Growing seedlings of flowers

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Some gardeners prefer to breed perennial flowers by dividing the bush, bulbs or tubers. At the same time, they are against landing annual colors for several reasons. This is mainly the complexity and complexity of growing seedlings. In fact, this is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. And above all, it is important to set up correctly. This case should be taken to the pleasant work. At the same time you need to have the necessary tools and accessories. We will tell you more, how is the process of growing color seedlings.

General Aspects of Color Growing


Consider briefly processes that occur when growing flowering and coated plants.

Seeds are formed as a result of fertilization of plants, by polling or in another way. Most seeds consist of three main parts:

  1. Germ.
  2. Endosperm (in it concentrated nutrient reserves).
  3. Seed peel (protective part of the seed).

The embryo in turn is worth from:

  1. Seidoli.
  2. Plumula - Conception Stem.
  3. Hypookotile - part of the embryo from Sejdoli to the root.
  4. The root is the root of root.

After ripening, the seed goes into a state of rest in which he can stay long enough without loss of ability to grow.

Distinguish two kinds of rest:

  1. Compelled. In this state, the seed is as long as the favorable conditions for its germination (temperature, humidity, oxygen availability) appear.
  2. Physiological. Arises as a result of a sharp shift of the climate in which the plant grows. In order for the seed in this case, it is important to support favorable conditions for a long time.


The process of germination of seed begins with its swelling. To do this, sometimes the seminal peel is damaging forcibly so that moisture and seed of swelling can get inside. But it is best to use "live" soil for this purpose, i.e. The soil in which there are bacteria and microorganisms.

As a result of swelling, seed skin bursts, and the embryo gets more water and air. This, in turn, leads to the appearance of the root. After that, all elements of the embryo begin to grow and develop. In this case, the nutrients contained in the endosperm are consumed.

The first real leaves grow from the plumulas. At the same time, cotyledts, released on the surface, green and nourish the seedlings due to the process of photosynthesis.

Where to grow seedlings


In order to achieve the germination of seeds, no difficulty is required. It is important that they are placed in a place where there is a stable temperature. For example, about +21 degrees. This is the usual temperature for most apartments. Therefore, you can put the container with seeds, for example, on the shelf or the top cover of the cabinet. If the seedlings are recommended to germinate in a place where the sun's rays do not fall, you can put a tire with seeds under the sofa or wardrobe. At the same time, it is important that they can be easily viewed daily. Seeds of some plants germinate in a damp cloth placed in a warm and dark place.

When shoots appear, the seeds should be transferred to a bright and cool place. It is important that there is no deaf shadow constant and direct sunlight. Usually such a place is a window, but in no case is not southern.

Best before the appearance of germs to put seeds on a warmed and glazed balcony or a loggia that goes to the southwest either southeast. Most of the seedlings of colors begin to grown in March or April. It is worth remembering that during these months night and day freezers are possible. Therefore, an additional heat source may be needed in the form of electric heating. For this purpose, an oil heater with a capacity of up to 1 kilowatt is sometimes used. It is important that it is equipped with a built-in thermostat.

For the convenience of growing seedlings of colors at home, you can build on the balcony along the walls of special shelves. You will also need curtains to protect against direct sunlight. The room in which the seedlings is grown should be well ventilated. Such conditions on the balcony or loggia are necessary for the health and normal growth of plants, as they are close to natural.

Seeding Capacity

VLUU L100, M100 / SAMSUNG L100, M100

As a container for germination of seeds, plastic glasses with two-layer walls are used, designed for hot drinks. They are strong enough. Even for this, ordinary plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic, in which most cottages and yogurts are sold.

Any of these containers should not be washed with detergents. It is enough just to rinse with running water. If microorganisms and bacteria remain in the blue, it will even benefit the seedlings. The most important thing is that the dishes did not have a dispute of mushrooms and mold, which can, on the contrary, harm the future plant.

In the bottom of the cups intended for sowing colors to seedlings, you need to make several water removal holes. In addition, it is recommended to pour out the bottom of 10 millimeters of small clay. In order to provide sufficient humidity, there will be polyethylene packages during the crop. You can also use a more expensive method - disposable plastic containers that are closed with a dense lid. When using such a method, you will need more area for growing seedlings.


To pick seedlings, it is best to use special sets that consist of a pallet and a cup with a double bottom. For the same purpose, rectangular porridges or containers with a pallet will be suitable. This option is convenient to use to dive small plants that have come as far as large quantities. Large containers are good because the soil does not dry into them. At the same time, it is harder to extract plants for transplanting plants to open soil from such a tank.

For soaking seeds having a dense dry peel, you will need special containers. As them, metal jars from the cream are suitable for this case. They are not subject to corrosion, close tightly and easily clean. Thanks to this, they can be used repeatedly.

Soil for landing


For sowing seeds in the container, a special soil will be required, for example, the soil, the basis of which is a crushed peat. It has few nutrients and there are no weed seeds. At the same time, air and moisture penetrates it easily. In addition, it is mistaken to believe that the cause of the diseases of the seedlings lies in the soil. This is facilitated by other reasons.

Such a primer is useless to disappear, warmer and sterilize. As a result of such actions, he may lose its valuable properties. However, there is no less, such a recommendation can be found quite often. In addition, no fertilizer and growth stimulants are not added to the soil.

For a peaked seedlings, the ground is recommended to make it yourself. There are ready-made mixes on sale, but you can not rely only on what is written on the package. Prepared the composition yourself, you will be confident in his quality. The soil can be made as follows:

  1. Take a package of any soil, the basis of which is a narrow earth.
  2. Add about 10-12% river sand.
  3. Adjust the mixture of approximately 25-30% humus.
  4. Mix well until the mixture becomes homogeneous, without major impurities and lumps.

Flower seedling technology

Seedling flowers: Photo



Important recommendations and sequence of actions:

  • Seeds of most plants do not need some preparation before sowing. Sometimes you can meet recommendations for stratification, scarification and other difficult procedures. In fact, this is not necessarily.
  • Large seeds with dense skin are best soaked until sprouts appear on them. Thanks to this, you can remove seeds that will not be able to climb.


  • As for small seeds, they are usually poured on the surface of the soil. Larger, better place on a small depth. In general, some recommendations on landing are often listed on the package with seeds.
  • The container with the landing mixture is best soaked in advance with water in order not to blur the sinking small seeds during watering. As a rule, moisture from the first irrigation is enough for the seeds completely sprout. If the soil is filled, then it should be sprayed.


  • After sowing, it is necessary to put in a polyethylene package to ensure humidity so that all evaporate moisture remains inside. If a large condensate appears, then remove the excess moisture, the package is pre-open and typing it inside out.


  • As soon as the seedlings have a sufficient size so that you can take them with your fingers, the dive stage begins. It is recommended to do this after the appearance of the first real leaves, but sometimes the plant dies earlier due to poor soil. If there is no confidence in the successfulness of the dive, then you can try to paint only a few plants.
  • Picking should not cause any particular difficulties. It is best to tear off a piece of too long and thin root. It is desirable for a few days to hide the sawn seedlings from the effects of direct sunlight and keep in a coolness.

The following diving method is convenient:

  1. Pour a dry ground into a flame.
  2. Moisten approximately 1 centimeter of its upper layer.
  3. Make holes for disembarking seedlings.
  4. Holding your fingers, lower the sprout into this hole.
  5. Slightly pour out the ground and pour around the stem.

Timing seedling colors


Before embarking on seedling, it is necessary to check the seeds. It can be started to do in January. Seeds are distributed in sowing time depending on the characteristics of plant development of various types. It is very important to adhere to these recommendations when landing colors seedlings. It will be good on the basis of the deadlines to make a special schedule that can be easily planning future sowing work during the winter and subsequent spring.

Seeders of many plants, as you know, require a lot of time for shoots. Moreover, this applies to both annual and perennial colors. Therefore, seeds of such plants are preferably planted in winter.

  • So, for example, in February, you can sow in the seedlings of Viol, Petunia and Salvio.
  • Seed seeds are recommended in March. Before this, it is advisable to put them about a month in the cold and inaccessible place for the sunny rays.
  • Back in March, asters, phlox, decorative cloves, dahlias, Kleschyevina can be attached.
  • In April, it is already possible to plant seedlings of those colors that quickly shoot. These include Iberis, Qinnia, Ageratum and Vitytz.

Recommendations for the extension of seeds of colors


Seedlings of primers and petunias are sowing through the surface of the soil. As containers for planting, containers with lids are used that allow you to maintain a wet medium and a sufficient amount of light. After the first sprouts are shown, with the help of toothpick, seeds can be pressed a little in the ground. When spraying, it will deepen. Just do it need it very carefully. Primulus and Petunia are sitting in such a way that the seedlings do not fall under the influence of direct sunlight. The container cover is better to open as much as possible, it is allowed to do it only, for example, in order to remove the condensate. When seedlings are already growing, you can begin to beat the plants to the outdoor air.

As for the seeds of Kleshchevin, they are first recommended to soak in wet fabric, and as a natural growth stimulator use aloe juice. When the sprouts appear, then the bottom of the plane should be poured about 1 centimeter of the soil. After that, the sprouted seeds are put in the pot. It is known that Kleshiewnik's sprouts at the beginning of its development are very dramatized, so its seeds plant deep enough. As the young seedling grows, it is recommended to periodically plug the soil. About a month, the ticklaith sprouts are noticeably transformed and increased in size. Finished seedlings landed into open ground. Just do it need it in the warm season, because This plant loves warmth.

Astra seeds are planted on the surface of the earth. Due to the contrast of the temperature, they germinate faster than usual. For this, astra sprouts are better put in the refrigerator. The next day, they should be placed in some kind of warm place. Thus, alternating temperature modes, you should expect until the seeds are sprout. The pots with seedlings are sprinkled with soil and watered. It also uses a little different way to disembark flower data. It consists in the following: the seeds scatter on the surface of the soil, sprinkle with snow. When the snow starts to melting, the seeds together with moisture will be drawn into the ground.

Growing seedlings of flowers in greenhouses


Sowing colors in seedlings usually begins in April. To do this, in the greenhouse you can make a special furrow along vegetable beds. It is selected seeds of thermal-loving colors that develop quite quickly. For example, in such a way you can raise the seedlings of velvets, zinnia, Iberis, Ageratum, Floxes. Often when sowing at home, some seeds cannot climb. At the same time in the greenhouses they germinate pretty quickly. In general, growing seedlings of early colors in the greenhouses is very convenient. At this time, vegetable cultures usually only ride.

Caring for seedlings on the window

seedling cucumber

If seedlings are grown in winter, then it is definitely necessary to take care of the exposure to cold. To do this, the windowsill, where sprouts are placed, can be put a sheet of foam. He will be able to protect the pot with seedlings from contacts with cold in February and March. Closer to the window it is better to place the most cold-resistant plants. These include, for example, Astra, Primula, Viola and Verbena. To protect seedlings from diseases and damage, it is necessary to sprinkle the soil from above in advance with ricked river sand and ash. In February and in March, the seedlings are recommended to highlight in the evening and in the morning.

Color seedlings: video

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