Little sink to the toilet - choices

September 2. Plumbing Views 728. Comments to the record Little sink to the toilet - Features of choice No

In small toilets there are so little space that it is not possible to establish a full-fledged sink. Some prefer to do without it and wash their hands in the bathroom. Fortunately, there are special small shells for the toilet and sometimes they not only perform useful functions, but also are a stylish part of the interior.

Why do you need a sink in the toilet

In separate toilets, the sink is not so often. Residents of apartments with a similar layout prefer after the bathroom to visit the bathroom and wash their hands there. But it happens that the bathroom itself is so small enough that the sink simply does not fit there. In such cases, the tap is assembled directly above the bathroom, which takes on the functions not only bathing, but washing the hands and implementation of the morning procedures.

Nevertheless, in the modern world, the cult of purity and personal hygiene is flourishing, and many people are increasingly deciding to install a small shell in a small toilet. Agree, it is much more convenient to have a source of water in close proximity, because then you do not need to move out of the room into the room, in the way the touched door handles are not too clean hands.

Plumbing manufacturers, in turn, responded to the formed demand and began to produce products that meet the stated requirements, that is, suitable for installation in close premises.


Advantages and dimensions of small shells

A small sink for gabar at first glance is not as convenient as usual. Despite this, such a design has a lot of positive qualities:

  • it is functional;
  • the compactness of the shell allows you to enter it into a close room and at the same time save space;
  • care for sink is simple, use also does not represent difficulties;
  • thanks to a huge number of options, you can always choose a model that is optimally suitable for your interior.
  • under such a sink, as under its classic analogue, you can install a bedside table for different accessories.

Shells of this type are of different sizes. Standard dimensions are 30-55 cm in width and 25-50 cm long. The smallest toilet sink has a narrow form. Its length is 45 cm, and the width is only 18. Such models are in the greatest demand, since it allows you to save the most free space.

The most convenient is the sinks whose width is 23 cm, and they are good because they prevent splashing water. In addition, you do not have to touch such a sink during washing, because the sides of the bowl are located far enough from each other.


Tips for choosing a shell

Before buying a small shell for the toilet, read the recommendations for its choice:

  1. Measure free space in the place where you plan to place the design.
  2. Decide with the type of shell. Evaluate which design it is more convenient to fit into the zone allotted. Will this sink suspended, angular or some other.
  3. For the sink, be sure to pick up the appropriate mixer. Since the ratio is small, then the crane should be light, compact, short and low.
  4. During the purchase, pay attention to the material of manufacturing, its quality, functionality and practicality. Explore the model for cracks, chips, other defects.
  5. When buying, do not rely only on the cost of the material. Please note that the durable and expensive natural stone is not as easy to leave as cheaper, but practical ceramics.
  6. Do not forget about the acquisition of all relevant components.


What are the sinks

Installation Type Classification

By type of construction there are several options for shells:

  1. Hinged are mounted on the wall using brackets or special anchor mounts. Such small toilets for the toilet can have different forms, for example, be angular, rounded or oblong.
  2. Tulips sinks are installed on a peculiar pedestal or leg. Inside of this leg, it is convenient to hide unsightly elements: pipes, mixer removal, etc.
  3. There are also small shells with a table toilet, they are also called embedded. They are mounted in the cabinets or suspended countertops, and they can be completely recessed in the worktop, partially overcome it or be overhead.
  4. The shell-tank is combined with a drain Bach toilet bowl. Sold bundled with it and is considered more toilet bowls than shells.


Classification of construction materials manufacturing

Shells for the toilet small size are made from different materials:

  1. Faians and porcelain schools are considered the most popular and widespread option, and all because during a democratic value they have good performance characteristics. Externally, porcelain sinks are also very attractive. They have a beautiful glossy surface, which can be painted in various shades, are distinguished by resistance to chemicals, serve more than 20 years. But there are such structures and disadvantage - they poorly carry sharp temperature fluctuations, over time covered with a network of small cracks.
  2. Calenic glass sinks are considered the most resistant to mechanical effects, water, aggressive chemicals, sunlight. Are very durable and replaced most often not because of damage, but from aesthetic considerations. Their minus is not such a simple care, as in the case of faience shells. The fact is that the traces of dried water are very noticeable on the glass. This, of course, can not pay attention to this, but if you want to have a neat transparent sink, after each use, it will have to wipe it dry.
  3. Metal shells are available on sale various options. They are made from bronze, copper, stainless steel or other metal alloys. The surface of them is matte or glossy, depending on the processing. Often such products are made to order, creating an individual design. Caring for metal sinks is difficult. They are afraid of acids and alkalis, and also easily scratched. Among other things, they are worth a lot that in aggregate with the complexity of operation makes them not the most popular type of product.
  4. Cast stone shells have good performance. By type, the material is very similar to the natural stone, but devoid of drawbacks of their natural analogue. Such constructs are resistant to household chemicals, do not scratch, almost do not fight, the temperature differences and mechanical effects are well transferred. Shell in case of defects is easy to fix. Unlike the natural stone, artificial is also cheaper. The product is most often coming complete with the stands of the corresponding designer design.
  5. Constructions made of natural stone are expensive, respectable and luxurious products that do not afford it. Such sinks emphasize the status of the owners of the house, look beautiful in classical interiors. Nevertheless, in care, natural stone is not so simple. For example, marble has a porous structure and absorbs all lime deposits. Water should be crystal clear, which can only be provided with the installation of good high-quality filters. The natural stone is also considered a fragile material and can split from the impact of a solid heavy item.


Placing the sink in a small toilet

When installing a small shell into a small toilet, the design and layout of the room should be taken into account. All the elements of the bathroom should be arranged to use the toilet toilet as convenient as possible.

The arrangement scheme of objects is better to draw. When you do it, measure the parameters of the room: width and length. Based on measurements, you will choose the appropriate version of the shell.

You can place a small shell in the toilet in any free corner, the main thing is to access it comfortable. Room elements also should not interfere with each other and free movement of man. For a very close room, a small angular sink is best suitable, as it takes the minimum space. The bedside table is also useful to you. The space under the sink still will not add the toilet toilet anyway, but it can be used practical, for example, to hide the cleaning agents or hygiene items. Over the sink, you can also hang a small locker.


Little sink in the toilet. Video

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