Why does not warm the warm floor

February 3. Useful advice Views 7552. 2 comments to write why it does not warm the warm floor

The warm floor device is an excellent solution when creating a comfortable environment in the house. But sometimes it is necessary to face the fact that the warm floor has ceased to heal. This may be due to several factors. In this article, we will try to figure out:

  • why does not warm the warm floor;
  • how to eliminate faults.

Causes of electrical floor faults and their elimination

There are two main varieties of a warm floor: electric and water. First, let's talk about the possible problems of electric heating. The reasons for the failure of this heating system may be different. The main ones are:

  • non-compliance with the rules of laying;
  • inappropriate heating cable;
  • bad thermal insulation;
  • cable damage;
  • low voltage in the network;
  • fault of the thermostat or temperature sensor.


On non-compliance with the rules of installation of the electric floor indicates a slight heating of the floor with constant turning off the thermostat. In most cases, this problem is associated with the incorrect installation of the temperature sensor. It is located on a heating cable or next to it.

The correctness of the acquisition of the heating cable and laying the heat-insulating material is checked as follows. By turning on the heating system, you should wait until the floor is heated. It usually takes 30-60 minutes (depending on the type of floor covering). The surface temperature at the location of the sensor must coincide with the similar thermostat.

Quite often the reason that the warm floor does not heat, is a violation of the integrity of the heating cable. This may happen in the implementation of installation work. For example, when creating a concrete screed and tile laying.

To identify the cause of this malfunction, it is necessary:

  • turn off the thermostat;
  • disconnect the cable from it;
  • check the resistance between the veins.

The magnitude of the resistance must comply with passport data. The deviation is allowed in the amount of 5%.

If there are no such data in the commodity passport, the optimal cable resistance can be calculated by the ratio of the dual amount of the voltage to the power of the cable. The effective resistance indicator is 1 mΩ and above. If there are insufficient resistance, you will have to remove the floor covering and find a damaged cable.


Weak warm floor can cause low voltage on the network. The voltage drop in the network is only 10% entails a decrease in the power of the heating cable to 17-20%. To avoid the inefficient operation of the electric heating floor, it is necessary:

  • acquire a cable with a power supply of specific power;
  • use voltage stabilizers.

When the laying of the heating cable is carried out correctly and all terminals are reliably tightened, the thermostat and temperature sensor is checked. For this, the voltage on the conclusions of the cable is measured. With the thermostat running, it must be equal to the power supply voltage. The sensor resistance must comply with the data specified in the passport.

The operating condition of the thermostat can be checked and easier, which provides:

  • termination of electricity supply to the thermostat from the distribution panel;
  • connection directly wire wires with heating cable;
  • turning on half an hour on the shield.

If the floor heats up, then the thermostat has failed. It must be simply replaced. This also applies to the sensor.

In the case when when connected directly does not heat the warm floor, you will have to search for a blown wire. By the way, the operation of the automaton with the direct connection of the cable with the electrical network indicates the presence of a short circuit. We will have to work again to measure resistance.


Specific Film Floor

When using a film infrared floor, resistance measurements are carried out on each heating element. Indications must coincide with acceptable passport data. If the device shows:

  • the number "0" - a short circuit occurred on the network (most likely from overheating);
  • infinity - breaking the heating cable (usually in the coupling).

The most vulnerable place of film underfloor is the contact terminals. At the edges of the infrared film there is a copper tire. It connects with a wire that heats the film. The compound occurs with special clamps, which in the heating process are capable of oxidizing. As a result, the electrical circuit is broken. Repair is to replace contacts and more reliable connections.

Elimination of water floors

Now, for what reasons do not warm warm water floors. There are three main problems:

  • fault circuit of a warm floor;
  • low temperature in the room;
  • uneven heating surface.

The main causes of the fact that does not heat the circuit of warm water floor, are:

  • closing the handles of the ball cranes;
  • the circulation pump does not function (located in the distribution panel);
  • injection into the air system.

The opening of the handles in the distribution panel occurs by placing them along the paved pipes. The operation of the circulation pump is characterized by the presence of noise and vibratory effects. If you do not have them, the equipment is subject to replacement.

As for air entering, this problem is solved by installing the air vent on the collector. This manual device will remove air.


Such a problem, as a warm floor heats badly and does not provide normal heated rooms, due to:

  • insufficient power of the heating boiler;
  • installation of furniture or flooring on the floor of the carpet coating;
  • hit in the air system;
  • styling poor quality insulation.

You can try to reduce the temperature in rooms that are less common. But, most likely, it will have to be done by the implementation of preventive repair, cleaning of the boiler and inspection of temperature sensors.

Uneven heating of the floor surface is a consequence of poor-quality laying of vapor barrier. The operation of the warm floor is more directed toward the surface, and not on its heating. Make sure this can be done in the following way.

When the heating system is enabled on the floor, the polyethylene film of 1M * 1M is settled. A day later, the presence of condensate on it is checked. If it appeared, and the interconnect seams became darker, this indicates the need to create a new vapor barrier.


Moreover, it is impossible to solve the problem of bad vaporizolation by installing an additional source of thermal energy. The dampness together with warmth is often the reason for the appearance of mold and fungus, which are also accompanied by sharp odors.

The main preventive measures to prevent warmge malfunctions are their high-quality installation in compliance with all technological standards. If the problems, nevertheless, appeared, should be responsible to carry out repair work. This directly depends on the comfortable atmosphere during cold winter days.

Warm floor repair video:


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2 answers on why it does not warm the warm floor

  1. Vova:

    when on the finished floor flashes the index on the thermostat? Paul film

    • Prohot.:

      Bad contact of the connecting strips, or you step on the sensor that is laid in the floor and the regulator reacts so much. It is not bad that the model of the regulator should be written at once when prompted!

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