Water plants: Features of choice for garden reservoir

March 2. Plot. Views 1941. 1 comment To record Water plants: Features of choice for garden reservoir

Recently, small reservoirs have become fashionable on the cottage. It may be a pond, a lake or even a fountain. In order to make such places more alive, special aquatic plants are planted, which are mandatory elements of watering water. We will tell about them further.

Types of Plants for Pond


The following categories of aquatic plants are distinguished:

  1. Shallow. For example, Susak, a grains of cereal, chastula, bow of and whitewalls.
  2. Floating on the surface of water (for example, Turcha, bubble, ripples).
  3. Deepive plants growing from soil. For example, water lily and water cabbage.
  4. Coastal plants (for example, Singing, Vasilisnik, meadow tea (Verbaine) and Siberian Cleaver).

Obviously, there is no need to plant all listed plants in his pond. It will be enough for only a few species. Although, if there is a rather size in your area, then it can be planted and about a dozen different plants. At the same time, of course, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of agrotechnology. Consider some aquatic plants. The names of some of them should be familiar to the majority.

Most Popular Water Plants



This aquatic plant can simultaneously have flowers of both sexes, which allows him to be polluted independently. His bloom usually begins in the middle of summer. During this, the plant usually rises above the water of about 55-60 centimeters. Breakdown by a weekly by the division of the bush.

Marsh marigold


It is another plant that multiplies by dividing the bush. From others, it differs from what begins to bloom already in the middle of spring. Greens usually grows low - no more than 12-16 centimeters in height. A plant is placed on a depth of 4-5 centimeters in coastal Ile. It takes a lack of moisture very badly. Therefore, when it is cultivated, it is necessary to monitor the water level in the reservoir.

Vasilsnik ordinary


This is a fairly popular plant for country reservoirs. It refers to tall types of vegetation. From advantages it can be noted that it is well tolerating various harsh conditions, including strong wind. Vasilica flowering usually begins at the beginning or in the middle of summer. It combines well with various coastal plants.

Meadow Tea (Verbaine)


This is a very unpretentious plant adding type. It usually grows along the coast. In this case, it may occupy sufficiently large territories. The flowering of the shipyer usually begins at the end of June. At the same time it blooms bright yellow.

Chastukha Sailorbaya


Or water plantain. This unpretentious plant is usually used for landing on the shore or in the pond itself. His bloom usually begins in the middle of summer. Small beautiful inflorescences have white or gentle pink color. The reproduction of the chastula is possible throughout the entire period of growth. It should be known that this plant is considered to be poisonous.

Turcha Bolotnaya


This is a rather popular floating plant. Usually in order for it to take root, it is enough to put it into the water. Flowers and leaves of Turchi are very beautiful. Flowerines can grow over the water surface to a height of 15-25 centimeters. Inflorescence is formed by flowers of 4-6 pieces.

Susak umbrella


This plant has umbrella type massive inflorescences. He has a rather powerful rhizome and stems. Thanks to this, Susak is able to grow in a height of more than one meter. Plant is being seated usually not far from the shore. To rejuvenate, Susak is transplanted by divisions once every 3-5 years. If this is not done, then his flowers will eventually be smaller and lose their beauty.

Common rarers


This plant has a very original weaving from the leaves. The leaflets are larger and green, the many small flowers of white or gentle pink color arranged on top of them, located on a high leg. The plant can grow high to 100 centimeters. It blooms perfectly throughout the summer. The graonist is multiplied by dividing the bush in the warm season.



About this beautiful aquatic plant at least once, perhaps, everyone heard. Today, the pit can be planted right on its site in your own reservoir. She loves calm water. Therefore, it is not necessary to try to plant to the fountain or in the waterfall bowl. It is best for this a calm pond of medium or large size. In such a water reservoir, it will gradually multiply on their own at the expense of root pieces. The landedway will delight beautiful large colors, the diameter of which can reach 17 centimeters. Blossom usually begins in May or June.

Oil bubble


It is usually planted in groups along with other aquatic plants. It can grow high to 55 centimeters. The stem is decorated with light green slim leaves. Flowers Oral usually throughout the summer. Reproduction is carried out by dividing the bush.

Bubble ordinary


This water plant not only has a beautiful appearance, but also very useful for water bodies, especially if located in the country area. After all, it feeds on small insects, thereby reducing the number of such unpleasant mosquitoes and midges. In addition, the bubble can feed on daphnia, cyclops and other small organisms. The stem of this plant can grow up to 17 or more centimeters. Leaves appear on it, similar to dope leaflets. The reproduction occurs due to pieces of stalks, which can be chopped up from already growing plants and just throw them into the water.

Pest Floating


It is also a well-known water plant with a rather attractive appearance. It can be without problems to decorate the reservoir on your site. RDEST has two types of leaves. Some underwater, others - floating. Those that grow under water are narrow, and on the surface are wide and oval. The inflorescences of the plant are well suited for water bodies on a personal site. It can be multiplied independently. RDEST is also useful in that it can be used as feed for waterfowl. And both home and wild.

Features of decoration of water bodies


First of all, the type of reservoir is selected. Usually the choice is made in accordance with the style of the garden. For example, in a plot decorated in the style of Wellness, you should not install the pool of the correct rectangular shape. Among the beds with zucchi and cabbage, a stone waterfall will look no less ridiculous. Most of our cottages do not boast of large areas. Therefore, it is difficult for them to allocate a place for a massive reservoir. In this case, you need to very carefully choose plants for landing into the water and near the pond. Otherwise, he may simply not be attractive and will be overgrown with a swamp.

Large ponds

There are the following rules for design of large-scale water bodies:

  1. So, for large ponds, a whole project is usually created. Moreover, the larger the square, the more opportunities for the design of water stroit and shores.
  2. In addition, it is known that if the ponds have a depth of more than 1 meter, their ecosystem is much more stable than in small reservoirs. Water in the latter is too quickly warming up and often blooms. At the same time, care for large reservoirs is easier. They can plant a lot of both coastal and marsh plants.
  3. If the location allows, it is recommended to create a background with the help of brushes, conifers and rhododendrons. A bamboo, decorative reed, reed, Rogoz, Rogers, Darmer, Darmer, Tyzochoid, Darmer, and other tall plants are suitable for this purpose.
  4. Near the large water bodies, such plants like Badan, Funkiya, Pontedemariya Calcarized and Lizikhiton will feel good. Near the edge of the water will be to the place of Highlanders Pepper and Swamp Iris.
  5. You can make islands in the middle of the water, overgrown with reed and schainelectric Tabernemontan.
  6. The surface of the water is decorated with nymphs and lotus.
  7. As a water plant in the pond, you can plant water walnut. This plant is not only beautiful, but also brings edible fruits.

Ponds of small size

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It is possible to create a reservoir on the site of any size. If the area does not allow to deploy a large pond, it is recommended to arrange a small aquatic oasis that is decorated with beautiful plants that are pleasing to the eye. In it you can settle various aquatic lifetime. So, for example, tritons, dragonflies, water and frogs can be seized here. When plants are selected for a small pond, you must know how quickly they grow up. The fact is that most aquatic plants very quickly cover the water, smooth, which as a result can turn the pond into real swamp.

It is better to choose floating plants or those whose leaves are small. For example, cubes, aqueous hyacinth and decorative pita. The shore can be ascended by the following plants:

  • river gravel
  • common cuff
  • gorizeta Cukushkin,
  • decorative irises
  • forget-me-not marsh,
  • chastuha ordinary.

If there are more plants with a bigger height, then you can pay attention to the bamboo, essay, sparklers, rhododendrons and decorative cereals. To make it easier to control the growth of aquatic plants, they are best planted in containers. It also allows them to be removed in winter without much difficulty. For small ponds, it is better not to take reed and rogo. The fact is that they grow very quickly, and the fight against them can become a real problem.

Geometric ponds

Such reservoirs are best looking in the gardens decorated in a classic style. Although sometimes they are placed on ordinary dachas. As for the classic garden, it is more difficult to do it. The geometric reservoir in such places usually has a square, rectangular or round shape. At the same time, it is usually framed by high walls. Plants for such ponds are better chosen in such a way as to emphasize their geometry. For example, you can use edging from a short-range, umbrella sowing, ivy. As decoration of the water surface, lotuses or pitches will be suitable, which will occupy a large area. The shores of the geometric pond can be decorated with curly roses, as well as Lily.

Cutters and waterfalls


On its site you can make a calm stream, the channel of which will consist of pebbles and stones. In this case, the decorative forms of plant cribs will look at the water stroit. For example, decorative larchs, cedar, French Iva. Breguments can be decorated with dicenters, miniature iris, boys with an original crown. The water is also allowed to plant aquatic plants - algae.

If you want to make a mountain stream on your site, then it is somewhat more complicated to equip it. To do this, there must be a slope on the site. The channel is made of stone steps with a slight drop. It is important that the stones of one breed are used. Along the coast, it is recommended to plant blooming shrubs. If you want to plant aquatic plants, then for this purpose it is best to remove the quiet creek. The coast is best decorated with mint, decorative iris, glooming grass, bowls of swamp or sowing umbrella and some herbaceous water plants. For water stroit, swamp forget-me-not, dwarfs and river gravilates are suitable. In the lower part of the flow, it is desirable to make a small tank for flowing water, where you need to settle the lugs.

Fountains and springs


Such reservoirs usually have small dimensions. Plants It is advisable to choose no more than three species. At the same time, they must be small size.

Plants at the highest level:

  1. Sedge.
  2. Roll.
  3. Iris Siberian.

Plants at low water level:

  1. Sabelnik.
  2. Rogoz.
  3. Host.
  4. Cuff.

In the center of the water surface of Mono to plant a water salad (writing) or decorative nymphy. If a spring is done on the site, then plants, as a rule, are not planted.

Depths of the reservoir


To improve the reservoir on the site it is important to take into account the features of aquatic plants, including landing depth. If they are planted very deeply or, on the contrary, too finely, they can even die. So, for example, Persikary feels best at a depth of about 0.5 meters. At a lesser depth, it will not bloom, and for more can perish. Susak umbrella and iris swamp, as well as a saber and a smurricist can be planted at a depth of less than 0.5 meters. In total, 5 zones of reservoirs differing in depth is distinguished.

The zone of deep water (40 centimeters and below). Here it is best to plant plants, stems and the roots of which are water, and the leaves are completely or partially - on top of the water stroit. So that they do not freeze in winter, they should be planted on a depth of at least 90 centimeters. The following plants are suitable for this zone:

  1. Sweatshops.
  2. Cube.
  3. Decorative lotuses.
  4. Ugun.

Floating aquatic plants are suitable.

The shallow water zone (from 10 to 35-45 centimeters). Little flowers and plants with hollow tubular stems are planted here, for example:

  1. Reed.
  2. Bulk.
  3. Sustak umbrella.
  4. Decorative pita.
  5. Trifol.
  6. Water pine.
  7. Iris Siberian.
  8. AIR.
  9. Grazing gravestone.

Bolotla (10 centimeters and less). In this zone, depending on the weather, it happens to be incomplete changing the water level. Therefore, plants that are squeezed here should normally carry similar stress. This, for example, can be:

  1. Bolotnaya bow (gusty color).
  2. Cotton grass.
  3. Plakuan grass.
  4. Rogoz.
  5. Mokhod.
  6. Calla (Bolotnaya White).

Shore of the pond. Here you can plant even ordinary garden plants. For the coastal zone, it is better to choose such that form a smooth transition from water to the garden. Examples of such plants is:

  1. Decorative maple.
  2. Dane.
  3. Kalina.
  4. Miniature boys.
  5. Rhododendrons.

How to calculate the number of plants for the reservoir


So that plants in the pond felt comfortable, they should take no more than half of its total area. At the same time, the benefits are worth paying the pond lilies that are located in the center of the reservoir. These plants will delight with their colors throughout the summer. Lilies are planted in a porch in pots either in open ground. In both cases, they grow very well. When calculating the required number of plants, you need to take the average area of \u200b\u200bone lily, it is usually equal to 0.6 square meters. meters. In addition to lilies, the composition should include various floating species. For example, water hyacinth, chilim, and other aquatic plants. Photos of some of them are presented above.

The number of underwater and water plants should be taken in the calculation, which is 1 square. The meter of the reservoir will account for no more than 5 plants. An important role is played in the creation of the composition of coastal plants. Thanks to them, even in winter, water will be enriched with oxygen. Such plants are desirable to plant no more than 25 centimeters at a depth. They can even land in a wet soil on the shore of the pond.

Water Care


For care, you will need some tools. For example, probably use:

  • scissors,
  • secator
  • skach for a pond
  • pond tongs.


  1. If brown or yellow leaves appear, then they need to cut. For this, scissors are used, which are lowered into water to a depth of 20-30 centimeters. Next damaged sheet is cut. After that, it is removed from a saccker's water branch.
  2. In the spring, pollen, birch earrings, flowers often fall into the water in large quantities, which prevent the flow of oxygen and light to plants and underwater residents. All this periodically needs to be removed from the surface with a cuckoo. It is also convenient to clean the water from the fallen autumn leaves.
  3. Shallow water plants for winter are usually not cut. After all, through the dried stem, they supply water with oxygen through the ice. Such stalks are cut only in the spring.
  4. Today there are even specially designed biochemical preparations and fertilizers for aquatic plants. With the help of these funds, it is possible to change the composition and quality of water, make it softer or rigid, increase the amount of nutrients. It is important to observe the dose specified in the instructions.

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One answer to aquatic plants: Features of choice for garden reservoir

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