How to grow mushrooms on the garden plot

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Many concerns the question of whether forest mushrooms can be raised in the country area? Of course, it is possible, however, it will take compliance with the important condition, namely, they should grow next to certain woody rocks.

Conditions of growing mushrooms


Since forest mushrooms are in durable symbiosis with some woody rocks, then they form a special mushroom or minecorn with them. Thus, their "relationships" add up according to the following scheme: mushrooms are obtained from a tree a certain carbohydrate power as a juice, and the tree from the mushroom is mineral salts and water from the top layer of the Earth.


Growing mushrooms on the site


Growing an oyster in the garden plot


To get an excellent yeshin harvest, the correct technology should be observed:

  • purchase the nutritional composition with mushroom disputes and arrange a fungal;
  • take the wood of exclusively soft wood species - linden, willow, poplar;
  • it is advisable to apply healthy wood;
  • breasting logs are best done at the beginning of spring;
  • it should not be specifically selected by large trunks. It is quite suitable for a diameter of 15 cm with a length of 30-35 cm.

Methods of introducing mycelium (mushrooms) in the wood:

1. The introduction of mycelium into the transverse propyl, which is completed until the middle of the log.
2. Making fungunits to the side surface drilled on the side surface, wood holes that have a depth of up to 12 cm and diameter 1 cm.
3. Making the composition with mycelium on the ends of the logs.


  • we prepare the trench that is pre-moisturized and falling asleep by sand;
  • we put in it logs having a length of 35 cm, a column of 3 pieces on each other to a depth of 1 m;
  • the top ends cover the top ends with the controversial mixture and fall asleep in advance prepared composition from the ground and sawdust. You can also use straw and leaves;
  • the germination of mushrooms will last from 60-90 days, after which wood cuts should be obtained and transferred to beds.



  • arrange the garden beds under the trees, whose foliage is well missing sunlight;
  • when creating a bed, take into account the fact that they will serve you at least 4 years, so choose the place where you in the coming years do not plan to plant other crops;
  • in dry weather, moisturizing the soil of the bedside next;
  • make sure that the supasted segments of wood are not mechanically exposed;
  • we regularly flash weeds;
  • for the winter it is necessary to strengthen the beds with pine branches, straw or fir branches.

White mushrooms on the dacha

white G.

White mushroom (Borovik) is considered the most preferred culture in our kitchen, so some gardeners try to grow it in the garden plot.

Such a kind of fungus, as Borovik feels great in symbiosis with her fir, pine, oak and birch. However, there is one feature that distinguishes white mushrooms growing under different trees is the color of the hats. So, in mushrooms, located under the birch, it has a bright shade, and under the pine - red-brown.

Another feature of Borovikov comes down to the fact that they prefer to grow under adult wooded rocks, so they are much easier to dilute them, if there are already formed birchs. If they are not, then you can dig a given young tree in the forest, growing near the adult, near which Boroviki was seen and landed it under home. In this case, you will get a greater chance that its roots already have Mikariza.

White mushroom breeding methods:


1. The first method is simple enough, but not very effective:

  • we have under the leaf litter within a radius of 1.5 m from the birch pieces of mature borovik;
  • sealing ground and watering it water temperature;
  • after 3-4 days, the pieces of the fungus are cleaned, and the place where they were, moisturized.

2. The second method involves breeding mushrooms with the help of their dispute:

  • we take a bucket, fill it with rain or well water;
  • we put in it old Boroviki;
  • withstand so mushrooms for several days at room temperature;
  • during this period, they must be sprawling on the thread;
  • the resulting mixture is stirred and pour it specially designated for this.

3. The third method involves breeding mushrooms with mushrooms:

  • dig mushrooms in the forest along with small soil reservoirs;
  • we carry them on your cottage section;
  • we make under the chosen wood well of the corresponding sizes;
  • shift mushrooms into it;
  • we water rainwater mushrooms for the first couple of days, even if there is raw weather.


  • make sure that the land will not be unjited;
  • disembarking should be done immediately without allowing dryness;
  • landing is recommended to exercise in the evening or in the morning;
  • the optimal period is considered the beginning of autumn or end of summer.

If everything went, as it should be, then Boroviki will appear on your site next year. In order for the fertility of the site allotted under them did not decrease, each year it is recommended to hurry the disputes or bring new mushroom seams from the forest.

Growing from the country


In natural conditions, they grow on a slightly fired trunks of deciduous and coniferous trees, as well as on raw stumps. However, at the same time, they are perfectly amenable to breeding and in cultural conditions. The only thing for full-fledged their development will need to use birch wood.

Homemade cultivation of mushrooms oh:

  • we take fresh birch segments up to 40 cm long;
  • machine them for several days in the water, pre-making deep notches;
  • next, we prepare the landing material;
  • as the latter, the pieces of fungus found in the forest can be used or disputes highlighted them;
  • to allocate disputes, the major mushroom caps are placed in water and withstand a day there;
  • next, the planting material is seated in pre-prepared notches, which are then covered by the bark of the tree or moss;
  • we establish wood segments vertically into freshly dried wells at a distance of 0.5 m from each other, so that over the surface of the earth remains up to 15 cm beds;
  • all the beds sprinkle with fresh sawdust and regularly water.


Diltens Will recommended early autumn or spring.

How to grow mushrooms on the garden video:

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