Painting of a wooden house: step-by-step instruction

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In recent years, houses from the wood have gained great popularity, and there are many reasons for this phenomenon. A wooden log house is built from natural, environmentally friendly material, inside such a dwelling looks cozy, and outside - beautiful and unusual. The log cabin is easy to sculpt, because wood helps maintain the optimal temperature in the premises. Among other things, many believe that the house of this type has also positive energy. So that the construction was durable and did not lose attractiveness, it should be properly careful for it, and this departure is to process wood with certain impregnations, as well as in its staining. We will talk about painting a wooden house in this article.

The need for wood processing

A tree is a living material that, unfortunately, does not have the same durability as the stone, concrete or brick. But with good care, a wooden building can remain attractive for many years, and the material is to maintain excellent performance. The need for wood treatment is due to the fact that negative natural factors are constantly affected by such material, among which such:

  • low and high temperatures, as well as their sharp fluctuations;
  • rain, snow and other atmospheric precipitation;
  • solar radiation;
  • various microorganisms leading to molding, rotting and destruction of wood;
  • insects.

As a result of the impact of these factors, raw wood becomes gray and unattractive, it changes the structure and shape, deforming and loses strength. Especially strongly on the appearance of the tree affects humidity and high temperatures. From frequent wetting and drying, the material is breached, changes in size, cracks, jum. In the formed cracks, the fungus often appears and mold, which even more destroy the tree.

Wooden houses are often subjected to attacks of cored beetles that feed logs from the inside. Sometimes harm from them is so great that wood is completely coming in disrepair.


Types of wood processing

Even the log house, which is built on the territory with a dry and favorable climate, needs to be protected, what can we talk about homes in conditions of high humidity and constant precipitation. To protect the wood from moisture, rotting and destruction, it is impregnated with special antiseptic solutions, and also paint in various kinds of paints. Consider in more detail what kind of materials are used for processing wooden houses:

  1. Antiseptics are funds that deeply penetrate the fibrous structure of the tree and possess water-repellent properties. Such formulations are able to protect the material from high humidity and precipitation and, as a result, secure wood from rotting and developing mold. Antiseptics, in turn, are divided into the compositions of the coating and lesing types. The coating antiseptics are opaque, but after drying on a wooden surface, they beautifully emphasize its embossed texture. The service life of such compositions is about 7 years. The lesing antiseptics are absolutely transparent and allow you to effectively protect the tree, while at the same time retaining its natural look. The antiseptics of this type have a slightly smaller service life, which is about 4-5 years. After this period, the tree will have to be processed again.
  2. Acrylic paints help not only protect the building from moisture and fungus, but also to give the walls the desired shade. Such formulations can be used for painting a wooden house inside, as they are produced on the basis of aqueous solvents, safe for human health. Some types of acrylic paints are fully suitable for facade works, since they do not burn out in the sun and long retain an attractive appearance. The plus of acrylic compositions is their high vapor permeability, so that the walls painted by them can "breathe." Another advantage of acrylic paints is their elasticity, so that the dried coating does not crack even in the case when the tree is subjected to natural deformations. The service life of acrylic paints is about 10 years.
  3. Oil paints are cheap, but reliable option for protecting wood from water and moisture. Such compositions are most often used for painting a wooden house outside, because oil paints in the process of their drying are distinguished by harmful substances in the air and have an unpleasant sharp odor. The disadvantages of these colors include long drying, which continues no less than a day. In addition, for several years, such a coating fades and fades, losing shine. But there are oil paints and pros, among which it is worth highlight an acceptable price, good resistance to sediments, as well as the ability to deeply penetrate the structure of the tree. After about 6-7 years, the construction will have to be abolished again, since the paint will lose its properties.
  4. Another variant of the compositions for painting wooden houses are alkyd paints. In terms of its properties, they look like oil, only the time of their drying is much shorter. In addition, in the fresh form, alkyd paints do not smell as much as oily. Such formulations are distinguished by good moisture resistance, and in a dry state they allow you to create two types of coating: glossy and matte.
  5. Jet paints are used to finish facades. Such materials possess very good stability to all negative natural factors. They reliably protect the tree from moisture and direct exposure to water, do not fade in the sun, do not give bacteria, fungi and insects to affect wood, as well as resistant to many chemicals. Alkyd paints are prepared from two components: resins and a special hardener. After cooking, it should be used in the shortest possible time, since after time the paint is simply impossible to apply to the surface. Working with jet paints is not very easy, but the finished surface will be durable and durable.


Painting a wooden house with their own hands

Useful recommendations

  1. In order to keep the paint on the surface for a long time, and the coating looked smooth and neat, the wood should be prepared and cleaned from dust, garbage, dirt and residual coating.
  2. You can save on materials by choosing a cheaper paint type, but you should not buy products from unverified manufacturers.
  3. During the work, it is necessary to correctly perform all stages of the process and follow the instructions indicated on the package or in the instructions for the purchased product.
  4. The way of work should take into account the type of paint, because various formulations may have different methods of application, as well as different durations of drying.
  5. When selecting paints for the facade, it is important to take into account the climatic conditions in which the house was built. The treated surface should not only be reliably protected from moisture, it should also be ready to effect ultraviolet radiation, frost, severe heat, sharp temperature fluctuations.
  6. Type of wood when choosing a painting material also matters. For example, the construction of the rounded bar is better to paint with a good vapor permeability, but it is advisable to open a dumpling surface that after drying it creates an elastic film.
  7. Before painting wood, it is desirable to impregnate with antiseptics and wait until they dry out. In addition, for high-quality staining, it is necessary to pay attention to the places where the resin is released. Such areas should be covered with antismolted primer.
  8. Staining a wooden building can be carried out only when all other external work is over. By time, the painting should be installed roofing, drainage and window plums, and the surface of the walls must be aligned and spilled from cracks and gaps.
  9. Painting the house in a strong heat, in the rain, in foggy and raw weather is not worth it.


Preparation of the house to staining

The technology of painting a wooden house cannot do without a preparatory stage. The wooden surface before staining must be aligned, embedding the cracks, removing from bitch and other noticeable recesses. The main features of the wood texture should be saved, but small protrusions are better to polish, so that the surface seemed smoother.

If the house was previously painted, the old coating must be considered completely, so that there are no smallest fragments left. The paint can be removed by mechanically or using a solvent. The easiest to eliminate the grinding machine is easier to eliminate the grinding machine, but if there is no such machine, the ordinary sandpaper is suitable.

After the work carried out, the wooden surface will be covered with a layer of construction dust, which should also be deleted. To do this, use a special hair dryer or vacuum cleaner. The places where the resin fits on wood also need to be treated with special solvents. On the walls of a wooden house often bits often come across - they are easiest to close the wood with a putty on the tree. The same putty shout cracks and slots on the surface.

After all the work performed, you need to wait some time. When putty dry, the tree should be treated with antiseptic impregnations. The impregnations are applied several times, each layer should be enjoyed well. Wood can also be covered with antipiren, which will reduce the flammability of the material. Sometimes the antiseptic and the flame retardant are combined into one composition, but sometimes these funds are sold separately.

Alignment, putty, impregnating wooden walls should be performed in dry warm weather, but not in a strong heat. Warm early autumn or mid spring is ideal for work.


Painting wooden house

After the preparatory work is completed, and all impregnations are completely dried, you can engage in staining. The color of the composition for painting a wooden house can be completely any - the choice depends on the owner or designer. The most important thing is that the primer to the shade coincided with the color of paint.

By selecting the appropriate agent and its shade, the paint should be mixed thoroughly. If the paint is sold in the finished form, simply open the can and with the help of a building mixer or other suitable tool achieve the mass uniformity. If the paint needs to be prepared from several components, mix the substances in the proportion specified in the instructions for the product. Prescribed recommendations must be adhered to maximum accuracy.

Apply paint over the dried primer in one layer. Leave the wall to complete surface drying, and then open it with paint again. The composition is desirable to apply in 2-3 layers, so that the color is uniform and saturated. In the process of work, you can use a brush, roller or a spacing. For hard-to-reach and bottlenecks, a small brush is suitable for extensive areas - a wide roller. The pulverizer allows to achieve the most even and smooth texture, as there are no smears on the wall.

Painting of a wooden house, photo:






Painting of a wooden house. Video

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