Softening water. Methods and filters

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The quality of water is largely determined by the level of rigidity, which gives it a salt of magnesium and calcium. Unlike chlorine, their appearance is often natural - already at the time of the fence of water from the artesian well, and also due to the quality of the work of the cleansing systems. Water softening is one of the steps of water treatment to prepare centralized water supply. Despite this, running water in many regions needs additional mitigation.

Than dangerous hard water

Salves surplus provokes the appearance of scale inside the kettles, white plaque on the plumbing, in water supply pipes and heating. The advantages of using high-quality water corresponding to stiffness standards for cooking, as well as use in hygienic and domestic purposes, are obvious. In modern conditions, widely used - and has long been evaluated to the diverse methods of water softening.

The rigidity of water mainly affect the positively charged calcium and magnesium ions, the other metals affect slightly.

There are many negative aspects of the use of rigid water water.

fresh Shower

Excessive water rigidity is fraught with the following negative influences:

  • on health and beauty - with constant use, dry skin, irritation and peeling appear, increasing the tendency to allergic reactions. In addition, the abrasion of the body salts provokes the appearance of stones in the kidneys and some other violations in the work of the body;
  • with the domestic use of water - with rigidity enhancement, the efficiency of washing is significantly reduced, the powder is poorly washed well, a significant wear wear is observed. Increases the consumption of detergents for washing dishes, cleaning and washing. The accumulation of precipitate on the heating elements of a variety of home appliances (in teapots, boilers, washing machine), which often leads to breakdowns;
  • food prepared on water excessive stiffness acquires an unpleasant taste;
  • on the system of heating and water supply - a layer of scale inside the pipes prevents the effective heat transfer in the premises, corrosion displays, leads to the development of corrosion, displays a plumber (about 60% of clogging of pipes arises due to the accumulation of an insoluble layer of deposits).

To eliminate these negative manifestations of rigidity, apply rigid water softening.

How to determine the need for softening

To determine the degree of stiffness, you can order a special analysis, which will show the saturation of water impurities, including solids of rigidity. According to GOST 2874-82 "Drinking water", the rigidity rate should not exceed 7 mG-eq / l. Stiffness can be estimated and subjective - if the water dries the skin, deposits appear on the divider in the shower watering can be sediments, there is an unpleasant solonish or a bitter flavor of water even after boiling - this means that water rigidity is significantly improved.

Water softening methods

Chemical, as well as physical methods (without the use of chemicals) are used to soften water.

These include the following water softening methods:

  • reagent Methods (Loving and Sports) - are widely used in industrial water purification. At the same time, chemical reagents (calcined soda, hated lime or mixture them) are added to the water, while the stiffness salts fall into the sediment. For the reagent method, it is necessary to accurately calculate the proportions of chemicals. This method is suitable for cleaning technical water;
  • thermum - is carried out by boiling, while the thermally unstable salts of rigidity are destroyed with the formation of a precipitate. This method reduces the carbonate rigidity of water, manifested in the fallout of the plaque on the heating elements and inside the kettle;
  • the reverse osmosis method is used to use water softening systems using membrane filters (artificial semipermeable films with smallest holes passing clean water and stiffening solids). The salts solution is washed off into the drainage, and pure drinking water enters the pipe. Reverse osmosis systems effectively purify water from mechanical pollution, chemical and bacterial impurities. This method allows you to get highly softened drinking water without toxic compounds and harmful impurities;
  • softening with the help of magnetic and electromagnetic effects (using constant powerful magnets) - changes the water structure in such a way that the durable insoluble deposition of stiffness salts in pipes does not occur during heating. At the same time, the removal of salts is performed using coarse mechanical cleaning. For the implementation of magnetic softening, only the flowable water of the room temperature is suitable, flowing at a certain speed. To give greater versatility into magnetic softening installations, an electric current is added to the magnetic installation - at the same time, when inclusive, electromagnetic waves can be generated into the network, transforming stiffery salts crystals into a new needle-shaped form. As a result, a new layer of scale is not postponed, and the old layer is eliminated. These filters are used to soften the technical water to eliminate the appearance of sediments of salts in washing and dishwashers, water heaters;
  • based on ion exchange resins - by filtering water through the backfill in the form of a special gel-shaped resin. This method is not used to soften drinking water. The purification process is the substitution of the sodium sodium ions of the resin, originally contained in the water. 31

This process uses the following types of cartridges:

  • in the form of a housing with a flask where a new backfilling in the form of ion exchange crystals is periodically placed;
  • replaceable cartridges that change as the resin depletion;
  • with regeneration function as ion exchange resins are exhausted.

After the cycle of water softening, the industrial cartridge is restored using a solution of a salt salt (the automatic valve switches the filter to regeneration mode without interrupting the softened water supply) - thus, it can be used for several years. The aqueous solution of highly purified salt is applied automatically, for this it takes a month to fall asleep to the solvent tank tableted salt for softening water.



A replaceable cartridge as dirty is simply replaced. The process of ion exchange softening of water is beneficial for simplicity and speed.

Water softening systems

Depending on the design, portable filters are manufactured, as well as stationary systems for water softening.

Methods and filters for water softening are selected taking into account the chemical analysis of water. For private residential buildings, country houses recommended the use of continuously active softening settings. During travel and trips, portable katadyn water softening attitudes have proven well.


Most systems are softening water, it is often necessary to normalize the composition of water. It also requires its deferrization (compensation for the content of high amount of iron). The use of filters of simultaneous toothing and softening water allows you to save money to buy cleansing systems, as well as achieve significant results.

Water softeners - video

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