Wood bench do it yourself

March 2. Repair and construction work Views 3182. Comments to the entry bench from the tree do it yourself No

The bench is one of the important attributes of the garden. On it you can spend time with friends, and stay alone for reading a book. For a long time, the bench is considered not only a resting place, but also an element of the garden decor. She has so simple design that it can be done with her own hands. On such a bench, spending time is more pleasant. We will tell about some of the ways of its independent structure further.

Accommodation options benches on the site


Before proceeding with drawings and sketches, you need to decide on the place of installation of a future bench. After all, it depends on what it will be necessary to make it.


  1. For example, in the old garden with big branchy trees, a bench with a wrought edging will look good. It can be a product from a log on a stony basis.
  2. In a young garden, it is better to put a light openwork shop, made in a romantic style.
  3. Often, the benches are installed in the arbors, verandas and summer sites. For example, a dining table can stand in a gazebo, and two shops are located on the sides. In such a place you can have fun and with benefit to spend time. For example, play board games in a noisy company or drink tea in a family circle.
  4. It is advisable to install a bench so that the view of the reservoir or the garden is opened. After all, the fact that you will see around yourself should please the eye.
  5. Vegetables can also be located by the pool, near the playground or near the main entrance to your home.
  6. Very good bench will look near the beds or in the garden. It is best to put it so that the shadow falls on it. To do this, you can choose a seat under a canopy or under the crown of wood. Here you can greatly relax from physical work.
  7. For benches, it is recommended to come up with a beautiful decorative framing. For example, you can surround it with flower beds, blooming bushes.

How to choose Material


For the manufacture of benches most often use wood. You can take both bars treated on the machine and the untreated material of the natural natural form. Even for this use a stone. Such products are more appreciated for aesthetics. Sitting on them is not as comfortable as on a bench. It will be nice to spend time on them, perhaps, only hot summer.

There are also wrought benches made of metal. True, they are problematic to do at home. Only the master of blacksmithing craft can be used.

Benches made of combined materials look very unusually. For example, during the manufacture of a shop can be used wood and stone. It is quite interesting to look for products decorated with pillows and cape.

Drawings for benches


When the place is selected, you can proceed to drawing drawings and schemes. To do this, need a piece of paper, pencil, line. Initially, when designing a bench will need to decide with the dimensions of the product, with a height and number of legs. To be faster, some generally accepted standards can be held:

  1. So, the height of the seating is usually made from 450 to 500 millimeters.
  2. The width of the seats is 500-550 millimeters.
  3. The height of the back - from 350 to 500 millimeters.

If the bench is needed with the back, then you need to decide how it will be attached to the seat. Also in the drawing should designate the places of attachment of the legs. For example, at the unbelievable bench, they are usually fixed in the ground.

Tools for construction

The drawing will help you determine the number of necessary material for the future product. In general, the shop usually does not require high costs. Billets can always be chosen from the wood cuts left after the construction of the house. The necessary fasteners also usually remain after construction. The following tools will be needed for work:

  1. Saw.
  2. Hammer.
  3. Lobzik.
  4. Roulette.
  5. Pencil.
  6. Sandpaper.

As a material for the construction of the bench, it is best to choose soft wood. It should be well handled and at the same time is strong enough and reliable. Different decorative design details can also be made of wood. Consider several options for making a bench.

Wood benches: Photo



Simple bench with the back

This is one of the simplest designs of a garden bench. For it, you can not even draw a drawing or sketch, but to take ready. The essential advantage of this design is simplicity. So, the details for building a bench is absolutely easy. At the same time, the product itself is going fast enough. Materials will need:

  1. For support: Thick bars.
  2. For backrest and seats: Small boards or bars (3 pcs.).

The size and scheme of the product can be viewed in the drawing:


Such a bench gets easy enough. Her if desired can be rearranged at any convenient place. To avoid poor stability, when installing the supports should be ensured that the details are put exactly in their place. The disposal of the product may be even from a small inconsistency.

When the design of the shop will be already collected, it must be treated with impregnation that protects from mold. It is also possible to cover with lacquer, as part of which also needed protective components. Thanks to this processing, the bench will look like a new enough time.

Classic Style Ben

The main characteristic elements of this option are: seats and rectangular seat back. Such a bench will look good against the background of any design of the house. It is advisable to change the color of the bench in such a way that it is closer to the shade of the external walls of the construction. Instead of the usual vertical bars, you can use small boards, located crosswise.

In order to decorate the bench, it can be covered with color ornament or elegant carvings. Legs and armrests are allowed to make figured. The main thing is that they be sufficiently stable. A simple bench can be made with your own hands in just a few evenings. But it will serve for a very long time.

Table with a bench

Drawings of wood benches:


A set of a convenient table and a pair of fixed benches is perfect for recreation in the garden. The table and shops are first collected separately. After that, they are combined into a single integer with a pair of bars on both sides. The table consists of a tabletop and legs located crosswise. To assemble benches, boards or bars of different lengths are used.


Finally, in order for the design to be stable, the benches are fixed. After that, exactly in the middle the table is installed.


Such a table with benches will be a convenient place to relax with family or friends. You can talk here, reading your favorite book and spend an evening tea party.


Wooden pallet benches

Assembling this subject of the decor at first glance may seem complex business. Although it is pretty simple. If you carefully follow the instructions, then you can collect a bench even in a person who almost does not have a carpenter skills.

For work, we will need the following tools:

  1. Hand saw.
  2. Metal corners (6 pieces).
  3. Selfless.
  4. Schurpevorte
  5. Sand paper (one sheet of fine-grained, one - coarse-grained).
  6. Wooden bars 50 by 50 centimeters in profile and 2 meters long.
  7. Paint or varnish.
  8. Small roller.
  9. Wood putty.
  10. Putty knife.
  11. Wooden loops (2 pieces).
  12. Metal plates (6 pieces).

wooden Bench-Hands

When all the necessary materials and tools are purchased, you can start assembling the bench. This process is as follows:

  1. First you need to accommodate the pallet. This should be done in such a way that the upper boards relative to you are in the horizontal plane.
  2. Then the bottom board together with the side backups is scorn. In no case should it be thrown away - this part is still useful.
  3. Now you need to take a previously cropped pallet and put it to the wall.
  4. After that, we substitute the second pallet to it. They need to be pressing each other at right angles.
  5. Metal corners are installed on the outer part of the design in the corners of the corners. From the reverse side, two halves are connected using plates.
  6. Now you need to put the product back to the floor. In this position in four angles with the help of the corners, four identical bar with a length of about 500 mm are attached.
  7. Now, from the outside, you need to connect the legs from the bars with the help of self-samples.
  8. Next, you should take a part of the pallet cut at the beginning of the work and carefully disconnect the upper board, which is then needed to be located on the top of the back of the future shop. After that, the bar is screwed to the door loops.
  9. Then the entire surface of the product must be processed by sandpaper. And first the skin is used with large, and then with small grain.
  10. After you need to close the most noticeable irregularities with a putty. It can be slots, large scratches and dents. Next, before proceeding, you need to wait until the putty will dry, and then process the surface of the product again to handle the surface of the product.
  11. Now it remains to be painted and covered with a lacquer.
  12. Before using the product, you need to wait until the paint and varnish are dry.

Bench around the tree


Such a bench will allow to relax in the shadow of the crown of the tree by hot summer. To make it you need it:

  1. Six plates width 80-100 mm and 1 meter length, as well as for as many rolls with a length of 80, 60 and 40 cm.
  2. To make a back, you will need 24 boards with a width of 85-90 mm and 40 cm long.
  3. Also need several connecting planks. Vertical seating boards 90 cm long - 6 pieces.
  4. Planks for connecting legs with a length of 40 cm - 6 pieces.
  5. 50 cm long boards - 6 pieces.
  6. For the front legs, it will take 6 40 cm long slats.

To work, you will still need the necessary carpentry tools.


A bench is collected as follows:

  1. First you need to make 6 identical details. To do this, the vertical long board is taken, which is knocked down with the front leg with the help of two connecting planks.
  2. Then the boards are taken with a length of 1 m and with them you need to connect the parts with each other. At the same time, there should be squeezes necessary for rounding the shop. After that, in the same way, they are shot down on the back of a 40 cm long.
  3. Now you need to place around the selected board with a length of 80 and 60 cm around the selected tree.
  4. Finally, for the backs should be shot down together for 40 cm strips, which protrude up. On each element of the back should be 3 plates.

How to make a tree bench: video

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