How to make a doorway from drywall

April 23. Interior decoration, Repair and construction work Views 4496. Comments to record How to make a doorway from drywall No

During the repair, I want to think over all the nuances of the future situation, up to the design of the doors. Sometimes it is enough to decorate the canvas, but more often spend it to replace it. And modern trends dictate redevelopment, so the doorway is increasingly paying attention.

Sometimes you need to adjust its size and shape, then the universal material - plasterboard comes to the rescue. The question further assumes several solutions:

  • decrease or increase the parameters of the opening with further replacement of the door;
  • removal of the door canvase and the arrangement of the original form.

Both options suggest the construction of an additional design, however, thanks to the properties of drywall, all the work is performed independently quite real. For this, special knowledge is not required in construction and skills, a good assistant is the benefits, training how to make the doorway.

Changes in the design with the maintenance of the door


For example, you can consider the wall alignment option in which there are doors. This implies the following activities:

  • marking, which begins with determining the position of the guides. They must give a challengely flat plane - this is important for the further operation of the door;
  • frame installation, for guides, screw the pre-sliced \u200b\u200bprofile of PP60 / 27 mm. Next, the racks are mounted, they are fixed to the wall with straight suspensions. The step of the standing should be no more than 400 mm, checking the correctness of the positions is carried out using the rule;
  • for the designation of the opening, two racks are used, the distance between which is calculated in advance. It makes up the amount of the width of the door frame in the assembled form, the thickness of the slopes themselves and the remaining distance to the box filled with the mounting foam. Therefore, the calculations are better carried out after purchasing the door. With a clinet of 700 mm, the profile is attached to the suspension at a distance of about 820 mm. At the same time, the frame of the previously inserted wooden rail, which the traction rivets is fixed;
  • the upper jumper is installed at the height level of the doorway, as a rule, it is 2050 mm. Next, check the location of all elements relative to the single plane and cut the protruding suspensions;
  • it remains the walls to sew a plasterboard, the condition for obtaining a high-quality design is the lack of joints on the frame framing racks. The sheltered slopes will subsequently close the box board, so it is important to take into account the width of the doorway.

Reducing the width of the standard opening


Sometimes I want to know how to reduce the doorway with plasterboard, for example, in a studio apartment with collapsible furniture is not required. In this case, the first method makes adjustments at the end of the erection frame. On the one hand, a rack for partitions is delivered, its mount is provided not by direct suspensions, but in advance made brackets.

For the manufacture of brackets, you will need a profile of 27/28 mm, which is bent through the side parts made by cuts. It is fixed first to the wall, then the rack with self-draws. The protruding parts of the brackets are cut by metal scissors and then crush the entire design.

Decorative solution


For many rooms, the door presence is optional, then an unusual entrance is trying to make out of the standard opening. Also, the original openings are used if necessary to divide the room, namely, to build a partition. To select an interesting option, you can view the photo of doorways from plasterboard on the Internet, or magazines about design - a variety of solutions will greatly surprise. And in the presence of additional shelves, windows or illumination, the openings become works of art. jip1.

The most popular option to use rounded forms, for example, arches can be performed in a different style. There is a special separation of openings depending on the radius of curvature:

  • in the classic version, apply an arc of one radius;
  • ellipse is used to embody the Modern style, that is, the arch will be stretched in the vertical direction;
  • romantic execution involves the joining of a rounded top to direct racks;
  • the ball form allows you to supplement the openings with decorative and functional elements in the form of shelves or racks.

Experts recommend when choosing to focus on the style of adjacent premises, it is important to supplement the existing situation. Also pay attention to the height of the ceilings, because complex forms are always cleaned by space, while a wide simple arch visually adds places and lights in both rooms. 1

In order to make the doorway, the arch will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Preparation, which consists of creating a scheme on a sheet of paper. It is so easier to finally decide on the type of cutout and sign the necessary dimensions. After the doors are removed, the surfaces of the future opening can be measured. It will take to determine the width, the height of the arch, diameter and radius of curvature.
  2. Installation of the profile, this will require tools and materials. As for the materials, the P-shaped profile and attachments are chosen. For the construction will be used: scissors and holes for metal, perforator, screwdriver, roulette. Initially, the profile of the required length is cut, installed along the top of the perimeter of the existing opening. It is screwed to it pre-carved in the finished form of plasterboard on both sides. Next, take a profile and cut off its side elements on the one hand to the base - this allows you to bring the material to the necessary radius. Cuts are carried out with a frequency of 5 cm, after curvature, the framework of the future arch is obtained. The bent profile is fixed to the gypsum chapels.
  3. The covering from the bottom of the plasterboard requires additional preparation, because they simply do not work on the bend. To solve this problem, two techniques of operation can be used - dry and wet. The first method is suitable for the arches of a small depth and width (about 20 cm), then on a prepared piece of material, cardboard is cut through each centimeter. Subsequently, the sheet is reduced in the places of cuts and bend on the template. Fix the plasterboard with cuts to the ceiling. The second method involves the execution of punctures throughout the segment area with further moisture of the material. For self-execution, this option is much simpler, however, after the bend, the plasterboard must dry at least a day for a set of initial strength.
  4. The finish involves fastening a perforated corner, sickle with further surface plastering. For this purpose, first the starting mixture is used, and after drying, the finishing layer is superimposed. It is important to process not only the place of the joints of the structure, but the surface as a whole. Because in the future there may be inhomogeneity of color. Sawing is the last step before painting the finished decorative doorway. arki01

All work is really done independently, in general, plasterboard differs simplicity. Despite the fragility of the material, the finished structures are characterized by good operational properties. There are various decorations in construction stores, although some apartments owners continue to classically topics from stucco products. So you can achieve a gorgeous result, the design in a single style decision gives elegance to the room.

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