How to deal with groundwater in the country area

July 7. Plot. Views 2773. Comments To record how to deal with groundwater in the country area No

Many dachensons after buying a plot are waiting for many problems associated with high groundwater sitting. The landowners have to deal with the constant high humidity of the soil - many plants die from this. In the presence of buildings on the territory there is a sharp shrinkage and destruction of the foundation of structures, the basements cannot be fully used in economic needs.

Before buying a plot, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the geodetic examination of the territory in advance, the measures taken on time increases the efficiency of operation. It should be borne in mind that the groundwater layer in lowlands and under the slopes is closer to the surface.

The result of a similar location


Depending on the depth of the occurrence, three types of groundwater distinguish:

  • artesian;
  • non-perm;
  • ripper.

The last look and brings the dackets, because the amount of water depends on the season, precipitation and weather. The high level of water occurs in the fall, then a large amount of precipitation saturates the soil. But it is measured in the spring, during floods the maximum indicators are achieved, then they begin to fight them. The level is determined by the distance from the ground surface to the water mirror in the well or the well.

The main reason, due to which the groundwater was required is a possible erosion of the soil, the emergence of femaards. Accordingly, the destruction of buildings and structures located on the territory of buildings and structures. Due to the presence of a large amount of water in the soil, the trees are planted on embankments, beds under cultures also require raising the level of the Earth.

Definition of the Situation


The level of groundwater can be found on the basis of growing crops on the plot, closely located the reservoir gives a brown greens during dry ground. Moofable plants, such as the cost, nettle, essay and rogoz are placed with close water. The reservoir is not lower than 3 m from the surface with the active growth of the reed, cane and poplar. The aquifer at a depth of 3-5 m is characterized by the presence of licorice and wormwood on the site. Oak will help to find out information about aquiferous veins - it grows on their intersection. Along the veins there is a maple, alder and birch, while the plants take a bias in its direction.

Elimination of problems

The main and only effective means of combating groundwater is the drainage device. According to constructive features, 2 types of systems are distinguished:

  • open;
  • closed.

In the first case, it is assumed to use trenches and trays, in the second - pipes, gravel and sand filter and bunch of rods.

Open alloy


Open systems are used most often due to ease of operation, but it is characterized by a reduction in the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe site and interfere with the arrangement of the territory. The selection of the depth of the trench is determined by the features of the site, the bias helps to make a hydroelectory. Ring trenches start up the slope - it will save from the hassle with the presence of water, clay and crushed stone are added to limit the smoke of the soil in the ditches. In finished trenches, ready-made gutters acquired in advance, they can be made of plastic or concrete, go with a grille that closes the top.

To protect plants in areas from high groundwater, a tap hole and ditches running around the perimeter of the territory and between the beds are digging. The pit is root in the lowest place, the depth must be 1-1.5 m. The ditches around the territory go to a depth of about 40 cm, between the rows - 15 cm. All ditches are equipped at an angle of 20-30 ° C for outflow of the collected water into the well. The simplest situation with the drainage is within the presence of a natural slope, then water itself goes on the equipped system.

Closed communications


Closed drainage systems do not affect the operation of the site and do not reduce it, but there is a disadvantage - the taps require frequent purification. Drainage pipes are used as discharges, which are burned in the ground around the perimeter of the square. During the arrangement, various materials are used: brick, branches and rods, asbestos-cement pipes with a diameter of 10-15 cm and PVC pipes for drainage. Waterproofing is used to limit the hydrogenation of the system.

On the perimeter of the site, the trench is thrown by a depth of 0.7-1.5 m, the width, as a rule, is 0.3 m. It is worth considering the bias towards the drainage well, which is a prepared pit. Further, the bottom of the trench falls asleep with rubble or sand, the pipes are placed on top. As the last waterfront layer, the submetock is used from soil and turf.

Geotextiles and Tekton are used as waterproofing. The first material serves as an additional filter, and the latter is paved on the bottom and on the side walls to obstruct the water absorption into the soil. Fill the material so that it completely covers the ditch and went beyond 30 cm.

Complex measures


To significantly reduce groundwater levels on the site, special equipment is used. If a decrease is required to 5 m, then use the needle filter installation consisting of pipes, at the ends of which needle filters, pump and collector are located. Water goes into a vacuum collector, while the system is almost not contaminated thanks to the stipulated barrier at the beginning of the pipe. With a decrease in groundwater, 20 m use a needle filter injection system, which includes centrifugal pumps and special water lines. The effectiveness of the equipment used allows you to make any plot convenient for construction and planting plants.

Beep View

There is also a flowing type of drainage, but it is not common due to a large drawback - the system is quickly styled. Unlike closed type, crushed stone or broken bricks instead of pipes are used, that is, they fall asleep the lower half of the trench. The second part is filled with gravel, and the topping of the soil and the turf goes from above.

The importance of septic

If you take into account the safety of the environment, then at each site it is necessary to take care of the installation of the septicity for high groundwater. This device allows you to accumulate and simultaneously clean the incoming fluid. But thanks to the peculiarities of the terrain and soil, problems may arise with the choice of device and its installation.

The typical design consists of a large concrete or plastic container with three compartments for various types of cleansing, while the system should be hermetic. There are two nozzles from the tank - one for fluid flow, the other - displays the illuminated drains into the drainage system. Three purification levels allow to drain up to 65% of pollution from the drain, then after passing through them through the thickness of the soil in the groundwater, the filtered liquid is obtained by 98-100%. This in turn liberates the owner of the site from constant hassle associated with the elimination of accumulated wastewater.

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