How to make ventilation in the greenhouse

May 23. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 3108. Comments to record how to make ventilation in a greenhouse No

Every year, more and more dacities understand the advantages of protected soil, so greenhouses are built on their sites. Thanks to these designs, it is possible to grow seedlings on your own, get an early harvest. But each culture for proper development requires certain conditions, among which not only timely watering and care, but also a sufficient amount of light and air.

It is worth considering the existing ventilation systems of the greenhouse, because they provide the necessary conditions for obtaining the expected result.

Possible solutions


The stagnation of the air adversely affects the plants, but the drafts can also be allowed. Therefore, in constructions, ventilation should be thought out in advance, which will provide a certain mode of humidity and temperature. There are two types of systems:

  • natural, which involves the absence of additional physical and energy consumption;
  • forced, which implies the use of special devices.

Natural ventilation


Modern greenhouse designs have various openings, it is proposed to ventilat with two doors on the ends. For a regular room, this is a very effective way, because the intensive air flow is obtained. And for plants, this solution is at all ideally, because it turns out the usual draft. Subsequently, certain types of plants will be constantly sick, because the air, going outside, is significantly different in the parameters from the greenhouse. It descends down, a significant temperature difference brings thermal shock by plants. Sit down a slightly effect allows the track in the middle of the greenhouse. Then the main flow will go directly to the door, and some oxygen remains indoors.

Another option is to ventilate with the help of the vessels, which are located in different parts of the greenhouse. The main condition for the design of the hole in the end of the structure is to arrange it as high as possible. Then the incoming air to the plants regenerates, respectively, does not injure them. At the same time, it is in the ends easier to make a window, a smooth vertical surface contributes to a rapid organization of work. 54

In two-tight greenhouses, Framouges often have on the side walls. If they are used simultaneously with open end vents, then a mixed flow of air is obtained. Experts recommend to distinguish about 20% of the coating on air holes, so the optimal temperature and humidity regime is ensured. In the film structures, the side walls can fully open - it gives access to air during the day, and at night protection from frosts. 32_1972

For industrial greenhouses, the presence of Framug in the roof is characterized. Then hot air is replaced with fresh, when lowering to plants, it has already time to warm up. There is one complexity of such ventilation in the greenhouse - framugs are highly, therefore additional devices are required. For this, drives or motor destructors are used - it allows you to fully automate the process of ventilation.

Forced ventilation


Sometimes the doors and fraamuga do not give the desired effect, then without an additional ventilation system can not do. Forced type involves the use of exhaust and circulating fans. The first type of equipment provides removal of warm air from the room, and circulating fans contribute to the movement of air masses. This is how the necessary microclimate mode is achieved, heat and moisture is evenly distributed across the greenhouse.

Exhaust fans are mounted on the roof of the structure, then one glazed element is replaced with an asbestos cement plate or iron sheet. And the household fan can be used as circulating equipment, it is only worth calculating the appropriate power in advance. In some cases, it is enough to establish two devices at different parts of the room.

Automation of the process

An independent opening of the ventilation holes greatly simplifies the care of plants, especially if the dachnik is not always present in the site. With the development of technologies, it became possible to equip the system of automatic ventilation of greenhouses without large financial investments.

Fixtures of natural ventilation

The most common decisions are considered to be:

  • electrical components;
  • mechanical devices.

The first type of equipment is small power electric motors capable of opening or close the holes over the signal. And the operation of mechanical devices is based on the action of the temperature expansion of the liquid or gas.

Additions of forced system

Automatic ventilation control makes it more efficient, special thermostators use for these purposes. One-, two and three-channel devices are available on sale. These are connected to the corresponding number of fans. Temperature regulators suitable for servicing greenhouses are calculated on the temperature control range from 25 ° C to 30̊ C.

To connect the device, two wires are connected from the fan and the voltage is supplied, the whole process takes a little time.

System created by its own

Ventilation in the greenhouse with your own hands can be equipped on the principle of air expansion. The system is a chamber that is clamped between the support plate and the lever. The camera is attached to the tube leading to the accumulative Baku. To improve such a system, you will need to buy the following items:

  • pipe connective;
  • tank for 30 liters;
  • football chamber.

Air in the tank is heated, due to the increase in pressure, it moves through the pipeline to the camera. Then the camera increases in the amount and raises the lever, which is connected to the framuga. So, with an increase in temperature in the greenhouse, a fraumuga controlling the parameters of the microclimate automatically opens. Accordingly, when the temperature decreases, the camera is blown away, and the hole is automatically closed smoothly.

It is important to constantly check the tightness of the tank connections and a football chamber for good operation of the system. It is also worth considering that the chamber must already be filled with air.

Another embodiment is more common, the installation of the hydraulic cylinder is considered. The principle of operation is based on the expansion of the fluid, which, unlike the air, is not compressed. It is much easier to purchase such a device than construct yourself. After purchasing and installing such a ventilation system, it will only be left to adjust the temperature using a special nut at which the device will trigger. 380795

Curtains and grids use as additional devices. They prevent direct sunlight to the greenhouse, respectively, help reduce the room temperature.

The greenhouses differ from the greenhouses only the absence of heating systems, the only option is to use biofuels. As a result, all the techniques and equipment used in the greenhouses can provide control over the microclimate in greenhouses. Therefore, dackets try to equip openings, install fans and automation for independent operation of the system.

The need for special equipment is obvious, but to develop independently or buy a finished ventilation system - the solution of each. The main thing is to ensure all the conditions for the proper development of plants.

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