Built-in sockets in the worktop: Features of choosing and editing

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The kitchen is a special room in every home where many of the tenants spend most of the time. Previously, there were few household appliances in the kitchen, therefore, there was no need for the abundance of sockets. Today, the situation is completely different - in addition to the refrigerator, we use microwaves, electric kettles, blenders, multicookers, toes, etc. And for each device you need your own socket. How to be in this case? Do not have to get used to the ubiquitous wires from extension cords confused by feet? Designers found the optimal solution to this problem, and today you can install an embedded outlet in the countertop in the kitchen. On how to choose a suitable model and install it with your own hands, read in this article.

Product specifications

How many outlets in the kitchen do you need to feel as comfortable as possible? If you live in the house of the old planning, this question is on one of the first places. Do you have to make a wiring, pull the wall and plant a whole repair to put two or three additional outlets? Previously, it would be necessary to do this. Some prefer to use tees, but it looks like a spectacle inective, and the wrong place allows you to take extra centimeters for a tee. In addition, it does not solve the issue with the wires pulling along the floor.

Improve in this situation modern embedded outlets. They allow you to save a lot of free space, do not stretch the extension cords and at any time quickly connect the device. In addition, similar accessories are a stylish kitchen design supplement. It is easy to use them easily and simply, and special protective functions minimize the risk of attendance for children.


The advantages of using outlets embedded in the worktop are obvious as they make the cooking process completely safe. You will not turn around the wire on the floor and you can arrange a household appliance in convenient intimacy from the socket. Basically such sockets are embedded in the worktop, but this is a non-strict requirement. You can set them so that the block extends from the cabinet case.


Such products are blocks of sockets. In the tabletop they are installed horizontally or vertically. In an inactive state, the block is completely immersed inside the housing, and its upper part is flush with the table surface. To "open" a socket, usually need to click on it, and the block will move up by opening access to the sockets. You can find blocks for 4,5,6 nests, but there are also models for 2-3 nests, but they are not very popular for obvious reasons.

Advantages and disadvantages

As we said, embedded sockets are vertical and horizontal depending on the installation method. The main advantage of similar models is to save free space. For their installation, you can use a completely any surface: worktop, wardrobe, wall. There were cases when hidden sockets were installed even in the floor, which is also very convenient and is suitable not only for the kitchen, but also for residential rooms.


Povenate embedded sockets will get rid of you from endless weaves of wires. Not only are those spoil the appearance of the room, so also create potentially unsafe situations - stumble upon a cable, you can fall and damage the technique.

Many models of embedded sockets are equipped not only to classic jacks for connecting household appliances, but also connectors for charging mobile phones. This allows you to quickly connect the gadget without occupying a separate outlet. Embedded hidden sockets are absolutely safe for the simple reason that is protected from entering the water, dust, fat droplets and attacks of children and animals.


Unfortunately, despite the abundance of advantages, such innovations are not devoid of some drawbacks:

  1. Retractable sockets are not suitable for connecting stationary equipment, such as refrigerators, electrical ovens, etc. In this case, the block will be constantly in the extended position, and the entire meaning of the ergonomic device simply will be deprived of meaning.
  2. Vertical secret sockets have proven themselves as not very reliable compared to horizontal, because as a result of regular operation, the block begins to break out. To extend the "life" of the device when the device is connected, hold the rosette with your hand.
  3. Horizontal retractable sockets also have complaints. They are inconvenient because they are not suitable for connecting equipment with side forks. Due to the height of the block, only 5-10 cm cord will always rest either into the socket cover, or in the worktop.

Popular manufacturers

Today in the market you can find many options for embedded sockets. More companies are engaged in their production, but despite the fact that the product has appeared in our latitudes relatively recently, you can already create a list of the best manufacturers.

The main manufacturers of embedded sockets representing their products on the Russian market:

  1. Schulte Elektrotechnik is a German company known since 1964. Its sockets "Evolaine" are distinguished by excellent quality and stylish design. From the very beginning of its existence, the Company has been developing and implementing innovative electrical engineering, so it is not surprising to see the built-in sockets in its directory. The Evolaine line is represented by several models series: Port (vertical blocks with classic design), Dock (open embedded sockets) and Fliptop (horizontal blocks protected by stylish steel lids). Schulte Elektrotechnik is an undisputed market leader and offers high-quality devices at the appropriate price. Buy embedded sockets in the worktop will no longer, but you can be confident in their durability and security. The principle of operation of the "Evolaine" sockets is clearly demonstrated in the video below:
  2. Kondator is a Swiss company engaged in the production of open sockets embedded in the kitchen countertops (PowerDot) and sliding hidden blocks (SmartLine). Each of the series of devices contain both power devices and auxiliary, for example, to support USB, HDMI Ethernet.
  3. Simon is an Italian brand producing mainly office outlets. Stylish accessories that will help any office to purchase completed design. In the Connect series you will find options for sockets that combine not only power, but also additional devices, including TV.

These three brands have proven themselves as responsible manufacturers of quality products. Of course, their goods are not suiced, but they are worth it. Despite the warning, many prefer to sacrifice quality for the benefit of savings, buying cheap Chinese sockets. It is worth noting that far from all Chinese products are distinguished by poor quality, but from the enormous number of the proposed models in fair man will be very difficult to choose a decent option.

So, for example, Chinese outlets from Displace are pleased with their futuristic appearance and stable work for several months, after which problems begin - the block itself is put forward or joined, the electrician of the junk. DESC Socket sockets judging by reviews are also not distinguished by a long service life and in half a year begins to "delight" owners of unpleasant surprises. Products are made of cheap thin plastic, so it does not have to wait a lot from it.


There are products and other manufacturers in the domestic market, but most of them collect products in the same China. In order not to risk an expensive household appliance, your health and your wallet, it is better to immediately buy a certified product from a proven manufacturer.

Several useful tips for choosing a good retractable outlet:

  1. First of all, pay attention not to the appearance of the product - the integrity, symmetry of the location of the nest, the quality of fasteners and adhesions.
  2. If you are looking for a socket for connecting a large number of equipment, choose a grounding device.
  3. The kitchen is a room with a high level of humidity, so the sockets used there must have an appropriate level of protection. Make sure that such marking is on the product or on the packaging from it.
  4. To avoid problems with "tight" sockets, you can choose a model with a plug ejector - a special mechanism that pushes a plug from the socket when you press the button. This will avoid loosening and damageing the block.


Each specialist will be able to install a mortise outlet in the tabletop, but any owner will also cope with this work. The process before the disgrace is simple: you need to make the opening of the corresponding diameter, insert the block into it and secure with special elements that are included in the kit. Here, in fact, all.


To make a hole in the tabletop, use a drill with a special nozzle. Depending on the block shape, the hole can be round, square or rectangular. After fixing the block inside, a special washer remains only to bring the electric current and start using the device. If you ordered the manufacture of a kitchen headset and you want to set a retractable outlet from the table, report this to the wizard so that it immediately made a hole in the right place.


Finally, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the list of useful tips that will help you correctly place outlets in the kitchen:

  1. Do not install sockets (retractable or attached) behind the built-in household appliances. It is better to place them at a distance of 15-20 cm above the floor aside from the device.
  2. The device must be no further than the meter from the outlet where it is connected. The exceptions make up the outlet for the exhaust - they must be a maximum of 30 cm from the device.
  3. If you set a rosette over the table top, then hold the distance of 10-15 cm and do not attach the block in the immediate vicinity of the sink.
  4. If you still need to install a socket near the sink, it should have a degree of protection at least IP44.
  5. Never install sockets over a gas stove or a hob.
  6. Large kitchen appliances (dishwasher, refrigerator, washing machine, oven) must be connected to individual outlets.
  7. Install the built-in socket so that you can always reach the places of its attachment from the inside.
  8. It is clear that the rosette block in inactive condition will require a free space, so do not clutter the inner space under the tabletop.


Built-in hidden sockets are, in essence, modified carrying. They are more convenient to use, but the same universal. This means that an outlet for installation in a worktop can also be used for mounted kitchen cabinets, and for other furniture at your discretion.


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