How to choose a brush cutter. Manual or automatic bruster, principles of work and differences

May 18. Instruments, Repair and construction work Views 4117. Comments To record how to choose a brush cutter. Manual or automatic bruster, principles of work and differences No

To work in the garden you will need a lot of tools. One of them is a brush cutter. With it, it produces high-quality haircut of shrubs and trimming trees. On how to choose and buy a brush cutter, we will talk now.

Types and advantages of brush cutters

Nowadays, the market of gardening brushes is represented by a variety of tools. For this reason, it is difficult to immediately determine the best option. It is worth noting that brush cutters are divided into groups and types. According to the first criteria, the tools are divided into:

  • first group;
  • and the second group.


The first group consists of brush cutters, which, according to their design, resemble a bodle suite. The principle of the tool data is moved in one plane of two knives. Cut can be carried out in two directions:

  • straight;
  • and reverse.

Therefore, the teeth of the saw headset are equally sharpened on both sides. Scope of bodle-zero

  • giving the right form to various shrubs;
  • aligning alive hedge.

The second group of browns is represented by instruments that are similar to the functional features are similar to trimmers or gas stations. Such devices are equipped:

  • gasoline or electric motor;
  • rods that transmit torque to the head;
  • cutting tool (usually it is circular saw).

The main types of brush cutters include:

  • mechanical (manual);
  • electric;
  • rechargeable;
  • gasoline instruments.

Manual brush cutting is the easiest tool. He resembles ordinary garden scissors. The only characteristic feature is the presence of a long handle. Due to this, the efficiency of cutting the bushes is significantly increasing.

A mechanical brush cutter is very easy to use, and the tool itself does not require special service. A huge "plus" manual product is its low cost.

Electric bruster is a more powerful device compared to a mechanical tool. This feature makes it possible to use it more often. The advantages of the use of electric custodia are especially manifested when compared with a gasoline analogue.

In particular, they include:

  • lack of need for fuel and lubricants;
  • relatively low price;
  • undoubtedly carrying out a regular technical inspection.


The disadvantages of electric custodeza are:

  • mandatory power supply;
  • minimum power (compared to gasoline instruments);
  • disadvantage of working with a cord.

The principle of operation of the battery gardening is almost identical to the functioning of the electric tool. The only significant difference is the lack of an electrical cable. Rechargeable brush cutter is more maneuverable. But on the other hand, this tool is expensive.

Gasoline brush cutter is the most powerful tool among the analogues. It is equipped with an internal combustion engine. This device is intended for:

  • carrying out the maximum amount of work;
  • solutions to the most complex practical tasks.

Gasoline bruster has a rather solid technical resource. Thanks to the maximum mobility, the tool is used on the most remote areas of the country territory. This is important at long distances.

Performance and tool selection criteria

All brush cutters have the following main technical characteristics:

  • capacity;
  • tire long (knife);
  • rotation speed.

Power brush cutter operating from the mains, 0.4-0.6 kW. Devices running on gasoline, have a capacity of 0.8-0.9 kW. Judging by the figures, the difference is not too big. For this reason, the best option will be to use the brush cutter power 0,55-0,6 kW.

Knife scrub the main cutting element. Of its length depends on the number of hives, which are cut in a single pass. The longer the blade, the increased coverage of shrubs (especially when large plants are cut off). But at the same time it reduced the tool maneuverability.

Gasoline and electric hedge trimmers are 45-70 cm long knife, rechargeable - 10-60 cm Selection of this parameter tool is usually carried out starting from their priorities.. Preference is better to give Bush cutters, a knife which has a length of 50-55 cm.

blade rotation speed (RPM) plays a crucial role in the "clean" slice. The larger it is, the better the cut is made. Usually, this figure varies from 1.8 to 3.4 tys.ob. / min. The most powerful machines German company produces Vossh.


There are several criteria that will help potential buyers when purchasing hedge trimmers. These include:

  • the planned volume and complexity of the work;
  • removal of the portion of power supply sources;
  • weight and noise level of the tool;
  • the presence of brush cutter models convenient belt elements and handles.

It should be taken into account and the material of the shell unit. The most suitable is reinforced plastic. Its advantages are:

  • ease and reliability;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • nonsusceptibility corrosion;
  • ease of care.

Features of functioning and selection of different models of brush cutters

At its core is an advanced handheld brush cutter shears. It has a long handle and pull knives. This simplifies the work with the tool. The average length of the brush cutter is approximately 0.5 m, including cutting part - 0.2-0.25 m.

Scope of hand tools - a low fence with thin branches, which are available on the site in a small amount. To trim the high and too long fences and thick branches such bush cutters are not suitable. When trimming shrubs will quickly get tired hands that have an immediate impact on productivity.


It is better to acquire a tool whose knobs are equipped with rubber overlays. Thanks to them, the hands will not slide, which will make a better haircut of shrubs. The best models of manual brush cutters are products of companies Gardena and Raco (Germany), Grinda (China).

During the operation of electric brush cutters, exhaust gases are not released. Thanks to easy weight, even women can use them. And do it on the elongated hands. The choice of tools affect:

  • location of the site;
  • the total length of the hedge.

It is advisable to use an electric grinding, when the distance to shrubs does not exceed 30 m. Usually the maximum length of the cord of the device is 30 m. If the distance to the hedge is much larger, then it is not necessary to do without the extension.

And such a currenza device is not 100% safe. There is a constant risk of contact with the source of electric current. When working with a tool, often legs are confused in the wires. And with wet weather, it is completely forbidden to use it.

The most popular models are brush cutters manufactured by Al-Ko, Metabo and Bosch (Germany), Alpina (Italy) and Black & Decker (USA).

Rechargeable brush cutters are equipped with an autonomous battery, which is subject to periodic recharging. This tool is used when:

  • shrubs are located at a decent distance from the electrical network;
  • on the site there is a small amount of alive hedge.

If there are thick branches and a large amount of work, rechargeable brush cutters may not cope with trimming. It is necessary to recharge it very often. Approximately once in 40 minutes. And if there is a quick and strong contamination of the cutting elements, then the battery is enough for only 20-30 minutes. Work.

The most optimal version of the use of the battery tool is trimming branches having a thickness of up to 2 cm. If you need to cut higher green plantings, it is better to use telescopic bushes. They are equipped with unfolding rods, thanks to which you can cut branches at an altitude of up to 3 m.

The best rechargeable brush cutters produce Bosch and Gardena (Germany), Hitachi and Ryobi (Japan).

For the implementation of a huge amount of work, haircuts of thick branches and trimming of old shrubs only gasoline brush cutters are suitable. Only men's hands can cope with the tool, since it has a solid weight. When functioning, the grinding is strongly noise and pollutes the air.

Garden shears gasoline Oleo-Mac HC260XP

Therefore, when choosing an apparatus that works on gasoline, it is worth paying attention to the presence of an anti-vibration system and exhaust filtering elements. Man's health should not suffer.

Very popular gasoline custodes are models of StiHL (Germany), Oleo-Mac (Italy) and Ryobi (Japan).

Trimmer - Universal Garden Tool

The trimmer is the only faithful solution in the grass in hard-to-reach places where it is impossible to use the wheelplate. For example, around trees and bushes, along the walls, fences and garden tracks.

When purchasing a trimmer are guided by the tasks that will stand in front of the tool. The gasoline apparatus is needed when you need to engage in the harvesting of animals or destroying weed vegetation in large quantities.

The selection of the cutting elements of the trimmer is directly related to the appearance of plantings on the country site. In the presence of trees, shrubs and stones you will need a special line for cutting. Thanks to it, metal knives will not break, and the trees will be integer. If there is only shrubs in the garden only a knife will be enough.

With weeds, it is better to use electric trimmers near the house. Viking (Austria), Jonsered (USA) and Bosch (Germany) are fully suitable. The choice of a specific trimmer is carried out, based on the thickness of grass or shrubs branches. The viking electrical devices are very popular, which cut the grass and align the shrubs vertically.


Trimmers are:

  • with a handle in the form of the letter "D";
  • with T-shaped handle.

The first tool is applied with a small amount of work, but when maximum maneuverability is required. For example, the space is carried out near the living hedges, trees, shrubs or tracks.

The trimmer having a T-shaped handle performs a huge amount of work in open locality. The most powerful of them have a knife consisting of three petals. They can cut the branches with a thickness of up to 15 mm.

One of the new products is a trimmer equipped with a connector for various nozzles. In addition to the function of cat grass, such a tool can be used as a suchkoresis, snow blower and even a cultivator. Thanks to the detachable design, the trimmer can easily be placed in the car trunk and facilitate the process of its washing.

Video of the choice of custodeza:


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