Make a race to the area through the ditch do it yourself

September 29. Repair and construction work Views 776. Comments To write to check in the area through the ditch do it yourself No

With the arrangement of the personal site, the issue of organizing a convenient race to it often arises. Waste or drainage trenches can interfere with it. Many decide to simply fall asleep them, align, tumble and put asphalt in this place. But this method has a lot of disadvantages, which most often begin to manifest themselves during the period of abundant rains and melting of snow. The fact is that the trench served to remove from the ground and wastewater site. If it fall asleep, it disrupts the natural outflow of moisture, which threatens with the flooding of buildings located on the site. Therefore, it is better to use a more reliable version of the departure device to the area through the ditch. The price of such works can be different depending on the volume of trenches and the materials used. About this in more detail later.

Basic moments


If you wondered how to check out the site through a ditch, then start with the inspection of the area. As a rule, testers are dried in "problem" places, i.e. Where soil waters are located close to the surface of the Earth. It will not be superfluous to see how your neighbors took an entrance. It will be useful to get a consultation of a specialist. In addition, you need to decide on the width of the entrance. If you even have no personal transport, it's still large in the area and at the same time a reliable check-in to the gate must be made.

Make a race to the site through a ditch with your own hands - an easy task if you adhere to all recommendations. The erected design should withstand the weight of severe construction equipment. After all, building materials will be brought through the ditch. Check out the width to count in advance. The square should be such a large car car through the trench. It is recommended to make the width of arrival at least 4 meters, but in some cases it is not enough. In addition, at the planning stage, it is important to decide yet with several important parameters. Thus, it is necessary to choose the right type and design of the pipe intended for drainage. The length of the pipe should be 3 m larger than the width of the check-in. The width should be such that the wastewater can be easily passing in the right direction. It is also necessary to pre-create a construction estimate where the cost and the required amount of materials and tools needed to arrange arrival in the area will be taken into account.

All future work nuances should be displayed in terms of. In addition, the type of terrain should also be taken into account on which the race will be built. For this, the characteristics of the soil existing on the site are determined. With too large indicators of moisture or swampiness, the earth should be pre-dried. Drainage systems are equipped for this. Taking into account the existing drainage moves in the future and will line up. The erected design should not disturb the natural outflow of melt waters.


It is still necessary to equip the drainage system in the event that the plot is a clay or loamy soil. Due to its big density, he poorly absorbs excess moisture, and therefore it accumulates on the surface of the Earth. The drainage system will provide a natural outflow of melt waters, as a result of which moisture will not be stated.

The drainage system is most often built in the form of a complex of pipes or in the form of a narrow trench, a break throughout the entire area. For the arrangement of the trench, various techniques are used, excavators are most often used. The higher the density of the soil, the topics of the ditch must be greater. On a dense clay soil, the trench must be deployed to 0.8-1.2 m, a width of 0.6 m. At the same time, the edges of the RVA should go under the slope for the unimpeded passage of wastewater. The side sides of the wastewalk are compacted and smoothed. Then, with a dug trench, water should fall into the overall stock, located along the road. Next, consider in more detail how to make a departure to the site.

How to check on the plot do it yourself

Selection of materials


If you think about the question, how to check in to the site, then start from the selection of the pipe to arrange arrival. Note that all the costs of preparing and conducting installation work is better to include in advance in the construction estimate. To know how much the site is worth checking out, it is necessary to determine the prices of individual components, and in particular, the pipes for drainage. Given that wastewater can pass through the design of any dimensions, you can not purchase large-sized pipes. However, attention should be paid to the material from which they are made. It is better to give preference to concrete or metal-concrete pipes. They are pretty durable and can serve long enough. In addition, such pipes are relatively inexpensive. The disadvantages should be attributed primarily their weight. Concrete pipes can crack, if it is too heavy transportation. For strength, they are strengthened with iron elements, due to which they become even harder. Because of the high weight, they are difficult to transport and lay, which affects the cost of delivery and laying.

Metal pipes can be used. They are relatively inexpensive. But it is necessary to consider that the designs will often be in contact with water, which is why the metal will be subject to corrosion. What in turn makes the race unreliable.

Another option is asbestos-cement pipes. This option is best suited for sewage, drinking drinking water, as well as for drainage device. These pipes, in contrast to metallic, are not subject to corrosion. In addition, they are not heavy and have reasonable prices. Their main drawback is considerable fragility. Nevertheless, if you make a solid mound from sand and rubble over such a pipe, it will be able to listen long enough.

Plastic corrugated pipes can be used for the field of arrival at the site. They have a lot of advantages - low weight, strength, resistance to corrosion and deformation. This makes them perhaps the most profitable option for the construction of an entrance to the site.

In some cases, a wooden drainage design is used. They are made of thick boards treated with antiseptic means. The lack of such a facility is a short service life. In addition to the pipe for the construction of the arrival, sand, crushed stone and concrete will be required. This will all be needed in order to make a check in the area through the ditch. The price as a whole will depend on the selected material and the volume of installation work.

Phased order of work


First of all, you need to strengthen the drainage ditch. This is necessary in order for the deposit of the soil, there are no problems with the arrival of the land. Old iron structures are used to strengthen the ditch.

Procedure for work:

  1. Supports are stacked on a pillow of a mixture of sand and gravel. The pillow must have a thickness of at least 0.6 meters. After that, the gravel is falling asleep and put the designs. So alternate until it becomes above the rest of the territory by about 0.5 meters. Such a mound will last at least 10 years.
  2. Before putting the pipes, a layer of rubble is poured along the bottom of the ditch, which will not allow designs with time to fall into the loose-blurred soil water. On a dense layer of rubble manually or with the help of equipment, pipes of the desired diameter are placed. Then they should be filled with a layer of sand and rubble, after which it is thoroughly tamper.
  3. Next, consider how to make a formwork for check-in to the site. So that the mound does not appear on the sides, it is possible to make concreting. For this purpose, on both sides of the flowing tube, you need to build a formwork from two walls with backups. At the same time, the ends should be left free. Between the formwork walls are poured concrete. Then you need to give concrete a couple of days so that he managed to find it.
  4. The pipe located above the ground level will be protected from dirty wastewater from entering it. For reliability on the edges of the design, it is better to place grilles. They will be able to protect the design from hitting a large garbage.
  5. After completion of the installation work, the check-in need to decorate so that it does not spoil the appearance of the entire site. Usually, the frozen layer of concrete linked paving slabs, a small crushed stone or another coating. For ease of movement overlap you can install on the sides of the railing.


If on the plot of clay or sublibory soil type, then it is necessary to equip the drainage system besides the usual check-in. This is relevant even if you think about the question of how to make a seat back from the tires. At the same time, the order of work will be the following:

  1. First you need to align the walls of the trench. The side walls of the design should be done under the slope, to provide convenient water drain. The bottom of the ditch should be prepared in a special way. In the simplest case, make a sand pillow. If there is an opportunity, it is recommended to make the base of the reinforced concrete called the sub-concret. The thickness of this base must be at least 15 cm.
  2. Further, the drainage tube is stacked, after which it is covered with rubble. The walls of the ditches should be treated with a material that poorly absorbs moisture, for example, it can be clay.
  3. Then you need a clay layer thoroughly tamper. It should be noted that any material can give a shrinkage, especially as a result of daily loads generated by transport passing through the mounted entrance. Therefore, directly under the facing material it is necessary to lay a layer of geotextile, which will create the desired balance in the load distribution. After that, the check-in can be concreted and tinted with tiles.

For private houses, in the courtyard of which the garage is located, it will be advisable to install a canopy of polycarbonate that protects entry into the yard from falling precipitation and icing. Thus, you can save the mounted design for a longer period.

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