How to use stovetur

August 31. Instruments Views 4043. 1 comment to record how to use stovetur

Most of the homeowners in the process of repairing as a facing material are used ceramic tiles. This material reflects the walls and floor in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the hallway. The ceramic tile is high demand thanks to an extensive range of advantages, among which can be noted wear resistance, strength and efficiency. To perform the installation of the tile itself, will certainly have to get a specialized tool for the formation of individual elements. In this regard, the optimal solution will be slabcores, the practice of using which showed high efficiency.

What are the plates?

Today, the construction materials and tools market are filled with all sorts of diversity, among which it is very important to find exactly the tool that will qualitatively fulfill its functional duties. To make the right choice of the tool of the tile cutter, please read the information on the varieties of this tool below. 1318244131_KAK-POLZOVATSYA-Plitkorezom

The tiles are used for curvilinear, straight or curly samples of tiled material. There is a certain classification that determines the type of mechanism, based on which, the tiles are:

Features of the hand tool device

Stationary tiles is in great demand among tools for cutting porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles. It is used both professional builders and those who decided to fulfill the repair personally for the first time. 35699

The body of the design consists of:

  • bases - beds;
  • carriages with roller mechanism;
  • handles. plitko_01

How does the stove work?

The principle of operation of the tile cutron is reminiscent of the actions of conventional glass cutter, which consists in cutting the roller tiled glaze. In the process of cutting, the tile is tightly clamped in the unit of the unit. After applying the cut over the glaze, the tile is packed through its line. To get a more accurate and clear cut-off line, guides are exhibited in the tile clamp field. Manual stoves are also used to perform round-shaped holes. p2492_7.

Important! Before cutting the tile of tiles, keep in mind that the manual stoveture is most conveniently used to cut a small volume of material. In general, it is enough to apply such a mechanism if you have even minimal skills in performing this work.


Manual tiles - how to use?

Before using the manual stoveturosis, make sure of its integrity - all its components should not have any visible damage, and the rotation of the cutting roller should be uninterrupted and without jamming. tCL-300.

When examining the tool, before cutting with a tile, pay attention to such moments:

  1. Check the surface of the roller on the absence of chosel and burst.
  2. Make sure the roller shape has the right round circuit without defects.
  3. Check the reliable fixation of the cutting element.
  4. The movement of the carriage should occur smoothly, without jail and jerks.
  5. Check the staton status for contaminants, if any - certainly remove them.
  6. There should not be any mechanical damage on the handle. iNSTRUMENTI-DLYA-UKLADKI-PLITKI-5
    Important! Consider the fact that the condition of the working instrument, the qualities depends largelyabout cutting tile tiles. Therefore, do not miss this stage of work and after the end of the cutting, before laying the device for storage, also pay attention to its verification and cleaning from the contaminatedness. kAK-POLZOVATSYA-PLITKOREZOM

We cut the tile of slabcores

To properly cut tile elements, comply with the following technology recommendations:

  1. Special construction pencil over the tile, spend the markup line.
    Important! Specialists in the field of construction are recommended before conducting manipulations with tiles to pre-soak it in water to make it easier to make a cut. Also, to simplify the execution of the cut, apply a pair of machinery drops along the cut line. chem-rezat-keramiku1
  2. Place the tile in the mechanism bar in such a way that the cutting line coincides with the line of the carriage movement path, on which the cutting element is fixed.
    Important! Make sure that the distance from the edge of the tile to the cut was at least 1 cm, otherwise the edges will not be neat. Cutting-Ceramic-Tile_1
  3. Swipe a carriage along the planted line, slightly pressed on it.
    Important! At this stage it is extremely important to control the power of the press, so that the tile does not sell, but at the same time make incision deep into the glaze. P1300522.
  4. Pass the cutter on the tile element once.
    Important! Do not make an additional passage over the surface, otherwise, when re-conducted, the cut will be uneven. kak_rezat_plitku.
  5. Turn the instrument handle to the working condition and lower it with a sharp movement.
    Important! When performing such manipulation, the tile can neatly break along the applied section.                                                                        3

How to use stovetur - video

Check out the instructions for the use of manual stoves with a visual example of the performance of the work by a qualified specialist. After viewing you will not have doubts about the ease of use of this tool.

Electric tiles - instructions for use

Electric stovetur is a design, the performance of which is ensured by the built-in electric drive. When submitting electricity, the diamond cutting circle begins to rotate. Often, the principle of operation of the electric stoveture is compared with the action of a circular saw - the element of the ceramic tile moves along the guide, during which a neat and even cut is obtained. bswomayj60N.

Important! Among the varieties of electric stovetures, a ribbon, equipped with a diamond ribbon, is very popular.

Another distinctive feature of the electrical mechanism is the presence of a cooling system. The principle of its work lies in the following - in the process of work, the water jet falls into the area of \u200b\u200bthe tile cutting area, thereby simultaneously cooling it and cleaning from cutting products. elektricheskij-Plitkorez-07

Advantages of electric stoveturosis

As practice shows, electrical plates are beneficial for a number of advantages. As the main advantages to highlight:

  • convenience during operation;
  • the ability to process a large volume of tiled material;
  • corners and edges of the circumcated tiles are obtained smooth and rounded;
  • the ability to cut off the tile element with a width of less than 5 mm. plitkorez-Husqvarna_ts73r-minsk

Electric Tool Cutting Technology

Before cutting the tile with a tile cutter video viewing procedure performed by a professional, will become an excellent solution for a clear understanding of the features of the technology and the principle of operation of the instrument as a whole. electro-Plitkorez3

To perform in the further cutting of the tile independently, follow the following rules:

  1. Apply markup on the tile with a construction pencil.
  2. Fix the tile on the work surface of the slab cutting along the guide.
    Important! Make sure that when performing the manipulation, the tile processed tile was tight and smoothly pressed to the table, otherwise the vibration will appear, which will entail an uneven cut. 41zi + zp8etl._sl500_
  3. With care, promote tiles to the cutting disk with both hands.
    Important! Pressing force at this point should be insignificant, but in the process of cutting it can be slightly increased. If, at the time of the patches, the tile is strongly pressed, then cracks will appear. electro-Plitkorez5
  4. When the cutting disk is released from the reverse end of the tile at the end of the cutting, press the power of pressing so that the chips and irregularities are not formed.
  5. With a full section of the tile, put it aside.
  6. Turn off the cooling system and the supply of electricity. el-Plitkorez.
    Important! Do not forget to periodically change the water in the coolant tank, as particles of cropped material and dust can fall there. Large particles can pollute the diamond disk and damage it. electric-2-plate-2


Browse the video overview of the electric stoveture device and its application technology to eliminate the emergence of any unexplained issues during the operation of the tool.

How to arrange curly sections with stoveturis?

Often there is a need to bite sophisticated places, for example, around the pipe or on the protruding segment of the wall. 482480BFCD14419.

To produce a proper trimming of a complex form, follow these actions:

  1. Apply the markup of the circle or the angle to the surface of the tile.
  2. Carefully and gradually cut off the unnecessary parts.
  3. Passatages or pliers "Sweep" outcropped unnecessary sections of tiles.
  4. Rough emery material or supfil. Treat cropped edges so that their surface gained a smooth and even look. figurnaya-Rezka.

Security Rules when working with a tile

Working with stovetur, especially on the electric drive, involves a high level of danger due to the presence of cutting elements in the instrument design, so certainly follow the following recommendations:

  • carefully examine the instructions for using the tool;
  • when performing work, wear a protective mask to protect the respiratory tract from settlement in the light of harmful substances and construction dust, as well as protective clothing, glasses and gloves; kak-Porezat-Kafelnuyu-Plitku
  • before use, check the condition of the unit;
  • if you notice that the diamond disk is heavily polluted and worn, then certainly change it to a new one, since when an electric drive is turned on, the damaged cutting element may be injured by an employee;
  • exclude foreign objects to the workspace;
  • after work, be sure to remove the dust layer;
  • do not forget to periodically change the water in the cooling system tank;
  • platekorez placing exclusively on the smooth and solid surface;
  • after completing the work, disconnect the tool from the power grid. 1


If you decide to facing tiles on your own, then you will certainly need a tile car. The character of the mechanism is chosen based on your personal preferences, financial capabilities and the availability of skills in conducting these works. In compliance with all the recommendations provided, the result of the work carried out will certainly please.

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One answer on how to use stovetur

  1. liza.:

    Electric tiles - An indispensable equipment in the arsenal of a professional mason.

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