Options for heating soil

May 24. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 4087. Comments To record the heating options for soil No

The main purpose of the greenhouse is to produce crop crops, regardless of weather conditions. Creating a comfortable microclimate for normal growth of plants is carried out using a soil heating system in greenhouses.

Main types of heating

There are the following heating options for greenhouses:

  • solar;
  • biological;
  • electric;
  • water;
  • air;
  • gas;
  • chimney.

Each heating system has its advantages and disadvantages. Depending on its species, the owners of household plots can receive several yields. Now we will stay in more detail on each of the varieties of heating systems.


Solar heated

Many experienced greenhouse owners started from the simplest and cheap way of heating the construction - solar. His principle of work is as follows. The sun rays that are the most efficient source of energy fall on the surface of the soil through the translucent material. It may be ordinary polyethylene film, polycarbonate or glass.

As a result of this process, the formation of thermal energy occurs, which remains in the greenhouse. Even in cold winter days with bright sunny weather, the temperature inside the design exceeds 10-15ºС. On the ground, the difference in temperatures is up to 3-5ºС.

The best materials in the solar heating of the soil in the greenhouse are glass and polycarbonate. Polyethylene film is characterized by the maximum passage of thermal rays. Therefore, at night, the greenhouse is quickly cooled. When building a film design, experts are recommended to lay material in two layers with the presence of airspace by them up to 4-5 cm.

A greenhouse from a film or polycarbonate in most cases is used to grow seedlings for the subsequent landing in its open ground. Therefore, in winter it is impractical to use it.

Biological heating

The essence of this soil heating is reduced to the allocation of a huge amount of thermal energy, as a result of the decomposition of organic substances. It is quite enough for the entire period of ripening plants. In addition to heat, the greenhouse is filled with carbon dioxide.

Raw materials for this heating system can be:

  • manure animals;
  • leaves of trees;
  • rubbish;
  • sawdust;
  • straw.

When using only fallen leaves, a small temperature on the surface is obtained. Therefore, the manure (pork or cow) is mixed. The billet of the leaves is carried out in the fall. They fold into the stack and fall asleep the earth. So the leaves will not fly away.

If straw is used as biological fuel, then its workpiece is produced similarly to laying the leaves of trees. The only difference is a thorough mixing of straw with urea solution (0.6%).


You can use household waste: rag, paper, sawdust and other garbage. The period of debris depends directly on the proportion of elements included in it. A good decomposition is characterized by trash, which contains up to 40-45% of paper and old rags. When the garbage stirs, it becomes homogeneous and perfectly crumbles.

The classic biological fuel is horse or cow manure. It has a maximum period of rotting. For comparison, the following temperature indicators can be given when using various types of biological heating:

  • 15-20ºС for 100 days - cow manure;
  • 30-35ºС for 80-90 days - horse manure;
  • 15-16ºС for 70 days - pork null;
  • 18-20ºС for 14 days - sawdust;
  • 22-25ºС For 110 days - rewinding the bark of trees.

The initial task is the correct storage of fuel prepared from the autumn. The manure is stacked in the stack, which has a height of up to 2 m. The fuel should be well seal. If this is not done, the manure will decompose before the desired period. After careful seal, the manure is hidden by grass, peat, leaves, straw or sawdust.

In the spring, approximately 5-6 days before the placement of manure to the greenhouse, it must be warm up. This process consists of such consistent actions:

  • the stack is released from the underfloor material;
  • the manure is interrupted with the help of forks and is assembled in a loose bunch;
  • in the middle of the made heaps are placed hot stones.

Instead of stones, you can use a delayed lime or ignite a bonfire, which to cover with a metal sheet. After a few days, the burning process will begin. Over the course of the week, the temperature will increase to 50-60 ° C.

The introduction to the greenhouse of biological fuel is carried out in the following order:

  • a fertile soil layer is removed (approximately the bayonet of shovels);
  • reweded manure is removed;
  • the bottom of trenches or beds is filled with sawdust;
  • a layer of 10 cm is stacked by a twig (when making cow or pork manure);
  • the cooked fuel is stacked: in the central part - the hottest; At the edges - the rest.

After a few days, the biological fuel will go away. Therefore, you will have to add another portion. The entire created layer is covered with a layer of hazed lime, which prevents the appearance of mushrooms. After that, you can lay a fertile layer.

Electric heating

This type of heating of the soil is the newest solution in the device of the greenhouse. Electrical heating can be carried out with:

  • convectors;
  • calorificates;
  • heating cable;
  • infrared systems.

The use of convectors or calorifers is not the most successful solution. The inner part of the design will warm up unevenly. Some parts of the greenhouse will not be heated at all. And in the place where the heating device is installed, the space will be heated excessively.

Naturally, you can install fans that will distribute warm air around the room. But this will lead to cooling of air flow and an increase in electricity related costs. Yes, it will take a very complex process of upgrading heating devices.


Installation work of the heating cable is distinguished by low cost and sufficient efficiency. Its styling is carried out directly into the ground. Thermal energy is at the level of plants, which makes it possible to grow them even in the most severe winters.

Typically, the heating cable is mounted throughout the perimeter of the greenhouse. Although some gardeners practice its placement on the outer wall of the structure. Such the location of the cable system prevents the flow of cold air into the greenhouse.

The main condition for the effective operation of cable heating is the exactly selected temperature regime. In order not to spoil the plants, their roots should not be very overheated. Therefore, you should choose a cable system of heating, in which the air and soil temperature control is carried out using sensors.

Infrared heating appliances are the latest development in the field of electric heating. The two main types of heaters are distinguished:

  • ceramic devices with infrared emitters;
  • infrared lamps similar in structure with a conventional light bulb.

The fastening of the lamps is made in the usual cartridge. For this reason, the device of infrared heating the greenhouse will not cause any difficulties. The process of fastening the elements of this heating system itself is carried out around the perimeter of the room. This is how complete compensation for the loss of thermal energy along the walls is happening.

Infrared heating has a number of advantages, the main of which are:

  • efficiency (efficiency is at 95%);
  • safety for humans and plants (there are no combustion products and emissions of harmful substances);
  • inappropriate to moisten the air (infrared devices are not dried air).

In most cases, the installation of heaters is produced at the top of the greenhouse. Having occupy the entire ceiling of the structure, they do not interfere at all.

Alternative soil heating options in greenhouse

Water heating

The main principle of this method of heating the protected soil is:

  • the movement of the coolant to the boiler for heating;
  • supplying water in the pipes;
  • heat transfer to the air.

The main element of the water heating system is the boiler. Water movement can occur naturally or with a circulation pump.


Pipes for heating soil can be made of:

  • plastic;
  • metal (copper, steel).

It is better to use plastic products. They are cheap, easy and resistant to corrosion.

The main "outs" water heating are:

  • high price;
  • installation complexity;
  • constant monitoring of the operation of the system;
  • conduct accurate calculation Performance boiler.

Particular attention is paid to the distance between the house and a greenhouse. If it exceeds 10 m, it will have to deal with yet an additional warming of pipes. And it would increase the cost of content greenhouses.

air heating

This type of greenhouse heating involves the use of heating ventilation devices, which are placed in the base or other supporting structures. Receipt warm air flow occurs in the upper and middle part of the structure. It is thus not permitted the emergence of burns plants, and quick drying of the stems.

Throughout the greenhouse is made of a special perforated hose laying of polyethylene. Its main purpose - uniform heating of the soil. Often for efficient heating of air used steam.

Pretty good solution for air heating greenhouses will be the use of the heat generator, which runs on solid fuel. It has such excellent characteristics:

  • mobility and compact size (set in any location);
  • automatic operation with temperature control;
  • the ability to heat large greenhouse;
  • using any type of fuel (wood, coal, peat, briquettes, etc.);
  • long operational period.

Gas heating

When you create a small seasonal greenhouses can use gas cylinders. They must be connected to the burners and a thermostatic system, which regulates the flow of gas in the automatic mode. Besides heat, carbon dioxide and evaporation ensure normal plant growth.

The main problem of soil gas heater is to ensure uniform distribution of heat throughout the greenhouse area. In this connection it is necessary:

  • properly install the burner;
  • make an excellent access for maintenance and control of the entire heating system.


There is the option of using gas heaters which uniformly stirred maximum warm air flow. This method of heating a greenhouse gas differs substantially complete combustion.

A significant disadvantage of gas heaters - the high cost of their installation. This is due to the additional use of polyethylene perforated pipes and flue device, where the combustion products are output.

furnace heating

This option will be an alternative solution in the conditions of constant increase in prices for using electrical energy and gas. The furnace heating is the easiest and most ancient method of heating the greenhouses. The smoke acts as a coolant.

The creation of a greenhouse furnace heating provides:

  • the presence of a height of heights from the top of the chimney to the combustion chamber at 4 m and more;
  • the hot part of the horizontal chimney should be located in that part of the greenhouse, where the sun's rays are less likely.

The best option is to use the buleryan furnace. This heating equipment is characterized by:

  • rapid heating of the room;
  • lack of overheating of the chimney walls;
  • absolute safety during operation;
  • economy;
  • simplicity of installation;
  • a rare wood or coal laying.

In view of the fact that the furnace system practically does not warm the soil, it should be used in combination with other heating. In most cases, this heating system is used in combination with electrical heating. When an emergency shutdown of the source of power supply occurs, the "Buleryan" furnace comes to the rescue.


In any case, when choosing a specific heating system for the greenhouse follows:

  • make accurate calculations;
  • take into account all the shortcomings and advantages of concrete heating;
  • examine the features of the equipment.

If there are some doubts, it is better to consult with professionals.

Video on the heating device in the greenhouse:


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