Build kitchen with their own hands. Step-by-step instruction

February 9. Useful advice Views 14750 Comments To write kitchen assembly with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction No

Today, many manufacturers offer ready-made kitchen sets of furniture in a disassembled form, which attracts consumer attention, who wish to save the family budget and know how to handle the tool.

How to assemble the kitchen


Tools that may need:

  • screwdriwer set;
  • clamps set;
  • tree drills;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • corolnic;
  • ruler.

Studying instructions and assembly elements

As a rule, kitchen furniture manufacturers are inserted into the set as a separate document assembly instructions and all the necessary elements for fasteners. The algorithm for mounting the kitchen does not differ from the algorithm of the work of specialists who manufacture furniture on individual orders, as the technological holes and teeth of the edges of the modules created in the workshop fully correspond to each other.

As for the facades, the holes under fastening and fittings are also drilled in them. Thus, the kitchen assembly independently will be imprisoned in the detailed instructions.

The kitchen assembly scheme begins with the installation of individual modules - boxes and hinged cabinets.

The order of assembling kitchens from modules


How to assemble a kitchen box or wardrobe


  • we have an end to the wall of the cabinet or box on a flat surface so that in the finished form of the box turned out to be a facade up;
  • apply the adjacent part of the box at an angle of 90 °;
  • fix the design with a screwdriver;
  • the next element is joined in the same way;
  • next, the corner will measure the angle and with a screwdriver tighten the mount;
  • turn the box and apply a thin sheet of fiberboard, which will perform the function of the rear wall;
  • breeping it with screws or small nails to the contour of the box;
  • if the box is hanging on the wall, then fix the mounting loop with screws in two places;
  • if it is located downstairs, you fix the leg adjusting screws.

Build lower base


At this stage, it is necessary to assemble individual elements in the furniture headset. You will need the same tools and an additional electric bison.

The lower base serves as the main table top, which is placed washing with a mixer and a cooking surface. It is for this reason that the creation of holes for these elements is considered a technically complex process.


The kitchen assembly independently includes a number of actions:

  • initially, the collected modules on the place should be set;
  • with a standard depth of 500 mm, they should not touch the walls;
  • the table top must overlap the module together with the facade;
  • next, with the help of a screwdriver, we constitute the modules between themselves;
  • on the resulting design by mounting a tabletop, sewing it in length;
  • we check it using the level, and if necessary, adjust the legs;
  • we produce measurements of the sections where the technique will be located;
  • we carry them on the stencil from the cardboard;
  • weeping the holes with an electroll bison and customize the sizes using the chisel;
  • install the technique;
  • fix the tabletop with plastic clips or screws to the lower modules.


  • start the assembly and installation of the kitchen should be with hinged elements;
  • the lower edge of the upper cabinets must be 1350-1400 mm from the floor;


  • at this altitude, special marks are created, and a border is fixed;
  • bashed cabinets are preferably using anchor elements;
  • the side walls of the modules are temporarily tightened by clamps and removed only after reliable fixation by screws;
  • before installing outdoor cabinets, it is recommended to pre-cut the communication holes in the rear wall;
  • after mounting the countertops and washing installations, the edges are processed by sealant;
  • when assembling an angular kitchen, the table top is most often used, which consists of two parts, therefore, when it is installed, an angular lining is used, and the end part is treated with a sealant;
  • so that the countertop is firmly held, use three-, four-stage self-tapping screws;
  • it can be attached to the lateral walls of the modules using 1.5-2 cm of self-sufficiency or metal corners.

How to gather a kitchen set. Making the kitchen with their own hands.


1. Initially, it is necessary to draw the kitchen plan and put it in size:

  • window gaps;
  • dimensions;
  • width of the walls;
  • height of the walls.

At the same time, it is necessary to specify the scheme of the arrangement of communications.


2. Then you need to decide on the kitchen type:


  • P-shaped;
  • M-shaped;
  • linear.

Kitchen-His hands-from-ikea.-planning-kitchen. - Photo. - Cuisine. - Kitchen-from-manufacturer. - Kitchen. - Furniture. - Decor-kitchens. - repair-kitchen-002kommersant

3. Next should be provided:


  • where there will be a gaspot;
  • where the desktop will be located;
  • where the washing will fall;
  • where products will be stored;
  • where to accommodate utensils and dishes.


  • dishwasher, washing machine and directly washing must be near the water pipes and sewage;
  • gaspota - next to the gas pipe;
  • the refrigerator is closer to the outlet, but then from Gaspot.

4. A scheme of future cuisine is created:


  • you need to draw all the components of the kitchen and put the dimensions;
  • determine what will be cabinets - deaf or glass;
  • specify the material from which the framework, the countertop and the facade will be made;
  • specify at what distance from the floor will be the tabletop;
  • after, specify the fittings.


  • be sure to take into account the individual features of the person who will carry out most of the time here - the growth leading hand, etc.;
  • if not enough fantasy, then extract special design logs;
  • the kitchen design can be created using a special program on a computer.

5. Building materials that may need:


  • plywood (will be used as the back wall of the cabinets and in the form of bottom drawers);
  • laminated 5 mm Fiberboard (for the side walls of the boxes);
  • MDF 16 mm (for Tumb, sidewall cabinets, shelves, etc.);
  • Chipboard 320 mm (for table top).


  • before using the chipboard as a table top, it should be treated with special means;
  • doors are easier to purchase ready.

6. Accessories that need:

  • metal corners;
  • plastic corners;
  • power holders (ball and roller);
  • eurovints;
  • edge;
  • legs;
  • doors handles;
  • loops for doors.

Also do not forget to get drying and washing.

7. Cutting Building Materials

cool material

In this case, it is best to apply to a specialized company that can make the necessary material in size. This is a fairly inexpensive service, so you will not spend a lot of money. As for the tools that may be needed for assembly, we specified them above. The only thing that after mounting the kitchen, you will have to disassemble it, in order to open lacquer or paint, and then re-install in place. In some cases, purchasing an already ready-made surface, this moment is overlooked.

How to assemble the kitchen video:

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