Install the fence from the challenges do it yourself

August 31. Building materials, Plot. Views 703. Comments To write to install the fence from the challenges with their own hands No

Before the hosts, which conduct responsible events to arrange the site, sooner or later there is a need to choose between one or another type of fence. Practice shows that often the fence turns out to be an extremely responsible structure, from which security may depend on, comfort on the plot itself, as well as many other aspects. Every year more and more materials are used to sell for the creation of full fences. They are distinguished by various characteristics and opportunities, external views and practicality.

It is safe to say that today a huge selection of materials has 2 sides: one is positive, since each person can choose the most suitable materials for its site, and the second side is negative, since the problem is often among enough contradictory resources, and Make a bad choice becomes easier.

The chain grid is one of the most common materials to create a fence. Practice shows that this resource has a lot of advantages, but at the same time it is budget and insufficiently reliable material for creating a fence within a large plot. At the same time, it is worth understanding that the chain grid in certain situations is an indispensable basis for fence. There may be many such situations, and we will look at them in the material.

Also in this article, we analyze the process of installing the fence from the chain grid, as well as some specific parts associated with this fence.

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Features of the fence from the chain grid

To begin, I would like to say that the fence from the chain grid is a real classic associated with the construction and arrangement of territories. Of course, for many years of use, this material managed to lose its initial position, but even now the chain grid is a fairly popular resource, which is used in many building events. Despite the fact that in recent years, many materials have appeared, which are able to fully replace this grid, this resource still has the most valuable advantages.

Of course, as a full-fledged fence for large areas, the fence from the chain grid is used not so often, but some situations are most suitable for this material. For example, it may be a small area that cannot be shadowed. Accordingly, the grid perfectly misses all sunlight, but at the same time it is distinguished by so necessary enclosing capabilities. With the help of some tricks and this fence can be worthwhile protection for the site.

A few words should say and about the cheapest of such a decision. Indeed, based on this material is created inexpensive fence, which has all the characteristics necessary for fencing. In the very conditions of the crisis in which half of the world is located, the savings are never unnecessary. This is especially important if there is a need for a temporary fence. Thus, even in this plan, the chain grid turns out to be indispensable.

Next, we will consider in more detail all the advantages and disadvantages of the fence from the chain grid. Due to this, it will be possible to easily establish whether such a fence really becomes the best solution for certain conditions.


Advantages and disadvantages of the fence from the chain grid


  • Cheapness. As we have already spoken, the low cost of the grid is an unambiguous advantage that has a huge weight in crisis conditions. In addition, it is obvious that the low price tag allows you to purchase much more than exactly the material than the more expensive. Accordingly, it becomes possible to completely protect the territory, as well as use the material for some other needs. The same material can be purchased about the reserve, which will be unambiguously the right solution in conditions related to large-scale construction. The grid takes at least a place, so there can be no problems when stored.
  • Practicality. As we said, the chain grid is the material that provides full convenience. First of all, this is due to the fact that the grid is sold in peculiar rolls, so it is possible to deliver it on its own transport. Accordingly, the grid is convenient to store, move and use. In addition, the practicality of this material can also be attributed to the fact that the chain grid is best suited for a wide variety of territories. It turns out that the fencing is also transparent, but at the same time there is a good level of protection of the plot. Also, it is impossible to bypass the party that the chain grid can be used and reused. The material is simply wounded into the peculiar roll and stored until it is necessary.
  • Reliability. Hold the chain grid - not so simple. For this, special tools are often required, so accidentally make a fencing unsuitable for use, or unattractive externally, it will not work. Also, reliability can be safely attributed to the information that the fence created on the basis of the chain grid, without any problems, is faithful within decades. All this thanks to the general practical fence. The fence is so simple that over time it practically does not deteriorate.
  • External component. Of course, the chain grid itself does not represent anything interesting, but if we talk about such a fence in general, you can safely note one interesting advantage. The fence from the chain grid visually significantly expands the space. This is especially well felt by people living in the territory fenced in such a fence. However, practice shows that not all people are delighted with this aspect, as such wide frameworks of the site are often shortened.


  • Fencing opens the surrounding area to the site. Often, under the full fence, people understand the fuller fence from the outside world. There is a sense in this indeed, however, in the case of using a chain grid, the situation is a bit different. This is a kind of low cost and practicality of the material. Fortunately, many people are not trying to hide what is happening in their site, so the grid turns out to be an excellent option for the fence.
  • External conditions. As you know, the fence often performs the function of protection against some external factors. It can be some precipitation or even noise from transport. In the case of a rubber grid, all these advantages disappear. In addition, it is important to note that dust that can be extended to the territory of the site can be freely sent through the "lattoon" fences. Accordingly, it is necessary to take into account this factor before making a choice in favor of such a fence.
  • Appearance. In the current conditions, many people create fences in order to realize the density style of the territory. Thus, for this, expensive and exotic materials are used. The chain grid is an extremely simple option, but it should not be noted that this resource is and some minimalism, which can many people and come to taste. Of course, opinions that relate to the choice of certain materials are often specific, and depend directly from a person who has decided to conduct construction work. Despite this, if we arrange a plot with the mind, you can get quite a good space that will be exceeded with a simple fence from the chain grid.


Purpose of Rabits Mesh when creating a fence

As we have said, often the chain grid is not used to create a fence as a basic material that will be protected for long years.

  • Accordingly, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the chain grid is in many cases used to create a temporary fence. This is a good solution, given the fact that some territories need to be highly fencing using at least the minimum of money. At the same time, you should not forget that this grid has a lot of competitors who, at one point, can be too serious competition. For example, it may be a professional flooring, which is also inexpensive, but at the same time has the very defense of prying eyes.
  • As a full-fledged fence, the chain grid is also used often. Again, it is again associated with the relative cheapness of this option, as well as those aspects, among which are simplicity of material, reliability and practicality. Again, the material has a lot of competitors, therefore it is always worth paying attention to the options among existing products to purchase exactly the most optimal resource.

Separately, I would like to say that today many owners, if you choose in favor of temporary fence, acquire the simplest variants of the chain grid. We are talking about the simplest metal, which can easily be corrosion. Such fences will stand and easily perform their basic function for three years. Further, most likely, the corrosion process will take the top, and will have to think about some new versions.

Rabita grid, which is characterized by sufficient reliability, often galvanized, and can also be painted. Accordingly, with such decent protection, you can get a qualitative result that will delight for long years. It is also worth noting that the painted surface will delight not only reliability from many external factors, but also some attractiveness.

You can find a material with a different form of cells. Practice shows that much sense in the choice, which is based on the characteristics of the cells, is simply not.

In some situations, this mesh represents a certain addition to the main design of the fence. For example, it may be a fence of stone elements, and directly the chain grid can be used as a protective part. In such situations, the main thing is to choose the most optimal dimensions of the design, as well as consider all sorts of options for creating a fence. On the Internet you can find a lot of photos with ready-made solutions, on the basis of which you can easily get the expected result.


Price issue

If we are talking about the chain grid, as well as the creation of a fence based on this material, it is worth paying attention to the price of this resource. This is due to the fact that in the overwhelming number of cases, the owners choose this material due to the need to save.

To produce the most suitable calculations for practical actions, you should simply measure the length of the future fence. It is extremely simple, however, it is worth paying attention to all the features of the site, since it is often those of the most difficult moments that can jeopardize the process of installing the fence.

  • Wire of ferrous metal. This is the cheapest option that is often used to create temporary fences. The situation is in such a way that the production of such a material is extremely cheap. To date, the cost of 1 of the route of such a material is about $ 2.8 dollars. It is worth navigating on such a price tag, as the course changes all the time, but not for the better for domestic currencies of the CIS countries.
  • Wire with galvanized coating. The need for galvanized coating is an obvious factor that has a tremendous value for the fence. The fence is regularly under the action of precipitation, so the lack of protection against corrosion will mean the quick "death" of the material. If we talk about price, then 1 mesh mesh meter will be approximately 3.2 US dollars. From the past material, the difference is not too big, but when buying large volumes of products, the most 40 cents will be felt on the wallet.
  • Wire with PVC coating. This is the most expensive option, but at the same time reliable, which is currently used regularly. Practice shows that the fence based on such wire will last for many years, and the appearance of such a fence will not be the worst. 1 Traffic point meter of such a material costs almost 5 US dollars.


Creating a tensioning fence from the chain grid

To begin with, it is worth noting that on the basis of the chain grid, you can create 2 types of fences: with a stretched grid, or a sectional type fence. It is impossible to definitely say which of these options is the best, however, the practice shows that the stretch fence to create much easier. We will consider this option in the first place.

  • To begin with, it is worth noting that there is a chain grid, as in all other cases, is a fencing part. In the case of a tensioning fence, pillars will be used, which are installed at a certain distance between themselves. Experts note that often the step is about 2.5 meters.
  • Poles are often metal pipes that should be treated with anti-corrosion materials. Otherwise, the support elements will come into disrepair too quickly. It is interesting that today on sale you can easily find ready-made pillars designed directly to the creation of fences. Such material is already pre-painted and processed by protective compositions. Wooden poles can also be used, but they require careful processing with special compositions, since spoiled wood can jeopardize the entire fence.
  • As for the height of the poles, this is an extremely important topic that needs to be carefully analyzed. Specialists are advised to navigate as follows: You should add about 10 cm to the overall width of the chain grid, as well as additionally - up to one and a half meters. So we will have an approximate pillar height, in the best way suitable for fence.

Directly the process of creating a fence:

  1. The most basic step is to ensure the high reliability of the supporting parts of the fence. Experts recommend concreting recess to obtain the highest quality result. Previously, of course, you need to dug your deepening, and create a sandy pillow at the bottom. After a thorough traam of this layer, you can place a pillar and produce the fill of concrete.
  2. The most important when the column device is the most accurate location. To do this, it is advisable to make a choice in favor of the construction level, with which you can find the most minimal deviations that can create serious problems during the operation of the fence.
  3. After installing the columns, you can mount the grid. Often, screws, rods or wire are used as fasteners. The roll with the grid, which was purchased in advance, must be straightened, as well as set near the corner post.
  4. Each time the roll must be turned on the span, that is, until the next pillar. Strong tension should be performed so that the fence is distinguished by excellent reliability. It is extremely important here to remember that such events should not be carried out alone, but in the company at least with one person. One pulls the top edge of the grid, and the second is the bottom.
  5. Next, you need to horizontally turn the reinforcement, which should be located at least 5 cm from the edges. Such a tension will allow to obtain the highest quality result, otherwise - the grid will be saved.
  6. At the end, you need to get all hooks that must be securely retaining the grid. In addition, it is necessary to paint the fence to bring the fence into the proper appearance.


Creating a fence from sections

Before installing a sectional fence, it is necessary to produce high-quality markup. After that, you should purchase special corners whose dimensions are 40/5 mm, which are necessary to create a frame. To determine the length of the frame, it is necessary to subtract about 15 cm from the distance between the columns. Corners need to be welded into peculiar rectangular designs. If necessary, you will have to cut the grid with the help of a grinder.

  1. To the equipped pillars (about the installation of which we talked a little earlier) it is necessary to weld metal stripes. At the edges of the supports, you need to retreat about 20 cm. Next, the section sets between two supports. For this case, welding equipment is often used.
  2. An installation of columns to horizontal stripes occurs. This process is somewhat expensive in terms of the required time for all manipulations.
  3. Ultimately you need to paint the fence. It should be borne in mind that there are somewhat more elements here than in the case of the tension of the chain grid, but the result will be much more interesting and better.

Here I would also like to note that the fence of this type can be found in a wide variety of places, starting by various territories related to municipal organizations, and ending with major areas of hosts that decided to create a simple externity fence.

It should be recognized that externally, such a fence looks more than decent. It is worth understanding that today it is not a cheaper and reliable option for the fence to find simply. In addition, it is the most optimal result for the owners who plan to personally hold measures to create fences. Having several working hands, you can spend all the necessary work in fairly narrow temporary framework.

Thus, it makes sense to consider all those options related to the creation of the fence, and after that it is started to begin the construction process. Often the difference in price between one or another material that will be the basis for the fence may be more than impressive. In the current crisis conditions, each penny can significantly affect the choice of owners.

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