If this is your first job, then only 1 title.
- Any questions on the article can be discussed with the editor through the "Editorial Comments" form (in editing the article). Each comment is accompanied by a message on Email (if not coming, check the "Spam" folder and check that it is not spam).
Articles design
- For the design of articles to come up with love and attentiveness
- Beam articles on a few small paragraphs to make the most convenient to read users.
- The first 2-3 sentences (announcement) are separated by the "Next" tag (there is a button on the editor panel).
- We use only H2 and H3 headers, the main H2, clarifying H3. According to these headlines, the content of the article is automatically constructed.
- Create the content of the article (the button on the "Add Page Content Code"). It inserts a short code that is displayed when viewed in the form of content (it turns out in this article)
- You should not do a lot of unnecessary gaps to increase the volume of text in Advego, they are still cleaned by the system.
- The main photo of the article is added to "Set a miniature" on the article editing page
- If the article refers to another article, which is previously written by you or another author, put a link on it.
- External links to other sites are strictly prohibited.
General Recommendations for Writing Content
- Do not write from the first person!
- Do not generalize! Do not write "everyone loves", "everyone knows", "" No one needs ", etc. Not all, not any, not everyone! Remember it.
- Do not abuse with diminitious suffixes (they are "SysyFixes"), and better do not use them at all.
- Avoid sharp estimated judgments and excellent epithets of the type "most", "best", "incomparable", etc.
- Do not lose sentences with pressing offers, involved and consistent turns, numerous dash and colon. Write simple words.
- Paragraphs should be small - 2-3 sentences. It is optimally broken into minimal paragraphs, focusing on the semantic completion.
- Humor and irony can be used in articles, but without abuse.
- The use of jargon, slang is allowed only in cases of their absolute relevance.
Common cliches that need to be avoided
- eyes - Soul Mirror
- dog - friend of man
- as they say
- sometimes it happens that
- it happens that
- "Sometimes" at the beginning of the offer
- it's not a secret to anybody
- we all know well that
- let's figure it out
- today we will talk
- in our modern age
- as is known
- no one needs to prove that
- no one needs to be convinced that
Moments: Without these words, the text will be better meaningless revs Expressing the extra words: about the word "practically": delusional phrases about business: Other topics for authors: ... and classic!
- It does not need to be specified by pronoun.
- Clarifications in brackets (although significant) are (usually) excessive.
- Those who finish offer offer, send on.
- Unnecessary analogy in the text - like a fur coat, seasoned in panties.
- Remember that in most cases the bundle "On Tom" can be excluded.
- The suffering deposit should be avoided.
- Offer from one word? Not good.
- Do not use long words where you can apply short-range.
- As Emerson taught: "Do not quote. Report your own thoughts. "
- Be more or less specific.
- Who needs rhetorical questions?
- Give the words in the dictionary.
Text Design Requirements (typography)
Fundamental rules
- Never use two or more commas in a row.
- Always use only one space sign between words and suggestions.
- Between paragraphs must be intervals (double ENTER).
- No "red lines", on the Internet it is not accepted
- The initials before the surname - without a space between the initials, but with a space between the last name: A.S. Pushkin.
- Reduction of the type "T.P.", "etc." Capped without a space. After the end of the end of the sentence, the gap is required.
- If the slash shares two words - the space is missing: goods / service.
- If the slash shares phrases or words - members of the transfer series - the gap is necessary: \u200b\u200bmanufacturers of fiberglass / equipment suppliers; Financial / Legal / Economic Aspect.
- Reverse slash (\\) is not used.
- Always use the space before and after dash.
- Never use gaps before and after hyphen.
- Never use Caps Lock in the text, except when this requires an official writing of the abbreviation, product names, brand, organization, etc.
- Never use the pronoun "you" from the capital letter; Exception is the beginning of the sentence.
- Never use the word "Internet" and its derivatives (online store, Internet provider, etc.) with a capital letter; Exception is the beginning of the sentence.
- The letter E is used only in cases of possible ambiguity (surname, all / all, etc.).
- All Russian names enclose in Russian quotes ("Christmas trees", not "legs"): Restaurant "Prague".
- All Latin names are left without quotes: Covent Garden. Quotes in foreign languages \u200b\u200bare quoted by Latin quotes, "legs". Quotes around the Latin names are in cases where it is necessary to raise visually the same type or contractive combinations: the last album of WHITESNAKE "Good to Be Bad".
- Mixed titles containing the letters of the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet are consisting of Russian quotes.
- Do not stand out with quotes:
- own item, if they do not have conditional name (Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov);
- the names of enterprises, institutions, management, etc., which are a comprehensive word formed from the full official name (Dneprogram, Mosstroy).
Adopted abbreviations
- million (no point)
- billion (no point)
- thousand (with a point)
- g (gram; no point)
- kg (no point)
- t (without a point)
- g. (year; with point)
- min. (with a point)
- those. (without space)
- etc. (without space)
- t.P. (without space)
- because (without space)
- person.
- m (meter, no point)
- cm
- mm
- kM
Units of measure and numeral
- $12
- €12
- ₤12
- m²
- m³.
- 12 p. (with a point, but not rubles. and not rubles)
- №357 (without a space between sign number and digit)
- from 50 to 70%
- №№5, 6, 7
- 50 ° C.
- 10:25 - Time
To read your article read
- It is advisable to use key phrases and their fragments with a change in case, numbers, verb forms, speech parts, etc. The distance between the entries (accurate or in the form of a word form) is one key phrase - at least 12 words, excluding alliances and prepositions.
- Use labeled and numbered lists
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