How to make a sandy pillow under the foundation

July 30. Foundation Views 3001. Comments to record how to make a sandy pillow under the foundation No

The foundation is one of the most important parts of the house. The duration of the building is depends on its high-quality fill. Not the last role for the proper creation of the foundation plays a sand pillow. On how to make a sandy pillow under the foundation, and it will be discussed in our article.





Purpose Purpose

In essence, the pillow is the very first layer of foundation, on which further construction of the house is produced. Some country owners are wondering: Is it necessary to create this layer between the soil and the foundation?

There are a number of reasons that indicate the need for a sandy pillow device. The main of them is the presence of a bunching soil, which adversely affects the base of the house when the soil is frozen and the subsequent thawing. The construction of a small-breeding foundation is also the basis for creating a sand pillow.

The sandy pillow under the foundation contributes to the emergence of the minimum shrinkage of the building built, making a fillible platform with reliable and more resistant to the influence of natural factors. Also, its main advantages are:

  • alignment of the bottom of the trench;
  • protection of the foundation from the negative impact of the wet environment;
  • preparation of a smaller amount of cement mortar;
  • low cost and simplicity of work.


Sand laying will provide the lower part of the concrete base with the optimal load. In addition, the pillow makes it possible to fill the foundation at an altitude, which eliminates its contact with groundwater and construction elements that cause various deformation processes.

Requirements for sand and pillow

Sometimes when creating a belt foundation, it is necessary to deal with the following problems:

  • drain of the pit is carried out at a depth not provided for by the project documentation;
  • in stock Soil layer, unsuitable for construction work.

The last option provides for the removal of such a soil with subsequent laying in the sand layer trench. For a sandy pillow under the ribbon foundation, it is recommended to use major gravel sand.

When using fine sand, the indicator of its resistance to compression occurs. As a result, the process of shrinkage of the foundation will occur. You can use clean river sand, which refers to the middle fraction. In the presence of bunched soil, sand is used in conjunction with another material with an increased resistance to the compression process.

The thickness of the sandy pillow under the foundation depends on certain conditions for the construction work. It is usually equal to 0.2-0.25 m. But it is quite possible to make it thick up to 15 cm. The maximum height of the sandy pillow under the foundation is approximately equal to the three-time size of the ribbon width.


In the process of creating a pillow, sand should not accumulate or fall into certain areas. It should not be characterized by inconsistency. For this reason, it is subjected to a thorough traam.

Sandy Pillow Device Nuances

The cushion device is carried out after the markup of the foundation and provides for the following work:

  • digging a pit;
  • aligning its bottom;
  • sand backing;
  • tamming material.

It is possible to facilitate the process of creating a sand pillow with a stretched rope, which serves as a level for snowing sand. Efficient pillow consists of three layers:

  • boob stone;
  • gravel;
  • and directly sand.


On the bottom of the trench, the brown stone is stacked, which is a cobblestone with a diameter of 15 cm and more. The specific size of the butte stone depends on the magnitude of the built house. If there is a deep pit, some experts recommend laying a boob stone to produce in two layers. After the device of the butt layer, gravel is covered with a thickness of 15-20 cm.

At the next stage, sand is fastened. It is added to the trench until the gravel does not cover. The resulting sandy-gravel pillow under the foundation is thoroughly poured with water. If the pit does not imply the use of stones, then geotextiles are laid under the cushion created. The sand will not be lureed, mixing with the soil.

In any case, the tamping work provides for the exercise of abundant watering of sand with water. Especially if the work is carried out in summer days. Only so you can make the pillow as thick as possible.

If the creation of the foundation occurs in the spring, then the location of groundwater is necessarily taken into account. If the construction of the house is carried out in the area where the groundwater is located near the earth's surface, the sand pillow is additionally equipped with a drainage system. If you do not create it, the base will be blurred.


Sand rambling can be carried out in different ways. The main goal is effective. On the sand surface should not be distinct prints from the boot sole. Failure and tamping material is carried out until the predetermined thickness of the sandy pillow, which should have the most smooth surface. After that, you can proceed to the device of formwork, reinforcement and pouring of a concrete solution.

Video on the creation of a sandy pillow under the foundation:

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